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Declare Your Sovereignty
Sekhmet addressing the June 30, 2009
Ashtar teleconference:


"Well good evening and well done, Beloved family!  We are absolutely roaring the message out that you have given.  Well, we're purring too.  Well that was a fun surprise wasn't it, but solemn in its own right?  And we shall not take away one moment from the impact that you have made in these moments of this togetherness. You have given a grand gift worldwide and beyond.  It is an example, follow and be followed.  So get the word out.  Invite everyone to light a candle and to declare their Sovereignty.*  It is a grand step to take, and it will bring even closer the moment, by the way, I get to be on the stage too, and it will bring that moment even closer.  So be about your mission, be joyful, and remember who you really are, everything that you think and you say, and especially what you do.  It has impact.


"You're powerful beings.  You have just stated so.  You have just empowered yourselves even more.  So live it, because it's your Truth.  It's for you to carry out your missions, expressions of your Truth. Congratulations!  There are many here so I shall simply say, feel their hugs, perhaps a little "scritchy" scratching on your shoulders, or whatever would be appropriate.  Enjoy, and be in Joy.  This is reality, this is Truth, and this is the Love we are.

"And so it is! Namaste!"

* http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/sovereigntyjfk.html

© Susan Leland 2009.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.

Transcription thanks to Deborah Urquhart and Arnold Troeh.