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Ashtar Commanders as One

Ashtar: "We Are Accomplishing Our Mission!"
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - March 11, 2014

"Greetings Beloved Family!  Welcome, welcome, welcome to the Bridge of The New Jerusalem - my ship, yes, and your ship as well.  It is your energy that we welcome aboard, it is your Love, and your commitment, and dedication, and Joy, because we are indeed a team!  Many of you recognize yourselves already to be Ashtar Commanders in ground crew uniforms.  We salute you for taking on the densities and all of the challenges of being in the human body!!!

"Others of you know that you are ambassadors from many planets and places throughout the Universe, or that you have served in the temples in times past, on Planet Earth and in other places, that you have been seekers of Truth and sharers in some manner or other of your own Truth, of your own realities, of what you found in your Hearts.

"And so it is that we welcome all of you, for together we are united as One, and it is in our Oneness that we are what you might want to call, invincible!  By that, I simply mean that we are lifting up into the Higher Realms together.  You have invited us, and we are therefore allowed by your dispensation to come to meet you, to further lift you up and to assist in welcoming you into the Higher Dimensional Realms of Light.

"There are even Light places - many more in each nanosecond upon Planet Earth in what you might perceive to be the 3D atmosphere - but the reality of it is, that you are bringing the Higher levels, and with them the Light that is all that is there, into 3D and literally clearing out the old programs, the old agendas and flooding it with so much Light, that the Light prevails and the darkness cannot return!!!

"Yes, you are hearing a lot these days of those who are scurrying for cover, like so many crabs do when you lift up a rock at the seashore and the Light floods in - and we mean no disrespect to the crab kingdom.  Their instinct is to go back under the rock, however the crabs are an innocent kingdom.  But the ones who have been occupying the human bodies - not so innocent, as you know.

"Yet, it is to regard them as the innocent children, knowing what they have done, but in forgiving mode allowing them to come to the same Light that you are flooding yourselves with, and moving into more and more.  The Light of the Oneness, the Light of Love and all that is an outpouring from Love - or, we say, all that Love engenders or gives birth to.

"It is a mighty, mighty Mission that we are accomplishing!  Truth be known, it has not happened before in this Universe!  There are times when Planet Earth has tried this Ascension from human bodies - dense human bodies - into the Lightbodies, but it has not happened.  Just as it was not the plan of those who used to control, that this would be successful.  But look at the record -there have been no nuclear bombs dropped - and no nuclear weapons will be unleashed.  There will be no World War III!!!

"You were headed very firmly in that direction not so very long ago.  The ones who were perpetrating all of this had places off of Planet Earth that they planned on getting to, and living a life of luxury and ease.  Oh, they would have eventually started wars among themselves, even as they are warring now, but it all looked very good to them.  But you said, 'NO!'  Without your saying 'NO,' we could not be here.  So remember that we are here because you have allowed us to come and because, Beloved Ones, you have listened to what we have had to say and you have opened your Hearts!

"You have recognized the sincerity and the Truth of our messages to you.  As we have stated, many of you have recognized that you are very, very familiar, not only with the bridge of The New Jerusalem, but indeed with your own ships in the Ashtar Command!  I  promise you that all of those of you who choose to reunite with your ships and your crews and become again active members of the Ashtar Command - not confined, shall we say, to your human bodies - your places are ready for you if you choose to engage in that lifestyle!!!

"First, there is Mission here on Planet Earth, and you all know how serious the Mission remains, because there are still those who want to fill your heads with lies, and in so doing get you to close your Hearts and your great connections with the Higher Realms.  So we are here simply to validate what you have been hearing from us, to encourage you to find your realities, your Truths, within your own Hearts and then to listen to what resonates - and feel free to discard anything that does not!

"If what I, Ashtar, am saying to you sounds too preposterous - well just let it sit.  We often say that there are many, many in the World who are not quite awake yet, but yet it's like the emails are sitting in their inboxes, and they will open them when they are inspired so to do.  So we thank you, Beloved Ones, most, most gratefully and with absolutely infinite Love that you are here, that you are listening and that you are a part of this Grand Company, for we have Mission and Purpose to accomplish in this Gathering and we shall indeed proceed with it!

"First, I would make some comments.  We understand that it is most difficult to hear what you call conflicting news, or, news that is not harmonious.  You may hear something in one moment and in the next moment you hear something that is completely the opposite.  Well, we would remind you that the place to find the real Truth is within yourselves and your own Hearts.

"So look for that which resonates, explore that which you are drawn to and just leave the rest sitting on the shelf for now, because you have plenty to do as it is.  You are leading more than one life, did you know that?  Well, let me fill you in.  When I said, for instance, to those of you who are Ashtar Commanders, that your ships are ready and waiting for you, what I did not finish with - and I shall finish with now - is that indeed you do spend a good part of your time on your ships in Missions of the Ashtar Command!!!  Right now we have almost our entire focus on the Mission here with Planet Earth and on getting Planet Earth into Higher Dimensional Levels, where all of this darkness just literally falls away, where the Golden Age Lifestyle is to be lived and enjoyed to its fullest by each and every one on the Planet! That includes all of Mother Gaia’s kingdoms, not just the humans!

"So it is that you are assisting in this Mission in your waking hours, as well as in your sleeping times!  If you are feeling a little bit of exhaustion, be in understanding and be kind to yourselves, and do the nurturing that you so deserve.  The reality is that you are on the verge of the Golden Age!  There is going to be - not just one - but one BIG initial Announcement and that is called NESARA, and then there will be another biggie which will be of course, 'First Contact,' if you want to call it that still, that is alright.

"There will be many, many announcements along the way - and in between, and then afterward - which will define for everyone on the Planet what the Golden Age Lifestyle is all about.  And the means to live it shall be coming out, we know.  When we talk about the means to live it, you automatically - and this is entirely appropriate - you think of means has having a dollar sign in front of it.  This is the way it is, because the dollar is the way that seemingly anything happens on Planet Earth.

"The concept of free energy being given to the World, for instance, by Dr. Keshe is a little bit far out there, we know. When we start talking about doing these things for free, even though we are doing a lot of things absolutely for free – no dollars involved, not even any pennies - we understand that this is a stretch.  There will be an interim flow of energies which are symbolized by dollars, backed by gold and other precious metals. This is to get the Golden Age off to a most successful and joyful start for everyone upon the Planet!!!

"Everybody is going to receive.  What our Mission is, is to inspire you, to request in all sincerity and with all Love, that you love beyond yourselves.  By all means if you want a little red sports car like Sekhmet has, or if you want a better house than what you are perceiving that you live in - perhaps one that has a roof intact, or whatever; if you wanting to do some traveling on the conventional carriers like airplanes and such, while we are getting the new modes of travel ready for you, or when it's time you may even be able to buy one of the prototype George Jetson vehicles or something like that.  It’s all well and good!!!

"We ask that you go beyond, that you envision how you can use your abundance to share with others.  You say, 'Well, Ashtar if everybody is getting abundance who needs me to share with them?' Well, let’s talk about Hearts, the energy of the giving Heart.  Everybody wants to give to everybody else - is that a bad thing?  What does that do for the dimensional levels that all of Planet Earth occupies?  Does that not provide a huge momentum for lifting up?

"And then there is the practicality of it, the fact that the distribution of the abundance has been mandated to be done in stages.  Even though one stage may come very fast upon the next, and so on and so on, there is still that brief moment in time where if you are one of the first receivers - for instance, if you are a beneficiary of one of the humanitarian trust funds, you will be in first receivership.  And so it follows that your own neighbors, or even members of your own blood families might not have, in that moment, what you have, and might welcome a gift from you – gift, not loan.  We are talking about 'No strings attached!'

"So what if you say, 'Oh, my neighbor has a leaky roof, I will give my neighbor some dollars so that the leaky roof can be fixed.' And what if the neighbor says, 'This is wonderful but my Heart’s desire is to sell this house with a leaky roof and travel.' Just say, 'Wonderful!!!'  You don’t qualify it because you are not there to determine what your neighbor’s Joy is.  You best serve with no strings attached!

"You have had strings attached to you all these eons of time and the puppeteers have been the dark hats.  You will be receiving abundance and with that abundance will come Freedom to make your choices.  So we are suggesting that in order for the Planet as a whole to lift up into the higher realms of Light, where only Light exists - and from there of course comes Ascension - that every single one of you can look around you and share. This is called opening your Hearts unconditionally, no strings attached!!! Well, you can attach a Ho’oponopono to it, if you wish!  You can attach, 'I am a compassionate observer of all life, and I choose to share!'  Now that’s pretty powerful and very, very High-vibe, is it not?

"So, Beloved Ones, we are so close to these Announcements and to the initiation of an entirely new Lifestyle for you and for everyone on the Planet!  So it is right now to remember to look into your Hearts and to express from your Hearts with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude.  You will not only stay on track and bring yourselves up Higher and Higher, but you will be fulfilling the Grand Mission for which you came!!!

"We understand that this is a rather grand vision, and so we remind you that it is one step at a time, and even if you have a less than open Heart moment, shall we say, that is perfectly alright, that is you being you, that is you bringing up something right into your face, your Divine beautiful face for you to look at and to recognize!  We want to mention that more and more of you are having these Divine moments, because there are still some things to balance out or to bring into Harmony, and so we are wanting you to look upon yourselves, Beloved Ones, with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, and know that the success of your own individual, personal clearings and upliftments are well underway!

"There is no turning back – we are scanning…there is not one of you who wants to turn back and run and hide under the rock like the crabs when the Light shines upon them!  You’re all past that. If you do have a momentary moment of discomfort, remember you are a part of the One We All Are!  You are Divine, you are in Divine Company, and each and every one of you are radiant Light unto the World and the Universe beyond!!!

"So keep on beaming your Lovelights, and together we are accomplishing this Grand Mission, One in Light, One in Love. And so I, Ashtar, thank you for being here with us and for hearing my words to you, from my Heart to yours.  And now we are going to hear from one who has been with us throughout all of these eons of time.  He has his own ship, it is called, The Star of Bethlehem and so we invite you to stay tuned for Archangel Michael.* Blessings to all and Infinite Love.  And so it is.  Salut!"

* Archangel Michael's message: http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/michael-awakening-to-truth.html

Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, March 11, 2014. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
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