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Create Some Visions Now!

Ashtar addressing the October 20, 2009 teleconference:
"..Whatever the call is, if it is your passion, if it is your guidance, if you know in your heart that it resonates with you to do something, it may be simply creating some visions that you can utilize and bring into manifested reality when you get your abundance, if you don't have some plans on the drawing board, you might want to get busy on that.   Not that we are telling you what to do.  Oh no.  We don't do assignments, we simply do inspirations.  Or as the Voice got used to calling them 'incomings,' and then something more would be unfolded.  We never inspire you to do more than you can do.  Of course, we see you as unlimited and you may not quite see yourselves in that light just yet, but believe me you are.  You have each and every one of you a divine guidance team to guide you and to help you to realize your own divinity.  Use them.  It's the greatest resource the world has ever seen.  Use your guides.  Listen to your inspirations.  Think with your hearts.  Communicate from that space and stand tall, and if needs be, have a little communication with yourself.  
"Stand in front of your mirror and say, 'Well who - me?  Are you sure that you are calling me to do this?  Are you sure that I can do it?'  And then you in the mirror is to say back to you, 'Yes, yes, and yes.'  Quit doubting and quit saying yabbit.  We have discussed yabbits before.   I would love to do that yabbit, I've got this or that. You see my big toe is swollen and I couldn't possibly do that today.   That's a yabbit.  Cleanse out the yabbits.  You think you don't have a yabbit dendrite package?  Think again.  Check it out, you might.  We are not saying that everyone does, we are just saying you might.  Disintegrate the roadblocks.  Call forth the Violet Flame if you need to, call forth the Blue Flame of Truth to know what it is that you're called upon to do and to know that you yourself are calling upon yourself to do this, because who's part of your guidance team?  You. 
"We are so thrilled to be together and there will be many more together-nesses.  And so all we ask that you do is take the time with yourselves, Beloved Ones, take the time with yourselves, and get very clear on what it is that you have passion for doing, because the days as you measure them are very short until you are going to have the means to do whatever it is you want to do.
"So it might be nice to make a list or be real clear, draw yourself some pictures or create some visions now.  We know, this was all supposed to have happened years ago like in 2001, and we know that you have been waiting, sometimes patiently and sometimes without quite so much patience.  Check it out, see if it resonates with you.  It's happening now, so be of great cheer, give yourself a standing applause, you are here and you are about to launch into the greatest mission that you came for.  Get your house-cleaning done; you don't want to be carrying any baggage that is unnecessary, and anything that might be considered negative baggage, believe me, you don't need it, it's not necessary.  You have walked through your experiences and if you are not quite to the other side yet, you will be, with intent to be there. 
"If you've got some traumatic dramas going on in your life right now, do your 'ho'oponopono's and bring yourself to peace, because the peace that passes all understanding is about to descend upon the planet.  It is your gift to yourselves, Beloved Ones.  Go now and find that peace within and keep it in your consciousness and these few days or weeks of chaos will move all around you but not into you, and you will not be at all slowed down in your missions by whatever happens out there in the marketplace.  So there you have it!.."


© Susan Leland 2009.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.