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 Ashtar: We Are One in Unconditional Love
 Ashtar on the Road Teleconference, 6/12/12

"Well, Good Evening, Beloved Family! We are so delighted to be here! And we want to first say, we cannot do these things that these Beloved Newscasters* have just told you about without your Love, and without your invitation. It is indeed a partnership that we have formed with you as a result of your support, your opening your Hearts, and accepting the Love that we bring, and knowing that together we are actually creating this Ascension Path together. And it is a path that is to be of Joy, high vibration, Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Gratitude!


"I've been teaching these things since I started coming through this Voice, and I continue to say that is the most important aspect of all of the countless messages -and I say countless, because they've lost count - that I have brought. But it's all the same, it is about the return, the Homecoming to Love, pure Love, and the Joy, and the Bliss that goes with it. It is unconditional; it is forgiving, which is the absence of judgment; it is absolutely joyful in its Thanks and Gratitude; and it is for everyone, everyone to open their Hearts, and allow in - in to fill the entirety of their beings.


"And we will say this - yes, Sekhmet is standing by, you heard that. St.Germain is very active at this time, because after all St.Germain is here to assist the entire Planet, and beyond, in the attainment of true Freedom. And what that means is Freedom from fear. We define fear as the opposite of Love. My Beloved Brother Sananda gave that simple, and very true definition in The Course [In Miracles]. And we are here to create Love, Joy, and all of these things, and we must have everyone who chooses to ascend be in the Freedom to do exactly that, be in the Freedom from fear of any kind, whether it be the fear of your door being knocked on in the middle of the night, or whether it is any other kind of a fear.


"And it is to be free of that. And St.Germain is here with his messengers to speak of Freedom. He was the founding inspiration behind the United States of America, and there is reason and purpose to that, and it is no coincidence that those early founders - the forefathers you call them - were here, and rose up, and stood up, and gave their signatures, and sometimes their lives, and their very fortunes to stand for Freedom, because they understood what it meant.


"It meant the Freedom to go where they were drawn to going; it meant the freedom to choose their life's partners; it meant the Freedom to be free from the judgments of others that they were less than worthy; it meant the Freedom to express in loving terms, without fear of reprisals of any kind; it meant the Freedom to share within communities; it meant the Freedom not to be having all of their wealth taken from them, their abundance that they deserved.


"Everyone deserves abundance, Beloved Ones, everyone! You have heard this before, and you are in acceptance of it. It is to be in abundance, it is your natural birthright, and fueling all of these creations is the highest empowerment in the Universe, the highest energy, and that is the energy of Unconditional Love. Now Unconditional Love means everyone! We are not talking about the Love that one partner has for another in a loving relationship of two. We are not talking about the Love that you have for your children, unless you want to join hands with all others as the perfect children of Mother/Father God, and then dance and sing for Joy. So many people in this World have forgotten to dance and sing for Joy.


"And we tell you this, these Beloved Children who are being so heinously treated, not just in the countries of the Middle East, but in many places around the World, including in the United States of America behind closed doors - which are starting to open - and people are starting to understand that slavery and sacrifice are as much prevalent today as they have ever been in the World. And we are not asking you to form pictures of this, or to carry this with you, we are only saying, 'It Is Ending!!!'


"And these brave children, these precious ones, they are as much in uniform in the calling forth of Freedom, and in the defense of the basic sovereign birthrights of all Human Beings, and indeed of all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, and of Mother Gaia herself. They are on the front line, because they volunteered. And so it is that we send them our Love Unconditional, our support in the form of wondrous waves of Love, and we share with them the Oneness We Are.


"These children, these old souls, have such great Love, and such great inspiration to share in this Ascension Process, in this entire mission of Ascension, that they are indeed on the front lines as we are saying. But, they know that the time is very short. Oh yes, they know a grand company. They know Sananda. They know Mother Mary. They know Mary Magdalene, and they know Kuan Yin - all beautiful, radiant, energies of Love, and Peace on Earth, and they know the others. And they are wise, and they understand by having the spotlight come to them, in all of these ways, that this will wake up people, and they will start to say, 'NO MORE WAR!!!'


"We will tell you this, there was a picture published. It was an anniversary observed of a picture taken in another war, in another place in the World called Vietnam. And there was a picture of a little girl, naked, without any clothes, running - and you could just feel her terror - running from her village which had been napalmed, is what they call it, and all behind her were the screams. You could see that picture, it was on the cover of a famous magazine, and it made a lot of people wake up and stop and say, 'Wait a minute, this is insanity, look at what we are doing!'


"And we all know now that that war was fought to enrich those who wanted to open up the business of drugs in Southeast Asia. But the point is that child spoke words that many, many, adults were afraid to speak: 'Oh, I will be ostracized, I will be put in prison for being an advocate for Peace, I will be shunned in my community, they will call me coward.' That child running and screaming in such terror helped to stop that war. These children are doing the same, so we shall send them Unconditional Love.


"We shall not underestimate at all the empowerment that they are giving to Love, to the expressions of Love, and to the collective consciousness of Humanity coming together, and demanding Peace on Earth for all. It's coming anyway, and you know that. But when you see a story, or hear a story, or see a picture of these children who are being so brutally used, remember, Beloved Ones, to send them Love and thanks for the sacrifices that they are making, because these sacrifices are to help to bring an end to all of the suffering of all of Humanity, and Mother Gaia's Kingdoms, and Mother Gaia herself.


"And so it is with loving honor that we shall indeed be offering them our hands in Oneness together, when we do our Crystal Exercise with Sekhmet herself, and remember, remember, Beloved Ones, that Sekhmet is awaiting her call, and if it becomes necessary for her to do what she has the capability to do, she will be doing it with perfect Love - not judgment, only decision, based upon discernment, and based upon, yes, based upon the will of the very ones whom she shall be indeed removing. She leads the way. The Violet Flame shall indeed do what it has mission to do.


"We have told you of many times when we have gone behind closed doors, and gone to meetings with these very ones. Do you think these generals of these armies do not know what their outcome could be, if they do not cooperate and come to the Light? Do you think that these ones who have corrupted the political leaders, such that the political leaders feel they have no choice left, except to do what they're told; and the political leaders themselves who are so corrupted that they, they tell others to do these bloody, heinous, atrocious, acts? They know. There are those in the Vatican who know. Think about it, the history/herstory of the Vatican?


"There has always been bloodshed caused by those who sought gain for themselves. And yes, there have been infiltrators, but we have largely removed them. There aren't many left. The Anunnaki have left, and what remains is just the remnants of the reptilians, and their programs, and it's all over!


"Now the Solstice is a most important date. It is a date of balance. Is it not time to balance this? Is it not time to say to an injured child, 'Here, have some food; let me bind your wounds with Love; and if you are homeless, let us find you a home? And is it not time to say to the soldiers, you are honored for your courage, and your bravery, and you are honored for what you thought - honestly thought, and believed you were defending or protecting - but it's over, and you don't need your guns anymore?


"And what about all of these Christians, who have been brainwashed into believing that their way is the only way, and so on, and so on, and that it is OK to be mean to women and children, and to treat them as though they were unworthy of Love -to instill in them such fear that they honestly believe they are unworthy of Love? Yes, there are a lot of things to change, as you can see. But you heard tonight that changes are in progress. And if you want to look at it this way, Beloved Family, you can say the lines have been drawn, and there will be no more. The World is witnessing what has been largely kept quiet.


"Every single war has started out with some kind of behind the scenes maneuvering - what we are calling the black ops - so that the people out in the front in the market places, in their homes, honestly believe that they must go to war, must support war, they must send their sons, and their daughters, to the battlefields, because it is their patriotic duty, or because they must defend what they have, or in some cases it is because they can conquer some other country, or community, and enrich themselves.


"There is no such thing as holy war. There are only the holy beings who get caught up in it, and forget Who They Really Are. So yes, we have a lot to do, Beloved Family. So many are waking up, and we are helping, and playing a large role in that when we come together, and when we do that which we call the mission work. We are here to bring the Golden Age to Planet Earth, and then because the Golden Age shall be actually manifested in, what you call 3D, this will help millions, and millions of people to wake up, and understand that there is Ascension for them, if they choose it. But first people need to wake up.


"So understand with all of the Compassionate Love in your beings that this is a wake-up call, an opportunity for people to wake up, and that when these horrific scenes are flashed in front of them that it is for people to immediately send Love to all involved, yes, even those wearing the dark hats. Their time, as you measure time, is pretty well run out. You heard that, but it is still to love them, to thank them for showing the way, because the way is the opposite of what they have been doing. The way is to Love, not fear. You can just see. Just close your eyes for a moment, and visualize your path.


"Ah yes, it might be sparkling with the Crystals, it might be golden, but just visualize your path, and here is what you call a road-sign alongside of the road. It has two sides. One side points back, it's an arrow, and on it in big letters it says, 'FEAR THIS WAY'. The other side, the opposite side points forward, and it says, 'LOVE THIS WAY'.


"Now there was a third sign in the middle that pointed off the road, just straight ahead off the road, sideways, in other words, and it said, 'TIME OUT,' but that is no longer a part of that road sign, because as we have just said, and as you heard the news from the Masters, who came to share, 'Time Is Up,' in Earth terms, so there is very little of that left for these ones to make up their minds, to come get on the path, and follow the sign that says, 'LOVE THIS WAY'!


"You, Beloved Ones, can help by simply sharing the Love, and the radiance you are. And we shall indeed be doing this.** Now we want to tell you that Love, as we have said, is the strongest empowerment in the World, and the Universe beyond, and there are absolute beams and waves of Lovelight streaming in all the time! Indeed, you have all felt the upliftment of Love. And so it is that this Love is only going to get stronger, and more and more Hearts are going to open!


"We already see it as done. And we will tell you this, it's the only probability on the path, because more and more people are going to jump on the path, and follow that, 'LOVE THIS WAY' sign. See it in your minds' eyes. See it in your Hearts, and know that's where you all are, and we are there with you, Beloved Ones, in loving Oneness, and in absolute Joy! We're celebrating! Join us, and be in love with yourselves, and with the entire World of Planet Earth and beyond!!!


"We tell you now how beautiful it is, how joyful it is to move into the higher dimensions where only Love exists. We experience it when we come together in Communion. And this is the way, Beloved Ones, the way of the Path to Home. And so it is that we come together with mission and purpose, so that we can indeed be upon this Path, and when we observe others who are not, and who seem to be wanting us to go the opposite way to fear, it is to say, 'Love is this way!'


"Love is who you are, Love is your birthright, join us in the direction of the Path of Love, and leave the fears. Let go of them. Higher Dimensional Humanity will not have fear of any kind. Fear simply cannot make it into the Higher Dimensions, so the best thing to do is let it go, do your Exercises, smile at the World, and let the World see your Love, and your radiance, and that will help the World to give up the fears that are left.


"These are, humm, there is a famous line. It begins a story in a book, and the line goes something like this - we shall say it this way: 'These are the best of times, these are the worst of times, for those who do not look through the eyes of Love.' You, Beloved Ones, are here to help them open their eyes and open their Hearts, so they, too, will be enjoying the very best of times on Planet Earth, because this is what this time is, and it is so joyful that it has finally come after eons, and unsuccessful attempts. Ascension is assured! There will be no going back onto the path of fear.


"Ascension is the direction for all who would just open their eyes, open their Hearts, and choose Love. So we thank you, Beloved Ones, for being with us. Stay tuned, Sekhmet is going to empower an Exercise, which we shall bring our empowerment of Love to, and join together in Oneness, to share even more the Love we are with the entire Planet - and to say 'thank you' to all of those of all ages, who are living the last of the traumatic dramas of third dimensional Planet Earth.


"Thank you, Beloved Ones. We love you beyond words! And so it is. Salut!"


* Tara and Rama.

** In Sekhmet's Crystal Exercise which followed.

Ashtar's message was followed by All You Need is Love, sung by The Beatles.


Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh.
Given through Susan Leland, 6-12-12. www.AshtarontheRoad.com © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

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