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Ashtar:Age of Aquarius

Ashtar addressing the February 10, 2009 teleconference:

"..Love, caring and sharing is, in a nutshell, what the Age of Aquarius is all about.  There are programs of humanitarian nature opening up all over the world.  More and more you will be hearing about those and less and less you will be hearing about, well, things that are perhaps not so happy but the news commentators put them on, because they have some shock value, you see. 

"There will be less and less of that kind of news to report in the first place, and there's going to be an overwhelming amount of good news, good news that will prove to everyone the Truth of what we all know - which is that lies have been told. 
"There are those in your hallowed halls of government who know the difference between the Truth and lies – the difference between what the news has published and what it should have published, the difference between what is propaganda designed to control, enslave and generally bulldoze over or get rid of anyone who dares to open their mouth in opposition, that is to tell the Truth.  That's ending. 

"You have a leader who knows the difference between Truth and lies.  You have a leader who does not want to honor anybody who is currently or in the past been successful in promoting the dark agenda.  He wants Truth and only Truth.  And this is a big difference for your country, of course, the United States of America and her neighbors, because as prosecutions proceed, they'll be reaching out to the countries that have cooperated most fully with those who are currently scheduled to be arrested or have already been so.

"Canada and Mexico have been great contributors, supporters of the whole control program.  Well, of course, if the plan had been completed and the three countries merged as one, those who were top in the leadership personally would have been expecting grand rewards.  They've been a part of the program as the most ardent supporters of the government officials in the USA, and then the bank officials and so on and so on - the power elite in other words.

"They were accomplishing what they wanted to get accomplished, but now the whole thing has ground to a glorious halt.  It's not going to happen.  Forget the famine; get ready for the feast.  That's the new currency, and for as long as you need currency, it's all printed and ready for you.  And the banks are becoming more and more ready for you. 

"We're not going to go into great detail but, suffice it to say, when that plane didn’t sink, or worse yet, crash into a huge population center in New York City's Manhatten Island, that was a lesson within the lesson.  Many messages were given out.  You know the Illuminati are so fond of giving little secret messages to each other and in front of the TV cameras – but what the TV cameras showed that day was a miracle within a miracle within a miracle.  The plane didn’t sink, no one died or was seriously injured on it,  and the pilot got out - no one was eliminated. 

"What a message that sent!  If you don't think it was heard on Wall Street and in the other places of financial power which have been in a tizzy, think again.   And to be very honest, the Age of Aquarius is not any better for them unless they are ready.  Now all they have to do is step forward and take off their dark hat and put on a white one.  It's that simple.

"..We're here to tell you that people are raising their spirits, raising their vibrations, finding their passions and doing all kinds of new things in every moment.  Now it seems like a simple mind switch, but it takes dedication and that's what the Lightworkers have, and the Ashtar Family are leaders in this.  We know, as individuals you do sometimes get down in the dumpies.  Something gets flung at you seemingly from out of nowhere and it can stop you for a moment in your tracks, and it can cause you to think about spinning around and going backwards and all of these things. 

"But what you are becoming masters at, Beloved Ones, is overcoming all of this. You instantly recognize when you start that little downward movement, and you all have tools in your tool bags to quickly, not only understand and allow the feelings, but then to set it right.  Its all about vibrations and frequencies, and we are happy to report that because you're doing the grand work that you are - Lightworkers, starseed brothers and sisters in human bodies and not, and all the realms of the higher dimensions and all of the wondrous ones in inner earth - do you know how much amplitude is being turned up as we speak because you, Beloved Ones, are calling for that now and that energy is aiding the planet itself? 

"All of these efforts combined have raised the frequency of the planet as a whole, despite the ones still running around in their dark hats and trying to find room under a rock or whatever, and despite the ones who are doubters and have been doubters.  Many fewer doubters will be present -  if they doubted in the past they will not be doubters come this day [February 14, 2009] and as the Age progresses and is recognized.

"February is a grand month of chaos.  Actually, if you want to get poetic; oh, we do love getting poetic.  February has come in like a bit of a lion – a blustery, blowing lion, has it not?  And we're not just talking weather.  February is the month that will go out like the lamb.

"And it is in the month of March that you will see them lying down together.  If you want to take that as a symbol of Peace - what is the message of the lion and the lamb lying down together, if not Peace, Harmony and Understanding?  Indeed.  Look for that everywhere in March, as the month marches on.  You are going to get happier and happier because of events, which you will be getting truthful news of, that are taking place, and the groundwork is being laid now.

"And if you have any doubts about the Reformation Act which is NESARA, National Economic Security and Reformation Act - that's the Reformation Act.  Isn't that a lovely name?  It kind of implies healing, doesn't it?  It kind of implies moving ahead – reforming the whole structure of your society on planet Earth.

"Well, welcome to the crystalline grid.  How's that for reforming the structure?  Welcome to the age of unlimited potential for healing, for Lightwork, for caring, for sharing, for giving and receiving and for joining with all of Mother Gaia's kingdoms in the grand mission work that is to be accomplished in this grand Year of Eleven.  So yes, the Reformation Act will lead to all of these actions and you, Beloved Ones, are there, and you know that it is so.."

© Susan Leland 2009.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.