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9-22-09 Kumaras Return


Part 1

 Ashtar addressing the September 22, 2009 Equinox teleconference:

"Well good evening.  This is a most remarkable moment in this history/herstory of Planet Earth.  We shall have speakers tonight who will enlarge upon this topic a bit.  But first we want to say to all of you who may not have been able to give full attention, focus or visualization to the beautifully-done announcement sent by our Beloved Brother Sananda and given, of course, by that A-team member Master Mark and corroborated by Masters Tara and Rama.  Yep, confirmed!  Mission accomplished!  Fabulous success!  So where did this inspiration to do all of this come from?  Well, it was decided long ago as you measure time, eons ago, when the Kumaras first committed to coming to this planet to hold the light until the planet, that is the kingdoms, and most specifically the human kingdom upon this Planet was able to hold the light for itself.


"Now this, of course, results in an exponential increase in the light, does it not?  We have the lights that the humans are becoming, more and more as they recognize more and more that that’s who they are anyway.  We have all of these wondrous energies that have been coming from the universe, from the great central sun, from your various starseed family members, home planets, and of course the light that has been here all this time, the Kumaras.  And so we honor each and every one of us for co-creating this most astounding, auspicious and awesome event which has occurred.  Yes, there were successful pictures taken, documentation, you know, for your 3D friends, but we know that the connections have been made and they are there.  Messages in your fields if you have not received them yet at this moment in your Earth time, will open, we’ll get to that. 


"We are going to have some fun tonight, you know, we are going to do some exercises.  But this is solemn and sacred, Beloved family.  This is a huge event in the sequential flow and it’s all downhill from here if you want to know.  It’s all done anyway from our grand observation point.  And if you are feeling a bit of a buzz, a bit of a tingle, a bit of an excitement, go for it!  Keep it going.  Welcome it.  There are messages that have been brought here, sent here, actually just have come on the wings of Love for each and every one of you, and if you are having a little trouble accessing those messages, we would like to remind you, and we’re reminding fabulous Fran as well, not that she hasn’t got quite a bit on her plate, but we are going to remind her anyway, the last three exercises that were done, that is on our last three family calls, are going to be grouped on the website www.ashtarontheroad.com .  How's that for a plug?   I do know what this advertising business is all about!   And they will be grouped for your easy access, and we invite you to go at any time you choose and do those exercises.  You might want to do them at different times on your clocks or even on your calendars because they are pretty heavy-duty exercises in that they lighten you up so much that you may want to just spend time in the bliss of each one individually. 


"Now why we are suggesting this is because, Beloved family, they were a co-creation. You asked for it and we brought it through.  Because you are so ready to go beyond.  You're all living outside of the 3D box anyway; you just may not know to what extent because we know there is a lot of chaos out there and we know it can be pretty tumultuous at times for you.  Now we gave you some insights as to the separation that will be taking place.  And there is a lot more information out there right now.  It will be joyful for all, it will be comfortable for all and nobody is going to grieve because somebody is no longer there.  Now how this can be, hmmm - that goes into a bit more science than we normally do, but suffice it to say that your bonds never really will be severed and on some level you will all know that it’s all 'A-OK'.    

"Now the next thing we want to mention to you is that regarding this the number - the word has gone out to the sub-conscious, the consciousness that is conscious awareness on the part of all of the beings on the planet and everybody’s scrambling around to get into the Ascension line.  Well, not everybody.  There are still a few resisters.  Just send ‘em Love.  Oh go ahead and give them a blast right now from your heart to theirs.   Love, love, love, it’s the most powerful, powerful energy on the planet, indeed in the universe and, Beloved family, they need it.  We shall give you some insights quite briefly.  Do not take this in except as a compassionate observer and turn on your love beams right now cause here we go. 


"There are those who insist on wearing the dark hats still.  They have super-glued them on.  They are not feeling very happy right now with their fellow dark hats because everybody is very busy attacking if you will in some manner or other, everybody else who is still wearing a dark hat.  What has happened is that the light has penetrated so much and it is so beautiful that many, whether super-glued on or not, you know they got out that remover and they - you know what you see in a graduation, when the graduating class takes off the cap, they flip the tassel and they take off the cap and they toss it into the air because they've graduated.  Well this has been happening particularly in what they call the lower ranks of their organizations.  So support from among them is leaving.  They're all real busy calling them traitors and blaming each other and really the ones now, we are talking about the ones with the super-glue still in place, they are really, really having a most tumultuous time of it.  Their dollars are gone.  And guess what?  They may have credit cards but you know who’s bank have issued those credit cards. Some of them are even getting notices, 'We're sorry, but we have to limit your spending, you’re cut off.'   Because there are some honest beings, high-level, high-vibe, from the heart beings who are in place in those banks.  They are with St. Germain.  And so as their world crashes around them, we ask that you send them Love and Compassion.  And above all else, keep that red carpet rolled out and invite them to take off those dark hats and come on down, or up, we should say, to the light.  In the heart is where it’s at.  And if they can catch a bit of the flame and allow it into their own hearts, that flame can grow.  Nothing is impossible.


"Alrighty now let’s talk about the ones who haven’t got a clue.  They are not dark hats, but they are not committed to the Ascension process either.  They are lights, but perhaps they are not burning as brightly as they might.  By the way, the very youngest of children you need not be concerned about them because they are Indigos, older Indigos, younger Crystals, Rainbows are on the way and here in some cases they all know they are lights.  They're going to make it unless there is a specific reason for them to leave their bodies imminently, but not to be concerned because you will be meeting them anyway, and they’ll still share all their wisdoms and their love with you, and they will be back.


"So let’s talk about the In-betweeners, you say that you have a son, or a daughter, or a mother, or a father or somebody, or maybe a whole big group of somebodies who think you’re just you know out to lunch, over the edge, over the top, and all of those things you are so fond of saying.  Well, you are over the top. You are over the top of the 3D box.  Congratulations!  That’s the 'in' place to be.  So keep it up.  Keep soaring higher, higher, higher.  You are going to be regarded as the wise one in the group, because it’s turning out that you do know what you’ve been talking about, and they haven’t.   But they will.  So we are telling you once again, 'Get Ready.' Can you feel it in the wind?  It’s there.  Do you have some goose-bumpies, some tinglies, some messages coming through, 'incomings' and all of those kinds of things that tell you that the sequential flow of events is like a rushing river now, or the waterfall going over the edge and when it hits the bottom which is the cool pond, the refreshing, the pristine clean pond below, that’s it.  Everyone’s invited in for a swim and it’s the waters, Nesara, Golden Age, and face-to-face hugs with all family.


"Those of us who are here now and, yes, we are here, hello, we are here, we are there we’re everywhere and that is why we can do multiple communications with you.   There are many voices who are starting to get the messages that we are putting out and broadcasting more and more, and that is why this wondrous group [Joyful Awakenings Yahoo Group]** has been formed and [the moderator] Master Bill is a Master - send him your stories and he will put them up for you all to enjoy.  Send word of it to your friends, send the link if you will, invite people.  The numbers are growing exponentially already and this is your place, Beloved Ones, to gather together in your communities and with family of fellow flyers. 
"And we are talking about flyers now.  You’ve got all of the equipment, you’ve got the wings, and you’ve got the wind under your feet.  You are not slogging through the tar pits anymore.  And if you think you are, that’s an illusion. Get over it.  Do the exercises and fly.  We invite you to fly aboard the New Jerusalem at any time you choose.  The Arcturians have their ships to welcome you for whatever healings and evolvements and Ascension preparations into high gear that you might desire.  You have already some of you and more and more of you will go on to your home planets or stars, your galaxies.  Continue.  Make these contacts.  You are the leaders.  Beloved Ones, without you and the other Lightworkers and lets call it 'bringers of the light', 'holders of the light', that kind of thing, because to say 'work' kind of implies that it might be a bit arduous and we don’t for one minute mean to diminish the sacrifices that you have made to be a holder of the light.
"The Kumaras have come but they have always been here holding the light.  They have passed the torch to you, Beloved Ones - not to leave, but to return again at this Equinox time in, shall we say, a more public way, but their Spirits have been here all this time holding the light.  And when we say they have passed the torch to you, we simply mean you’ve been holding a torch and they have just lit it up a bit brighter for you, so it is a sharing of the light.  You have answered the call, you have stepped forward.  Kudos!  Bravo!  Kumara Roses for all, because Beloved Ones you have dared to Love, you have dared to live your Truth, not necessarily entirely, but because you’ve opened your hearts, you are indeed honored beyond words.  We don’t give medals in the Ashtar Command, we give crystal light.  Feel your bodies filling with it even more.  Love beyond words we have for you.  Always have, always will.  Let it amplify even more in this moment.  Welcome it into your beings and know that we are the ones that we and the world have been waiting for.


"And I, Ashtar, commend you and thank you heart-to-heart for all that you have done and all that you are about to do.  Whether you see it or not, you will.  I shall be happy to speak with any of you who call upon me, or you can call upon the Voice if you wish, to further clarify your missions in the coming days, because you have stepped forward and because you beam so brightly you will be attracting many, many to you, and it is simply to love them and to present to them the truth of who you really are, in joyful peace, in welcoming celebration, and as a facilitator and leader of the grand changes which are taking place even now on Planet Earth.


"And so I, Ashtar, now shall leave this center stage – there is one who is just bursting with love and joy and radiant beams, and it is so appropriate that she come forward on this day of days, that which you call the Equinox.  There has never been one like this.   There never will be again on Planet Earth, as far as the measurement of the energies of  Ascension and Light are concerned, because it is only going to get higher and higher.  But we have to tell you Beloved family, Ashtar Commanders, it has never been this high.  Well done, Beloveds!   Thank you, and salute!
Part 2 will continue with Mother Gaia, KOS, and Sanat Kumara.
Thanks to Deborah Urquhart for this timely transcript.

© Susan Leland 2009.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.