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Create From High-Vibes

Ashtar addressing the November 17, 2009 teleconference:
"..Did you know that you can create more from your heart faster than when you think in 3D terms?  Now this may be an interesting concept and somewhat new, but just spend some time with that.  Sometimes we put out a little bit of very deep stuff.  We know that gets into the realm of quantum physics, and as you all know, we never go there, so we will just simply say that if you really want to be what you might call a leading edge creator, to do it with your heart.  You can get yourself into a little bit of a meditative state where you quiet or you slow down the brain waves where you actually come from your heart.  You allow your emotions to come into the mix.  For instance, if you can create with a joyful, passionate feeling you are going to accomplish whatever it is that you desire a lot faster. 
"And while we are on the topic, if you are wanting to create something and you know what it is that you desire to create, you had best leave your creating moment for when you are in the high vibes.  Because if you start thinking, 'Well, I am really down in the dumpies and I want this or that to change,' you know what you are going to get?   You will get more of whatever it is you don't want, because the universe does not distinguish between don't have, don't want and do have, do want, and so on. As a matter of fact, it's a good idea to just take 'want' out of it and literally put yourself into your creative vision.  Well that takes a little bit of practice.  Sometimes it happens almost seemingly by accident or you say it's serendipitous, oooh we like that word.  But what it really means is that you have created in a moment of high vibrational joy or love or passion and so the universe responds faster.  And that's what you want - speed - speedy delivery of whatever you are calling forth, because it's all there for you anyway.  You see you are not really creating it, you are just bringing it to you.  But we like to say that you are creating it so that you understand that it is your responsibility, this creation business you know. 
"There isn't anybody who can create a healthy, happy, harmonious relationship for you, except you.  And if the partner in the relationship is putting out some negative vibrations, you have a choice of allowing that negativity into your being or saying, 'Whatever you do, you do; it's not my responsibility to change you, but I can change my attitude.  I can be happy and joyful no matter what you do.'  If you throw a few "ho-oponopono's into the mix, you are going to feel a lot better about the relationship, and quite likely, do a lot of healing, and the partner in the relationship might also start feeling more happy, more upbeat so to speak about the relationship as well.  You know you have heard the magic words 'abracadabra,' and there are some others, 'open sesame!,' that's a great one.  Well, there isn't anything better from our perspective, not to be judgmental, we're just simply making a recommendation, just use the 'ho-oponopono' and just get out of your own way because you are gonna get great results with it.  In this day and age, as you are so fond of saying, and we emphasize age, the Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age, Lemuria is alive and thriving on Planet Earth, and there is no reason except whatever you choose for yourself if you choose to be down in the dumpies anyway.." 
© Susan Leland 2009.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.