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Mission Accomplished

St.Germain addressing the January 15th, 2008 Ashtar teleconference:
"Namaste, beautiful Beloved Ones, citizens of planet Earth.   I greet you and I salute you and I say, Beloved Ones, welcome home.   It has always been destined, although not always seen as what would be happening sequentially, that planet Earth would indeed rise from the lower vibrational situation into the high realms of Love, only Love, pure Love and Joy.  And that all beings upon planet Earth who choose to do so will come into their completeness and be successful in accomplishing their own Ascension, just as I and my brothers and sisters have done.
"And so it is, Beloveds, it was ordained long ago and I am particularly involved, shall we say, I am in charge, by mutual consent of all.  I am spokesperson and leader in the re-creation of that country which you call the United States of America.  And as this occurs, so too shall this same occurrence, this resurrection, if you will, this arising renaissance, shall occur worldwide on planet Earth.   And so it is that all nations shall come together in Love and in Harmony and it will be one grand awakening and the Violet Light shall shine everywhere in purification, in healing and in transmutation of all that is to be changed in order for planet Earth to proceed upon the Ascension path.   
"And so I come by your invitation, Beloved Light workers, Beloved Family members.   I am overjoyed to be here with you, and to be telling you that which you have been speaking of is happening, most particularly in that place you call Washington D.C.   This is where the leadership is seen to be.   And they do have the titles of leadership in the government of the United States of America.   And we can assure you that they are in multiple violations of that sacred document that you call your Constitution.  This is being noted.   It has been noted and in each moment, it shall continue until such time as they are totally removed from the scene and no longer have any empowerment whatsoever to usurp the authority which has been given to them or which they have taken. 
"And the country and all of the freedoms upon which it was founded shall be returned to the people and along with this, just see the violet flame in your mind's eye.  And know that when we speak of a renaissance, we speak of a coming into bloom shall we say, of not only the physical aspects of this country and all of the world, but we're talking about a renaissance of spirit, beloved ones.   And it is this renaissance of spirit which is already taking place that is making everything else possible, because it's all about Love.   It's all about coming together in consciousness and saying 'it's time, as we measure time'; 'the hour has come'.   
"We shall reclaim our freedoms.  We shall reclaim our identities as Beings of Love and in so doing we shall co-create peace upon the entire planet.   We shall create abundance for all.  The world shall be a wondrous place where everyone can laugh and dance and sing and where the children are free from whatever nightmares they have endured,  and where all are empowered by the grace, by the god-goddesses that we are to shine forth to follow their passions and to live their lives wholly in Love knowing that they are only receiving the highest of truths.  They can trust again.  They can express themselves freely and they can honor, honor Spirit in whatever manner  they choose, but they can also know that that which is called divinity, they are, we are and all are. 
"So stand in the air of freedom.   And now look to the stage to see who your leaders are and there shining upon all and beautifully lit for the world to see stands Lady Liberty with her torch lit and blazing the truth that freedom, full freedom, brings.   And see beside her Lady Nesara.  Lady Nesara  was called into being long ago.  And the inspiration for those who wrote it, the law that is, was divinely given because you, Beloveds, called it forth even though you may not have been consciously aware that you did so.   
"So now, just as what might not seem long ago to you, I visited a small group of men who were very afraid, but nevertheless had received the information to write a document which the King called treason and they knew he would and they knew that their lives were forfeit and probably the lives of their families.  Nevertheless, I had the honor of visiting that body and I had the honor of speaking to them, addressing them directly even as we are doing so now.   Men wept, but they were exalted at the same time.  
"And John Hancock's hand did not tremble when he signed that document.   Nor did any of the others as they pledged their lives and their fortunes and their sacred honors because they knew they were doing the honorable thing.  They knew the truth and they were prepared to give up everything that they knew in their world in order to speak for freedom.  In order to speak for the peace, even though there was some war ,because the King could not let go that easily, and there had already been incidents.  What they wanted was peace for themselves to worship in a manner they chose, to earn their livings and to not be abused, not to have their rights abused as they had been.  
"And so they stood honorably and one by one they signed that document and that document is living and alive even today.   And I, St.Germain, have had the honor of being present at the signing of that document as representative of those whom you call the Ascended Masters and the Angels.  And yes, you, beloved ones, were there as well in your Spirits, and we came together and those who had been in observation, the star seeds from the other planets, who desired to see earth achieve her rightful place in the solar and the galactic organization.  They were there too, Beloved Ones, and we stood together on that glorious day and we absolutely banished fear, and for that shining moment those who signed that sacred document were able to rise above their fears, to transcend them, if you will.  Yes, the violet light was very much there in evidence, and they knew it.  
"And they got a glimpse of that which you would call the destiny of this country they had so audaciously taken a step toward creating.  And so on that day were given the symbols, the ideals, and the flame was lit in the hearts of all throughout the world.   And the principles upon which this country was founded have never died.  They are as alive today as they were then.  It is simply as if they have been put into a closet, as it were.  But the light is shining so brightly that they cannot be hidden any more.   It is you, beloveds, the ones called 'the light workers', the ones we call family, who are bringing this about.  And so, this ascension process will be indeed lead by this country that was founded for that purpose.  By this country that was founded upon ideals and principles and truths, the highest truth in existence.  
"And this country is engaged in a fabulous reemergence, regeneration and a renaissance of these truths and it is known more and more.  It is leaking, if you will, into your traditional, shall we say, news media.  And of course it is all over that marvelous internet and everyone is beginning to feel the passion for freedom.  And everyone is starting to feel and see and know within their hearts, even as an event is taking place.  They are starting to know the truth.
"Just as you were saying earlier that you knew there were manipulations of the voting that has been going on in your country, you are so aware, Beloved Ones, because you are tuned in and so we ask that you put the Violet Ray to work.  Bring forth the Blue Ray for Truth and always ask for the truth in all matters and when you see that the truth is love, and what is being told to you is the opposite of love, then you know that it is not truth.  That is where you can apply the Violet Ray, whether it be for the world and something that has gone on in the world, or whether it be within your own world, your own being, always look for truth and allow it to shine forth and do so with love and then be prepared, Beloved Ones.   Be prepared, Beloved Ones, I offer you the Violet Ray.  It is yours to transmute whatever, whatever you feel is of the lower vibrations, transmute it to love.   
"We ask you to forgive all of these ones that you have been discussing and all of the others to follow.  There is truth to the news that has been discussed tonight.  And yes, there is a plan for sequential events to take place.  We shy away from dates a bit because there are sometimes adjustments in the plans that need to be made.  But we promise you this, when the one called Bush steps in front of the world, those who may not even know they are seeking the truth are going to get it.   And, if it is appropriate, other events will be occurring. 
"There is no turning back, and they are starting to know it.  And this is well and good for And so we shall with great love be removing them from the stage.   We shall be honorably treating them because, as it has been said so many times, two wrongs do not make a right.   Or in non-judgmental terms, If there is a dark space somewhere, the only way to transmute that dark is to put the light on it, and the light is Love.   And so we ask that you all do the same.  You will find it very easy with these empowering energies to let go of whatever thoughts you may have towards an individual or group or the entire world that are less than loving. Some have already done so, they have cleaned house, so to speak.   
And so we shall take a moment to just simply do a bit more in that regard.  And as we participate individually, we are one as a group of family.  We are one in love and we are one in service.  And so we shall come together and bring this gift to ourselves and then share it with the world.  It will further  enhance not only all of our individual missions but it will be a grand energetic gift to further support the empowerment of Love for the United States of America and for the world you call planet earth. 
"And so we ask that you join, not just with me but with this entire company, Light Beings we all are, Love Beings indeed.  And settle in and breathe.  Breathe in the Truth of who you are.  Breathe in the Truth of what is really happening in the world as these events parade through.  Breathe in the Truth and find room for Joy.  Let that Joy permeate your entire being, because it is Joy, it is absolute Joy, is it not, to hear those famous words, 'Mission accomplished'. and we can say that to you beloveds, because it is accomplished, all that you came here to do up to this moment is accomplished.  
"And so you have more mission, and more and more, but we shall go forth together upon an even higher path.  Now welcome to that path, if you will, Lady Nesara, Lady Liberty, and let their light bathe you in the warmth and the glow of who we all really are.  You may take their hands if you wish, or simply walk with them and as you do, notice that you are coming, you are coming to a city.  And before you enter the city, take time to bring in all of the loving energies to yourselves.  Allow yourselves to glow with the radiance of who you really are.  And carry that empowerment everywhere in your being and bring it forth.  And now walk into the city-you know the one-it seems to be having some darkness-it is the city called Washington, DC and our mission, Beloved Ones, in this moment is to clear the darkness and bring the light to that city.
"And so, let us begin.  If you wish you can take flight at this time so you can hover over it, or you can continue to walk through it, and as you do, literally radiate the Love, the Truth, and the Joy out from your beings.  And now see the Violet Light begins to grow and grow and grow larger, spreading everywhere in its magnificent radiance and you, Beloved Ones, are causing this to happen so.  And it is not restricted to the outdoors, but let it clear away, literally transmute, all that has been restricted and seemed to be so dark, into brilliant, gleaming lights, the light of the crystals, and see how clean it is now, and see how pure the air is outside. 
"But as you go about your tour, as it were, notice that everyone seems to be inside.  And so it is appropriate to enter into the buildings, and you can enter into all of them at once.  And let this light, this beautiful Violet Light, shine forth and transmute, transform all that is there into beautiful, beautiful Lovelight and dispel the darkness forever.  And now come to those buildings, those sacred buildings.  You call them 'the White House', you call them the halls of Congress and House of Representatives,  you call them the buildings of Justice where the Supreme Court resides, and you call them all of the offices of the Cabinet officers and the heads of various organizations, you know, three-letter organizations everywhere.  And yes, there are some buildings that are not entirely within the city of Washington, DC, but you can reach them also because they have ties, and so send that love along the cables they are seeming to be, those energetic ties out to all the places where the government of the United States of America is represented in 3D.
"Send it across the oceans to the embassies and the places where the representatives of this country are placed.  Send it to the battlefields.  Send it to the places where what you call the 'black ops' are taking place, send it into the jungles, the deserts; send it into the snow countries, even as the snow is melting and revealing more.  Send it to the tunnels that are under the ground.  Send it to all of their observation stations above planet earth.  let this grand Violet Light, this light which is Love, an expression of Love, let it permeate everywhere.  And as it does so, allow Love to dissipate and transmute whatever was there that was dark.  Allow this to happen, send it out on your wings of love, send it out on the airwaves and let it open the hearts and the minds and the wisdom eyes of those who have been closed off. 
"And now, Beloved Ones, look upon the stage, and see upon that stage the leaders, the ones who are of courage, the ones who have the same ideals as those who founded this country and seeing them restoring, coming forth as though they have been subdued and put into the dark by those who have been retaining power.  see them coming forth and shining bright and being the leaders that you truly want.  And now see their leadership extending to all the world, below, on and above.  See ambassadors going to the galactic councils and the solar tribunal, and see planet earth being welcomed now into the Galactic Federation. 
"And now see yourselves, Beloveds, enjoying the Peace on Earth and the Joy of being in Ascension, on and with planet Earth, for this is your mission and as we see the past , present, and future, as you call them are one, we say 'Well done, Beloveds, well done!  Mission accomplished!'  So we stand with you in this shining hour upon planet Earth, and we assure you that all that you wish to create - Healing, Abundance, and Joy - are yours.  Take these precious energies that are coming to you in such infinite quantities and use them on your life's path and to facilitate for others that which we have created already and is done!
"We are One, Beloveds, we are One.  And I am honored to invite you to join with me in using the Violet Ray to accomplish the rest of our missions.  And as it is spoken here, and as you have created it, so it is - and it is done.   Namaste.

© Susan Leland 2008.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.