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JFK:Order Of Excalibur

Note from Ashtar:  "There is included below an Exercise for the Heart, in which we ask you to participate on the day of tomorrow, November 22, 2008.  This is a most timely thing to do in this year of 1, because it will help to push forward certain events in progress.  These events were envisioned by beloved JFK 25 years ago in your time, but were subordinated to other events which needed to play out first.  However, the time is NOW!!! Almost all of the events have been played out - we are in the final lines of the last act of the dark ones, and the curtain is set to rise upon the Announcement of the Golden Age and its Truth, in what is left of 3D.

"Do this, Beloved Ones, for your Country and for the World, and invite the presence of JFK and his memories of Arthur and Camelot to overlight you as you proceed. We love you infinitely, and shall be with you in this grand Exercise.  Let us shine together, in Freedom, Peace and Love!  Salut!"
We thank Deborah Urquhart, Mary Sherritt and Steve Beckow for taking copious notes during the conference call and sending them to us, in order to facilitate sending out summaries right after the call.  Here is the complete transcript of the JFK portion of the 11-18-08 Ashtar teleconference:


John Fitzgerald Kennedy addressing the November 18, 2008 Ashtar teleconference:

"Greetings, my fellow citizens of the world. I am so grateful to you for your generous invitation. I am the one that you call JFK. And while this voice does not have the mechanisms to speak with exactly the dialect which I made somewhat famous around the world, let me assure you it is I, indeed come to thank you for being holders of the light, carriers of the faith in what you call a better tomorrow, which is now today.

"You have asked what you can do for the world and we, those of us who are on the other side, my brothers, my son, my beloved family members, join together now, in welcoming you as you welcome us to the family of love and light.  There are no accidents. The flame that was lit upon my grave where my body was buried is simply a reminder to all that the light of love and the flame of freedom can never die.  It has been dimmed at various times in the history of this earth and other places. It has seemed as though it was not there at all. And we know of these things.

"I too have lived lives upon Planet Earth in other places, in other times, and let's just say that the ideals and principles upon which I based my life of the service and the desire to improve the lives of everyone in the world, well, I have a strong heritage for that. I have what you call the soul memories mixed into my being of the one you call Arthur. And there are no accidents. And thus it was so easy for me as I grew into my early manhood and beyond to adopt the principles upon which he stood. He was no mythical character.  He was no legend. He lives on as do I.  There are no accidents. The whole of Camelot was brought forward again, partly as a fun kind of an entertainment, but also to bring forth again the principles and the ideals which were so much a part of that time in the history/herstory as Ashtar says, and herstory it was indeed as much as his, of what you call the Sixties.

"It was indeed the dawning of the Age of Aquarius and that it was announced. The seeds were planted by everyone who answered the call, the wake-up call, as much by the flower children as by anyone. And I endeavored to move things a bit ahead in time and to bring about some sweeping changes within what you call this country which is so great, and changes that would have had fabulous, wonderful impact on the world as a whole had they been implemented. But it was a bit early in the sequential flow as it has been put. 

"And so my greatest service thus became one of being what you call a martyr. And it was by contract. I ignored information that I was given. I went to Dallas knowing I had a meeting not only with my own destiny but with that of the world. People had to be more awake.  People had to be more aware of what was taking place behind closed doors. People had to come to the consciousness that said,  'We're turning in another direction and we aren't going to blow ourselves up this time. Neither are we going to continue to be subjugated to tyranny.  We are here to live our liberty, to enjoy our freedom, and to express wholly and completely what we have passions to accomplish.'

"And so, in a  way, I allowed myself to be taken from the stage, but not really. Here comes another date - another date that looks upon your calendar like 11/22/1.  That's pretty powerful numbers, don't you think.  And yes, 11/22 was the chosen date. Eleven Twenty-two was the date that was chosen as a symbolic flashback, if you will, to a time when that institution called the Federal Reserve Bank was created in order to show the world who was in charge. But 11/22 was too sacred a number to be reserved strictly for those who would continue in their dark ways. It is a date of joy. It is a date of celebration, and that is what we ask you to do. Celebrate life. Celebrate destinations. Celebrate reunions. Invite us to come even closer to you on that date and surely we will!

"Feel the love and the presence right now of all of us together. Allow yourselves to open your hearts and feel the love that we represent to you, even as we feel the great love you represent to us.  You are so dear whether you are a baby just born or teenager or young adult back in those times.  You are so dear to us for being a part of this. And for those of you who were not yet in human body at that time we salute you coming to be a part of all of this now.  And we welcome you even as representatives of the younger generation, perhaps the generation of my grandchildren indeed. 
"And we want you to know that the commitment to service is already being expressed by those called Kennedy. Look for them even more. We are with them constantly because we are a group of soul family who have come together, whether we are in body or not, we have come together to be leaders in love and light, to help light your paths as you proceed along your golden paths of Ascension.  So be not concerned if something happens on the political or the economic scene that appears to be a backward step, because as we have told you before there are many, many events which are necessary to complete in a particular order. And that that which might appear to be a backward step, if you will check in with yourselves, is a gigantic leap forward, so be in joy as we are.  We see it all.

"I stand in great company. I am what you might call on the committee of St. Germain and I stand with Lady Liberty and with Lady Nesara -  real, real energies, loving energies, freedom energies, and great lights upon the path which you followed so beautifully earlier. We were with you then.  We are with you now and always. 

"Now when that day of the announcement comes, when you are seeing Lady Nada and you are seeing St.Germain, look closely and see me there. I am there already lighting up the stage. I am there at some of the behind the closed-door meetings, an energy of love, an energy of honor, of service.  And that which I have left behind in the words I spoke and the deeds I did are to be remembered most of all as lights upon the way, helping planet Earth to turn away from its destruction and onto the much higher path - the Golden Age of Aquarius and the Ascension that follows-it's introduction.

"Thank you so much, all of you, all for being here for this reunion of hearts and souls and let me assure you that the eternal flame is present in all of your hearts. It has never stopped burning in all the times that you have been on Planet Earth.  No matter what color costume you wore, no matter what your deeds and thoughts and your words were, you have always had this flame of love, this flame of freedom burning bright within you. And that is how, beloveds, you recognized your own wake-up calls, your own desire not only to be here as part of this family  but to be in service to the world and the universe beyond.

"And so we salute you and we thank you and we ask you to stay joined with us as the events unfold. And know that you are all a presence upon the stage as your Constitution is restored, as your freedoms become real again and as the love you are is allowed to finally permeate everywhere on planet Earth - No blocks, no dark ones with their heads in the sand.  As the light shines universally for all, you are a part of that light. This conclusion to third dimensional Earth could not have happened without you and your participation, Beloved Ones. Know that!  Know how honored you are.

"And I ask that you accept a symbolic, but nevertheless real, ceremony if you will participate.
If you would all come forward. As Arthur I offer you the highest honor of the realm. I invite you to come forward and allow me to honor you with the sword Excalibur. So come forward in your mind's eye and kneel if you will that I may stand before you and that Excalibur may reach you as it is intended to do as the sword of truth rather than as a weapon of any kind.

"Now, be still for a moment and accept the honor as I lay Excalibur upon your left shoulder and your right shoulder and upon your crown. And I welcome you into the Order of Excalibur and honor you as carriers and tellers of Truth - the Blue Flame of Truth - feel the energy permeating your entire being.  Feel the joy of it and feel the empowerment of it.  And now rise and let us join hands and let us rejoice, reunited we are in family and in love.  The principles of the knights and ladies of the Round Table, the men and women, is now carried forward into each and every one of you by this ceremony.  Bring it forward now into the time of now - into the now moment and hold this sacred trust within your glorious beings.

"And when you are so moved you may do this ceremony with anyone who comes to you. Pay it forward, Beloved Ones. And As you do so, observe how the lights shine even brighter, radiantly within all of those whom you honor in this way as we have honored you. Welcome to the Round Table. We are honored at your presence.

"So my fellow citizens of the world, you have asked what you could do and you are answering, responding, and moving beautifully in the directions that you have received as your answers.  And we say to you, let the call be answered now by others. Carry this message forward and allow, allow it to go out on the wings of freedom, powered by love and the golden light it is.

"We shall come again as Round Table participants in the Golden Age.  And we invite all of you to visit the Eternal Flame if you feel so inclined. Oh yes, and very soon Camelot will be available for your visitations as well.  And so it is with great joy and a great sense of honor at being with you in this grand reunion that we say only 'Fare Thee Well' and 'Namaste.'"

© Susan Leland 2008.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.