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 The "We The People For Peace" Teleconference is

Tuesday, December 11th** at 6:30 PST. 
We are expecting more inspiring remarks from Ashtar.
The number to call is 1-712-451-6000. The pin is 967962#.
**While there is no registration fee for this call, you are responsible for your own long-distance charges


12 Noon, December 12, 2007 



Audio of Ashtar's Comments and Meditation

Message directly from Ashtar through the voice of Susan Leland


"Beloved Family,

"We of the Ashtar Command are asked to join in to this most sacred exercise upon the '12-12' day.  I have accepted this gracious invitation, and on behalf of our entire Family, am now asking that it be sent to you with loving encouragement to join in, if you find it at all possible to do so. 

"Your participation would be most appreciated, but if you are unable to join in, the very fact that you have taken your time and energy to read these words is a way of joining in, if only for the moment.  But please contribute your Love and your Intent to empower the energies of '12-12' even more, because that, Beloveds, is what this is about. 

"And so it is, it is done.  Salut."


 See also: www.ashtarontheroad.com/12_12_12worldwidewave.html

Hi, I am Tom.  I have been Ashtar's student for about one year, and have had many lessons from him through his Voice, Susan Leland,  of "Ashtar on the Road."

Four months ago, in a channeled private session with Ashtar, he suggested that I read the book*
"MAP: The Co-Creative White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program" by Machaelle Small Wright.  Since then, I have been doing my own MAP healing exercises. Two months ago, in another session with Ashtar, I was voicing my concern about the children worldwide who were dying every day from starvation and disease.  He suggested that I start doing a MAP healing exercise for the world, and I have been doing so ever since. 

Ashtar has encouraged me to teach others the MAP healing exercise, and to have them
join me in the MAP healing exercise for all life forms in all the kingdoms of earth.  We all know we need to clean up the mess we have helped Co-Create on this earth.  We have the ability to use this opportunity to help heal Gaia and all of her kingdoms. 

On November 23rd, Ashtar suggested that everyone join in a healing exercise by
saying the words in the EXERCISE described below at 12:00 noon on December 12, 2007 in your time zone wherever you are If you cannot do this at 12:00 noon do it at a time that is convenient for you.  It is not critical to be exactly on time; in the higher dimensions time is fluid.  The amount of time spent on the meditation is up to you.  Ashtar said, 'If you cannot join physically, join in Spirit.' 

This will Co-Create a wave of healing energy that will sweep around the world in 24 hours.  We invite you to give YOUR intent and energy to Co-Create this very powerful healing energy.  The messengers from the higher dimensions have always said we are more powerful than we believe.  This gives each of YOU the information to utilize the tools you already have to heal yourselves, and to heal all life on Gaia.  Any additional information can be obtained by reading the book on the MAP healing exercise.***    
(The numerology of the numbers '12-12-12' in 2007 is very interesting, too (see below):

12:00 Noon in YOUR time zone on December 12, 2007, or as close to that time as you can.  When doing a personal session I lay down.  I use a timer so that, if I go to sleep, it will wake me up. With the session for all the kingdoms, I think you could do it anywhere, in the position that is most comfortable for you.  Let your intuition lead you. After settling in comfortably and centering yourself, repeat these words:

"It is our intent to Co-Create a MAP healing session for the whole world.  We are inviting Pan**, the Overlighting Deva of Healing, the White Brotherhood Teams for all Life Forms on Earth and the Higher Selves for all Life Forms on Earth, all to be present and to work their miracles to heal all Life in all the Kingdoms on Earth.  So it is."

Then relax and allow the work to be done, knowing that your Higher Self is a part of the healing team. When you feel complete with the session, just go about your day, knowing that you have made a beautiful and loving contribution to the healing of the entire planet.

(**Pan is the Spirit of Nature)

Thank you for helping all of us Co-Create this healing for all life and our home.  Please send this on to every one and every list, group, chat-room, forum or appropriate website you know.  

1+2 = 3


2+0+0+7= 9

for a  double 9

and 9+ 9  = 18 which is again 9 )