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Ashtar: It's Time
to Begin Opening Gifts!

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference December 23, 2014

"Greetings, Beloved Family!  Welcome to the Bridge of The New Jerusalem.  We are excited, as excited as children, for instance, when they start to move toward the Christmas tree that has so many presents under it.  And we invite you to join us, because we’ve got a lot of opening to do during what remains of this Holy Days Season, and going into what you call your New Year, which is actually very holy indeed!

"Now, I am going to go back a way.  I can do that, you know - even though there is no time where I am, I can observe your times -and I will remind you that when I first became publicly visible and heard through this Voice, I spoke of leaky boats.  How many of you remember the leaky boats?  And I told you that there were those, whom I now call the dark hats, who are all in these leaky boats.

"Well, they have taken on so much water which, of course, is why a boat sinks, that they are on the very verge of doing so.  But some of them are going to have an interesting surprise, in that they are going to meet someone who is not generally associated with water -although she says she is an expert swimmer and she does enjoy her paddle board - but that one’s name is Mother Sekhmet.  And she is extremely powerful!  And she is providing somewhat of a greeting for those who are so recalcitrant and so set in their ways.

"Now, if you will recall when I began speaking about leaky boats, I also spoke about a gorgeous, white ocean liner, right there, right alongside, all lit with beautiful Lights.  And all of these wonderful Divine Beings like you were standing on the various decks.  And this ocean liner was very tall – some said it seemed to reach into Heaven!  And they were throwing life preservers to the ones in the leaky boats.  But the story ended with the fact that there were very few in the leaky boats who were wanting to grab onto those life preservers and come up and literally move into, shall we say, a lighted atmosphere.

"So for those in the leaky boats - which were, by the way, somewhat dark - and the dark beings in them, they did not want to be in the Light and, of course, if they stayed in those leaky boats much longer, they might find themselves sinking.

"Now, a lot has transpired upon your Planet Earth since then.And the Truth is, when I began speaking some 10 years ago or more through this particular Voice, there was still the possibility that there might be further mayhem in the world, but not destroying the World because that particular, shall we say, crossing in the roads, had been gone past.

"So it was not going to destroy the world - like Atlantis or other places, which you’ve been seeing a lot of on movies screens, going down with a nuclear holocaust or some such destruction -but there was still the possibility that some nuclear weapons might be used on a large scale.And as you know, we have canceled that capability.

"Now, radiation has come about through other sources and has been a contaminating energy on a lot of Planet Earth.  So I am happy to tell you that one of the gifts that you will be opening very soon is much more, first of all, knowledge about the various forms of nuclear contamination.  We’ve all heard of Fukushima, you know about that.  You’ve just heard about the use of what you call 'DU,' which stands for depleted uranium, still very radioactive, very dangerous, very lethal.*

"And don’t think that it’s just the citizens of the countries like Iraq and Afghanistan where the damages are going to occur.  What do you think is happening to many of our brave men and women?  And I say 'our' because they are doing what they think is their duty to Humanity.  And they are certainly fulfilling a mission - which is, perhaps karmic, but nevertheless they are out there to do what they feel to do - and a lot of them are coming back with high levels of radioactivity, which, of course, you all know what that can mean.  So these are just two examples of ways in which radioactivity is somewhat prevalent upon Planet Earth.

"Now, as you unwrap this particular present, I will tell you as I have told you before that the Ashtar Command has been mitigating some of the damage.  We have been given dispensation by the Galactic Counsel to intervene where the very worst of it exists.

"You, Beloved Ones, have stepped up and your consciousness is more and more saying 'no more nuclear energy - any kind, anywhere!'  And we are happy to tell you that very soon, as you measure time, there are going to be groups springing up with substance Worldwide – people walking around in human bodies who are going to start realizing the consequences of having a nuclear plant somewhere, anywhere in the world because when a nuclear plant leaks radioactive energy, it travels on the air currents of the world.  It travels on the water currents of the world, and if it gets down into the soil it can get into underground sources of water which can travel other places.  So it is a most dangerous situation and one of the things that will be cleaned up completely, is all radioactivity and all sources of production of radioactivity on Planet Earth!!!

"How many of you saw the Star Trek movie, the newer version, in which the brave Captain Kirk was ready to sacrifice himself in the nuclear room which powered the Starship Enterprise?  He went in deliberately to disable something that had to be disabled, and in the process, of course, exposed himself to lethal radioactivity, but was brought back by a miraculous method.

"Well, I’m happy to tell you there is no nuclear power anywhere on The New Jerusalemor on any of our ships.That was something that was presented in the movie as the only option for powering a starship.BUT THAT IS NOT TRUE!! We have SAFE power! We have CLEAN power! We have QUIET power!

"And, of course, when you get to a certain place of accomplishment, let’s say, in your Ascension process, you’ve got your own power which is called your own merkaba – your energy fields!  Do you know how powerful you are?  Think about yourself powering your own ship, WHICH IS YOU, with your own energy fields – none of these rocket blast-offs or any of that - no nuclear power!

"So the totality of the gifts that we have for you is more extensive than what we are doing right now, but it is coming soon!  Because when the consensus of conscious knowing is reached - everybody knows the danger unconsciously, even those that promote nuclear power – when a consensus is reached, there will be a drastic change in the, let’s say, the priorities regarding the kinds of energy that people want used.

"Now you’ve heard recently that there are some frackers who are giving up because it’s really not popular and they are getting the drift of that, even when it’s telepathically received.They KNOW people don’t like it!  They KNOW that they’re getting exposed to various public-minded groups that even some of your mainstream news media are starting to talk about.

"The destruction is horrific that is done to Mother Gaia and her Kingdoms, including Humanity, when fracking is done.  I began speaking years ago and I presented a picture.  How would you like it if somebody drilled into your body for your blood?  And that is precisely what drilling for oil is about with Mother Gaia.Drilling for water - she is okay with that as long as it is for honorable purposes, but drilling for oil, that is entirely different.

"Along with that is the mining of coal and the explorations -fracking - for natural gas.  Fossil fuels are going to literally fall into total, 100% disuse on Planet Earth.Clean power derived from clean energy sources will be all that will be in use!!!

"Now, we’re talking about the slightly ascended Planet Earth.We’re not talking about that other place for those who do not necessarily deserve, shall we say, or shall we say, ask for a personal interview with Mother Sekhmet.  Nevertheless, there is a place where many will go and that will be like unto 3-D Planet Earth so that those frackers and drillers and bombers, and whoever, can still have some experiences, at least memories.

"Now, the majority of them, the great majority of them who choose that  - rather than Ascension - or, as I have said, what you might call a terminal interview with Mother Sekhmet - and there are a few who have done so and there are a few more - because they simply don’t want to change.  And they’re a little tired and worn after all these centuries of murder and mayhem that they have perpetrated here on Planet Earth.

"The vast majority are going to ascend.  There is every potential for Ascension for everyone here in this audience - I have just scanned!  And I can tell you, you are all headed on the Ascension Path!!!  You have the ability to drop out at any time you wish, or drop back, but the majority will be ascending either from Planet Earth before the entirety of the Planet lifts up, or with the main body of ascendees!  But, of course, Mother Gaia’s already in the 4thDimension, as you know.  And you’re already spending a lot of time there - and higher in your sleep times and so on!  And some of you are able to look into those Dimensions and see what’s there.  And that is magical indeed!

"But I am just wanting to tell you that there will be a clean, pristine Planet Earth as the cleansing continues.  And Mother Gaia is doing everything she can to mitigate cleansings that she needs to do – shiftings and movements.  And then we are able to mitigate the most grievous of the toxic kinds of contaminations such as radiation, oil spills and those kinds of things.

"And the path of Planet Earth is so bright even compared to what it was.  Do you remember the promise of 2012 where the Ascension process was begun in earnest, and many were notified of this?  The Planet is so much brighter even today, that there is reason just in that for celebration like you’ve never celebrated before in all of your lifetimes!!!  Progress is very real and progress is very much happening.  There is no question of that!

"Now I have chosen a particularly important gift for you to consider sharing.  And that is the gift of no more nuclear power and also no more toxic kinds of energy sources for Planet Earth.How do you share it?  Well, you join in the consensus.You can do solo meditations however you choose to do.  You might even do something that is a little bit more of a 3-D active nature - write some letters, sign some petitions, or whatever.

"It is most likely that the call for the ending of these kinds of energy sources is going to come from the so-called 'more civilized countries,' and I say that in quotes.  Third world countries are utilizing these kinds of toxic energy sources because that is what is being made available to them.  So the stopper, the stoppage really needs to be initiated in the countries where people are starting to see other sources.  Now this doesn’t mean that it won’t happen Worldwide.All we’re saying is that – look to Europe, for instance, Western Europe. Look to France. Look to Germany.

"There are people there.  There is Dr. Keshe in Belgium.  Dr. Keshe single-handedly - well, he’s very inspired!He’s very connected!  He has Teslian technology perfected so that he can power the entire World with his technology - not that he’s going to take over.  He has offered it for free, by the way.  And that’s another gift – free energy!

"Free energy is likely to become one of the biggest' free from the need to spend dollars to obtain it'  gifts on the planet!  Dollars will still be in use for other purposes, but energy - there is no need as long as the initial changeover is capitalized.  That’s the word business people like to use.  But it will not be by companies who then want to charge premium prices for the energy.  It will be by individuals and committees, communities, consortiums, cooperatives – I am deliberately omitting 'corporations' - who want to fund the initial transformations and from then on, it will be free!

"So you can see we actually have a multi-faceted gift.  It’s like a jewel for each and every one of you that we are presenting here as a bright, bright prospect – no, promise- where we are inviting you to join with us to energize, literally, the coming of clean, non-toxic energies to Planet Earth!  And in the process, those energies that have been in use, and still are, will simply fade away.  There will be no need for them.

"Now, yes it’s true.  Nuclear energy has its proponents and so does oil and all of the other things, but those people are occupying leaky boats right now - whether they are learned, looked-up-to college professors of physics and all of that, or whether they are corporations who own the drilling rights and so on and so on.  They’re all in leaky boats!  Those boats simply do not hold water, much less anything else.

"And so it is that they are being given options right now, choices, and they can either come on up to the beautiful big Ship of Light where we are, Beloved Ones, or they can sink in their boats.  And in this case, as I’ve explained to you, it might mean for some a personal visit with Mother Sekhmet, but for most of them it simply means they’ll go someplace where they can continue up to a point.  But evolution will take place on that other Planet Earth, and there will be very limited usage of all of the lifestyles that they have been used to, and everything that they pertain -because they, too, are evolving, and whether it takes them ten years or a thousand years, those citizens of the other Planet Earth will ultimately make their Ascensions, too!  They just need a little bit more time in the playground of 3D.  That’s all.That is the only difference.  They are not wanting to come up on to the big, beautiful Ship of Light just yet, but they will.

"Now there are many, many other gifts which are coming.And, yes, there is Abundance for everyone, but what it’s for is to participate in creating a whole new atmosphere on Planet Earth.And this is aided by, of course, the energies coming in!  The whole Ascension process is well under way!  Everyone is moving up, so to speak, and we simply want to invite you to join with us in creating the visions for that that make you want to dance and sing!!!

"What inspires you?  What is there that you would like to accomplish or play some part in bringing about?  Go ahead!  Stand in front of the Christmas tree.  Take a look at all the gifts there.They’re all labeled.  And they’re all available to each and every one of you.  We have participated in opening the energy gift, but there are many, many more there!

"So take some moments during this Holy Days Season.  Take some time out from your feasting and your partying and your thanking and blessing and go within yourselves, each and every one of you.  And see that Christmas tree and see what there is that YOU are drawn to, that you would like to participate in opening!

"You know, we never give dates and we’re not going to start now, but we will say that the coming year is full of Light, and full of opportunities for the opening and sharing of all of the gifts that there are for Planet Earth and all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, including Humanity!

"So do your clearings.  Do your thanks and blessings.  Thanks for the gifts, even though you haven’t opened all of yours yet.  Just know that this next year is the year that will be even brighter and even more filled with Light.  And together, we’re here to make it so!

"Thank you, Beloved Family.  We wish you the most joyful and loving of Holy Days Seasons ever in your lives!  And so it is. Salut!"

*Tara and Rama's A&A Report
Transcription by Marta.
Given through Susan Leland, December 23, 2014. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
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