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Email President Obama


Eyes to the Sky - Report from an Ashtar Family Member

"[My husband] and I sat on our lanai/patio tonight to watch the sky.  We are out every clear night, and tonight the sky is crystal clear.  The moon is full and bright so other celestial bodies are not as visible.  We did see several meteors which was fun.  Full moon or not, an object moved from south to north.  We both knew it was too bright to be a satellite because this object moved right in front of the moon.  As the object, which was a ship, flew right over us they put their lights on bright.  It was wonderful!  After some seconds they returned their lights back to the strength they were at when we first saw them and then they moved toward the North and vanished.

"About 5 minutes after that from the Southwest a bright steady light appeared from nowhere and moved toward the Northeast with a constant bright steady light.  This ship moved much slower than the first ship.  Once it moved past us it vanished as well.  Both were silent. 

"Sometimes we do see a blinking light for 1 - 4 blinks and then they vanish.  Tonight both ships were in full view for both of us.  Sometimes we catch ships from our peripheral vision, but these were full on front vision and we tracked them for as long as they were visible.

"Ashtar recently said to me that they can see us as well.  He asked if I knew that?  I said 'no I did not' and he said they see the trajectory of our light.  He said they enjoy seeing us as much as we do them and he said they keep flying over because of the love they feel from us and that we welcome them.   He also shared why we see them as often as we do.  He said that we no longer doubt what we see and therefore we see them all of the time [as] they share how much they love us.  Ashtar and the mentors said they just love to dance across the sky for us."    S.W.T., MN  (8-13-11)

 ET Light Craft Flashing Response to Thoughts-Texas-6-4-11

THE U2 CONCERT UFO - MAY 24, 2011:





Dear President Obama,

I appreciate very much the leading role you are playing in getting the people to understand the need to move away from fossil fuels and other environment damaging technologies. I completely agree with you that the time has come to employ non-polluting and more efficient methods of energy production and use.

In this regard, I am TOTALLY AGAINST all things NUCLEAR. As all previous nuclear accidents have amply demonstrated, there is NO SAFE NUCLEAR ENERGY. The current panic in Japan and around the world is most notable and should open our eyes and minds to the fact that NUCLEAR energy IS NOT AN OPTION. So I strongly urge you and your advisers to stop all incentives and encouragements to the nuclear industry. “We The People” do not want it.

After all, a nuclear power plant is only a very complicated and extremely hazardous means of producing steam which then is used to produce electricity.

I list below sources of FREE energy and would urge you and your advisers to propose, support and implement incentives and grants for the understanding, development and implementation of the following sources of FREE energy.

1.            Solar Energy

2.            Wind Energy

3.            Water Energy using hydraulic turbines.

4.            Geo-thermal Energy. We can produce steam as long as we want using the heat of the Earth itself. Great way to produce electricity in seismically active areas.

5.            Tapping of Tidal Wave energy. Thousands of tons of push pull energy per hour, on a constant fixed time line [the tides] are available on our coast lines.

6.            A recent development of “Artificial Leaf” by Massachusetts Institute of Technology that enable artificial photosynthesis to produce electricity to power homes.

7.            Given our experience that high-tech concepts and devices have been developed and produced during research for space exploration or defense research, I would urge you to investigate the possible availability of methods and devices for producing electricity and other forms of energy using FREE sources of energy from research done in the space and defense realms that could be used for every day energy needs of the people and industry.

I offer my heartfelt thanks and gratitude for taking lead and action in promoting a new energy policy for our country and also lead the world in this regard.

May God bless you, your family and loved ones. May God bless America!

Sincerely,  K.K., OK

On the Tuesday, May 4th teleconference, Ashtar asked us to write an email to President Obama, calling for Disclosure to allow Galactic Federation assistance in the clean-up of the Gulf of Mexico oil flow, the devastation from which is beyond our current capabilities to prevent.

Some emails already sent on the www.whitehouse.gov/contact  email form by our Ashtar Family members are below.  You must write your message directly on the website at the above link or mail a letter to:  The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC 20500


"Dear President Obama:

"I know you are worried about the banks and the economy and we commend you for your care and concern in keeping things going.  We just wanted to pass on this information from a source, just in case you aren’t privy to things that are coming through to us over the Internet.

"As always, we do know of your pains and heartaches and realize you are playing the ultimate chess game.  Of course, it is hard from our end to have endless patience with this process, but in the end we wonder how you are holding up too under the pressure.

"Please know that we do have our brains out here, and we are very concerned because however you are going to be able to work it out with BP, with the economists, with the powers that be that are running this world, in the meantime we are very concerned for our own safety and well-being.  Not just the people in the gulf, but all of us will be affected by the decisions that you are able to make.

"We know your hands are tied on many fronts, and we do want you to live to see your dreams and visions implemented.  In the meantime, we are losing patience with the process and wish for divine intervention.

"They’re not going to be able to fix the basic problem, the gusher itself.  They think it will slowly run out of fluid, but we are hearing that it will fill itself back up because it is connected to a big reservoir down there in the earth.

"Therefore, the main solution besides the present reality would be to get the Good Galactics down here with their technology and let them seal up the wound there in the earth under the ocean (and we are hearing that there are more than one). 

"We are very worried that the people that are running this world are so dumb as not to think that the common people have brains enough to figure out what’s really happening.

Love & blessings, Wendy

"Blessings President Obama,

"I realize your task may seem overwhelming at times, and there are options that you have not explored.  As you stated in your email below "your administration will continue to leverage every resource at our disposal to protect coastlines, to clean up the oil,".

"The Galactic Federation is waiting to assist and will gladly step forward in love to help you clean up this oil spill in a short amount of time, help the animals and their habitats and completely restore our eco system.

"I ask that you let contacting the Galactic Federation be your number one resource.  You may choose to call upon Dr. Steven Greer to give you a briefing on who the Federation is or look here

"If the Galactic Federation was here to destroy us, we wouldn't be here now.  This information has been withheld from the people for decades and the truth must be revealed.   

"I encourage you, President Obama to step forward in faith and ask for their help NOW, do not wait another moment.  We the people and our dear Mother Earth need their help now.  Our planet is a living and sentient being and is crying out for humans to recognize the truth of who they are and to align in love that we are all ONE. 

"If someone is taking a hammer to your foot does the rest of your body feel it?  Of course it does, so consider what this oil spill is doing to our planet and all the beings around it!

"I realize you must address many areas of this mess that have been created by others, and I reiterate the beings from other planets have the technology NOW and will come only when they are invited by YOU.  I am asking you again to bring them here and ask for their help to heal the planet.

"In peace and truth, Suzi D."

Mr Obama,
First, I'd like to thank you for taking time to read this message. My name is Felix 
Audet, I'm 32. I'm also what some people call an "indigo soul" which purpose here is to hold the light of truth.
I'd like to share with you my concern about the current state of affairs regarding the situation in the gulf of Mexico. I noticed in your 
speech on this matter that you did not get into "out of the box" solutions such as getting help from our galactic family. As you are currently aware, they are more than willing to help us clean up this mess, especially fixing the cracks in the ocean floor, which only their technology can cure in a swift manner.

My message is this: please proceed rapidly with the disclosure of the galactic presence, and tell the world they have offered their help to fix up things that we can't: the leaks in the ocean floor.  This is a golden opportunity for a new cooperation to start.

speak on behalf of the Indigo family and I tell you that we are committed to support the disclosure effort, by speaking out loud the truth about our galactic family NOW, and more intensely than ever after the disclosure announcement have been made. We have been called into action and we intend to add up to the already unstoppable momentum.
We are ready to support you! Truth must come out NOW!
Please tell me how we could work together more closely.

Dear President Obama,
I wrote you a few weeks ago requesting that you invite the Galactic Federation of Light to help with the Gulf Oil Spill.They can fix it in a heartbeat. You already know that they have the advanced technology and the equipment to stop Mother earth from bleeding to death and destroying her precious ECO-System and Sea Life.And the livelihood of countless families in the Gulf Coast area.  I am just an everyday American Citizen who is aware that collectively we are One Being on this planet. When One IS Harmed ALL Are Harmed. The time has come Mr. President for the Truth To Be Told! There are too many of us who know about our galactic brothers and sisters and have known for years that humanity was seeded from galactic races.
Representative McElroy just revealed that President Eisenhower had secret meetings with the Galactics and so have You and other world leaders! Our beautiful Sacred Earth and all of life on this planet cannot and will not continue with the suffering and abuse that has been going on for thousands of years. BP and our wayard brothers and sisters are not interested in fixing the problem with the oil spill in the ocean. Many of us know that they deliberately created the problem to maintain control of the people and planet. We still love them. From the depth of my heart Mr. President I ask that you invite The Galactic Federation of Light to come and help with the oil spill.The Time IS Now. The People Of The World Are Demanding PEACE. And the Spiritual Hierarchy has heard our call. I think you have done a great job thus far. Jesus said in the bible " And Ye Shall Be Gods". Some of us KNOW that WE ARE, AS YOU ARE Commander.We love you for carrying the torch of Freedom for us all.

Much Love and Light,
Rochleigh W.


"Mr. President:  The Galactics have advanced technology that with our permission, can easily and quickly seal the hole in the Earth's crust at those unprecedented depths and pressures, stop the destruction and death, clean up the oil on top and under the water, restore the waters, shorelines, Gulf bottom and animals back to pristine condition.

They are here to partner with us and we must have disclosure of their presence by our President in order to co-create this transformation. Our leaders have known about them for decades. JFK was about to announce their existence to us in the 1960's. Open acknowledgment of benevolent extraterrestrial contact and partnership would have brought Peace upon the planet, free energy, and miraculous cures in medicine. But as you know, there are many beings on this planet who profit from war, disease, death and fossil fuels, so the greed of a few keeps the many in the dark and under control. 

The Galactic Federation of Light come in PEACE, but our leaders do not demonstrate the choice of peace. The truth has been withheld about the "benevolent visitors" from off-planet and disinformation has been promoted through the last 60 years. Our leaders are afraid the masses could not handle the truth.  They have created a box, and so the status quo continues...

The Galactics are currently mitigating this spill to the fullest extent they can for our Planet, but they must receive "diplomatic recognition" in order to fully partner peacefully with us. They cannot do it without official permission.

Please Mr. President, let the Galactic Federation of Light help us to save the Gulf of Mexico AND DICLOSURE NOW!"

May 28, 2010

Dear President Obama,

In Chinese, there is one single character for both "crisis" and "opportunity".  The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is exactly that.

BP and the greedy oil companies created or allowed this disaster.  Now they are using toxic chemicals to pretend to clean up their mess, breaking it up into small globs of poison, and restricting journalists' access to see and report the truth.  Goldman Sachs is heavily invested in the toxic chemicals companies.  Healthy, natural methods are not being used.  The agenda is to allow this oil-spewing gash to kill life in all oceans as it spreads, and thus kill Planet Earth, humanity and all life.

You have the opportunity use this death-creating event to truly change our world for the better.  Only the Galactics can reverse this scenario, and with their advanced technology can do it in a heartbeat.  And openly prove to all that they love us and the Earth and are here to help all of humanity.   

You are in the pivotal position. I was a lifelong Republican, but changed when I learned some facts.  I voted for you and have always defended you when people around me have criticized you.  I challenge you to stick by your announced agenda for CHANGE and keep your word.  Publicly announce the truth, invite the Galactic Federation who are standing by in our skies right now, ready to act instantly, and be the hero you said you came to be.  Now, please, for the sake of all humanity, all life forms and the planet herself, our beautiful home.  Please step up and be the leader we elected you to be, NOW. 

Thank you, and respectfully,  Mary S., Maui, Hawaii, your home state

"Mr. President,
"The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a huge environmental problem. 
"Don't you agree that the best solution would be to announce the Galactics?
"They would earn the gratitude of so many by stepping in with their advanced technologies, and lending us a helping hand. 
"Thank you, I am a huge supporter of yours,  Jean I."
"Dear President Obama,
"To let you know that I am in total support of you and have always been.
"I am writing to you concerning two areas. First the BP oil spill in the Gulf which is killing millions and millions of our sea creatures homes living in the ocean. Second Disclosure of our Galaxy Family who have been on our Earth for 100 of years and are also waiting for the Earth governments to do full Disclosure of their presence so they can help us and our planet go into full Love Consciousness.  Commander Ashtar has stated tonight on 5-3-10 that our Galaxy Family is waiting to be called on to Decloak and to help alleviate, mitagate and clean up the BP oil spill.  So I am requesting that full Disclosure of our Galaxy Family presence be done now.
"Love and light to you, your family and all support staff, Cynthia F."
"Disclosure!!  Please, please make the Announcement.  What more has to happen to our planet, what more devastation, what more insanity by the Illuminati before you call it all to a halt?  Please, I beg you to step to the line and to make the Announcement of NESARA and Disclosure!  Enough is enough! Sincerely, Jean H.
"Dear Mr. President,
"Your administration has done many things to help alleviate the oil spill in the Gulf problem. However the scope and magnitude of this disaster is beyond the solutions currently being employed. Despite the best efforts new oil continues to spill into the ocean  depths while the existing oil is already expanding and threatening the coastlines. The resulting environmental damage to the animal wildlife is eliminating the livelihoods of millions living there such as those in the fishing and tourism industries.
"For these reasons and more we must reach beyond the traditional solutions that have not succeeded and seek the best help
available. The Galactic Federation presence hidden with their ships in orbit are able and ready to assist with their advanced
technologies.  However they need you to call upon them so they can manifest and work openly to clean up this mess.
"So please get the help needed and ask the Galactic Federation presence to come forth. The tragedy of this oil spill can be transformed into the welcoming of our Galactic Family in peace.
"Thanks for your consideration,
"Tom C"

"Mr. President,

"The oil spill in the Gulf could do so much destruction to the ecosystem that is is time to DISCLOSE the presence of extra-terrestrials and ask for their help.  They might just have the technology that we need to clean up this mess and to eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels.  Good luck. A strong supporter, John I."

"Dear President Obama, Time is of the essence to stop the oil spill and clean up the mess.  You and I know how it can be done quickly.  Announce full disclosure of our friendly galactic space brothers and sisters and ask for they're help to stop the destruction.  They have the technology to remedy the situation speedly and safely. Human lives were lost and many, many other kinds of beings have been lost and will continue to die unless you ask for our galactic family's help.  Please, no more delays on this subject.  You must do the right thing, there is no more time to think about it.  They are waiting for you to announce they're presence and ask for they're assistance.  This can be the opportunity we have all been waiting for.  It is time. Thank you in advance for answering the call.  Sincerely, Laura L.

"Dear Mr. President,

"Thank you very much for your statesmanship and for holding the reins of service to the people of the United States of America in steady hands. I am in much admiration of the leadership exhibited by you and for spreading the light to the other members of your team and Congress to follow suit.

"The environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has our attention and you have rightly banned further offshore drilling of oil. There is a need to quickly get control of this environmental situation for the damaging effects may very well be widespread and long lasting and touch innumerable precious lives, both in the oceans and on land. It is hard for me to believe that this was a mere accident and the timing is very suspicious. I feel it has something to do with the sudden discussion of Extra Terrestrials (ETs) in the mainstream media. It is ironical that those that vehemently did everything possible to put a lid on the subject of ETs are now forced to admit to the existence of ETs, albeit for their propaganda of fear mongering that is going nowhere (Please see link to article:  http://beta.thehindu.com/sci-tech/article420294.ece ).

"Mr. President, many of us know that benevolent ET races have been monitoring and aiding humanity for many decades despite all the cover-up.  I am suggesting very strongly that the time is now upon us where we need to officially acknowledge and announce publicly the presence of these benevolent ET races. They have the technology for resolving and rectifying the situation caused by the massive oil spill in the gulf. Please do seek out their assistance for the highest good of all species in the gulf and the entire peoples of our most wonderful planet. I think it is better for the "good guys" to announce their presence rather than allow the fear mongers to do so.

"Thank you very much and appreciate your attention and time to this environmental disaster.  Sincerely, K.K."

"Dear President Obama,
"Please join with me in witnessing our gratitude for the love of Beloved Mother Gaia in her outrage at our deliberate and wanton destruction caused to her children and our cousins in the name of greed and by the intentional and continuing oil spills off the Lousiana coast.

"Please aid ME in requesting divine as well as galactic Space Brother UFO intervention in mitigating this destruction and desolation of once beautiful, populated and glorious living areas of the Gulf of Mexico.

"Please join Me in choosing life. I bought a Honda hybrid to economically vote to end this senseless plundering of Mother Earth's living fluids.

"Let the conquest of oil at the expense of common sense and of life be ended now. Please join me in calling for divine and starlight intervention in ending our greed here and now.

"President OBama, I voted for you and the change you asked us to guide you into leading. I support you. I support live. I choose life. I choose love. Come join me in requesting peace for all life forms and galactic intervention NOW.
Heidi S."


"Dear President Obama,  

"We applaud you for how you carry your distinguished Crow name "One Who Helps People Throughout the Land," and practices this mission daily. May dignity, love and compassion for all beings, be the hallmark of your wonderful leadership and administration!
"We Love you and Michelle and your dear family and lift you up to our Great Spirit and Source of Love and Light in prayer, and support for your highest good for your family, Nation, World and Beyond.  And that is why we are writing you this urgent letter.  We especially pray for our wonderful Mother Gaia now, the loss of life in all dimensions, and the great harm She has suffered in the Gulf of Mexico region to her sea floor and the mass pollution of her surface ocean waters.  We know that you know we have Star Sisters and Brothers of Light in our Galactic Federation who not only have the skills to provide a timely remedy to this great wound to Mother Earth's body, but will be able to assist in the healing of the many sentient beings destroyed as a result of this explosion and oil pollution, which have devastated this region, and has the potential to spread into our great oceans to create even greater uncontrolled havoc and destruction of life in many dimensions. 
"This disaster is apparently beyond the ability of our earthly Petroleum Engineers and damage control leaders to remedy or solve.  We must have your leadership to make a full international disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence, and kindly implore our Galactic Federation teams of safety and healing to intervene in this great calamity, before it is too late for our Mother Earth's oceans and our existence as humanity in our delicate balance between air, land, and sea. 


"Please show the courage and leadership you trained yourself for these many incarnations in different dimensions and Star Systems, and reveal to the World who our true spiritual allies are, who love us more than words have the ability to express, and are awaiting our compassionate request for assistance.  They see you leading the way to establish Peace on Mother Earth, and are looking to you to be that great galvanizing force to bring this joyful era into existence NOW!  Thank you!  Inshallah!!!    Arnold T.

"Beloved President Obama and staff,
"Please, we request that this important email be passed on to the President.  Thank you.
"This message is one of great love, appreciation and peace to you.... and your family.  Each day there are many of us who pray for you and your administration for all you are tyring to do for this planet and her people.  In fact, today seems to be a day of prayer for the Earth.  You are a man of great wisdom and vision and we know you know the seriousness of the hour. 
"We the people, see that you are trying very hard to do so many things and often your hands are tied because of those who still want to control the Earth and her resources.  We have little time left to turn this around and We know You also know the Earth is a sacred vessel. Without the Earth, all of us perish because we are all apart of the web of life.  Whatever harms the web of life, harms us all, and the Oil Spill in the Gulf is calling upon us now to do 'whatever' and all we can to stop any further hurting of our most precious resource---our beloved planet. 
"The Black Gold Oil, so improperly drilled, is now polluting the Earth Mother so deeply and We, the people do indeed SEE AND KNOW this trembling truth! 
"However, there are some very wondrous and awesome help at hand!   We know that you also know, 'Our Star Nations' are with us and they are ready to step in and assist the Earth, if we will only allow them to use the technologies they possess----which are at least 175 million years in advance of Earth.  They CAN indeed fix this mess quite easily and effortlessly.
"We, the people ask you to do this on OUR BEHALF---for the greater good of our planet and for all her creatures WHO are calling upon you to do so.  NOW IS THE TIME! 
"There has never been a greater moment for such an event to be revealed and for the people of Earth to see their magnificent beneficience and their love for us.  They are our family---our Brothers and Sisters of the Star Nations and they have come to help us in such a dire situation that could affect our nation and world for many generations to come.
"I write this to you in deepest humility, earnest pause and great hope.  Now is the time to allow our Galactic Friends to appear! 
"We the people, do hereby fully empower you to allow this great life changing event known as 'Full Disclosure' to come forth. 
"You are in our prayers.  So Be it!  NAMASTE.
"In deep respect, love and gratitude and In the Light of the Most Radiant One,
"Rev. D'yanna A.

"Dear President Obama, I would like to start by saying that you are doing an incredible job and I can feel that it is coming from your heart.  Thank you with all my heart for your hard work!  I would like to humbly ask that you would please allow the help that is here beyond our skies to come and assist our Great Nation and the rest of the World into this New Age that is upon us.
  "Mr. President, I am aware of the higher civilization technology such as free energy. That alone can lift a great deal of problems around our Earth.
In short, and with the most humbles and utmost respect dear President Obama, I ask that you do all you can to allow our Help to land to help heal the wombs of man which will cause the broken hearted smile again:) with there help and ours, we are the miracle this Planet is in need of!
  "Mr. President, your voice carries the breath of a healing wind to set us all Free! We are all here now and we are more than ready for this uplifting! Thank you in advance for the announcement that you will bring. I believe in you, and I love you with Infinite Love.   

"Your brother in spirit, Rich"


 "Dear President Obama,
"This is an urgent request to call upon the only ones who can clean up the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. While I respect and appreciate who you are and the great mission you're here to accomplish, I implore you to stop delaying and call upon the Galactic Federation to come into total visibility. This will enable them to partner with Humanity to solve ALL of the problems we are currently facing.
"We know that you know who are responsible for the almost complete enslavement of Humanity, and that their eons of control are ending. However, they have left our Earth in an egregious mess - e.g., their corrupt laws, wars to fatten their own wallets, drugs and procedures to make us sicker, and planet-wide pollution which has caused all species, including we Humans, to become "endangered."
"You have an unparalled opportunity to introduce our starseed relatives as bringers of love, peace and healing for the entire planet. This disastrous oil spill is known planet-wide. It is also known that human technology isn't powerful enough to clean it up. This driling into Mother Earth to access her oil and natural gas is literally sucking the life blood out of her veins. Continuing these procedures will only lead to more pollution and possibly more disasters, and, since we have quantum technologies readily available to us, it is totally unnecessary.  The drilling must stop!
"What millions of lightworkers worldwide do know is that the Galactics
have the power to clean up the oil spill and they are totally willing, even anxious, to share it with us. This could truly be the beginning of our Golden Age, and I urge you to take the biggest Leap ever for Man/Womankind and all of our beloved Planet Earth.
"Sincerely, Susan L."   

"Dear President Obama,

 "We are currently in an ecological 911 disaster, this is eco-terrorism with this crude Oil spewing all over the Gulf of Mexico from a mile deep, devastating the sacred space of our valued food sources, waters, pristine beaches, destroying peoples livelihoods and presenting another massive disaster that we just don’t know how to fix. 

"First, Thank you for exercising your courage to turn around our country. I support your illumined decisions to handle this massive issue of stopping the profuse bleeding of Mother Earth’s black-gold-oil. 

"Second, Just say NO, to any kind of drilling for Oil in our country.  

"How dare we allow reckless abuse of our beloved planet in exchange for a corporate buck. 

"We are supposed to be stewards of this great land?  The original native American tribes revered the land and lived within the heartbeat of the Great Spirit of the Land, Sea and Sky. We share this beautiful blue-green planet with our Cosmic Galactic Family.  Friendly visitations have been going on for thousands of years. We are star seeds, and we are finally waking up to our higher consciousness that what we do to another person, and to our planet, we do to ourselves. 


"YOU KNOW that the GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT has the advanced technology to plug that gushing oil in the deepest part of the Gulf safely and easily.   YOU KNOW that they are here to help us clean up the toxicity in our waters, land, and food sources and offer us advanced technology to free us from the limitations of those who desire to keep us from being the empowered beings we can be.

"I implore you to allow Full DISCLOSURE of our Galactic Heritage and allow our Galactic Brothers and Sisters to fix this problem, now, before it spoils any more lives.  This will also help to show the people that they come in Peace and Love of humanity.  They, of a higher consciousness, have no need for our 3 Dimensional existence, other than to lovingly help us, their star seed children to awaken and grow up to be good stewards of our divine energy to benefit mankind.  The time has come, Now.   Yes, We Can.

"Thousands of Lightworkers who have followed the transmissions of our beloved Galactic Family of Light for years are calling in the ships asking for them to help; All you have to do is say, “Bring It On!”   Yes, We Can!! 

"With deep compassion, gratitude and love for you and our country,

 "Elise C."

"May 5, 2010

"Dear President Obama,

"I am so very grateful for the magnificent service you are providing our country and the world  
"Like many of my fellow Americans I voted for you because I believe in your message of hope, change and peace. And your ability to get the job done.
 Many of us light workers have known the TRUTH for a long time and have remained in silent prayer... knowing that it will overcome the untruths told to us for thousands of years.
"You are a Master Brother of Love and Light and we are aware of that also. President Obama we now need the support of our Galactic Brothers and Sisters to help us get to the next stage of our planetary evolution. I am requesting that you ask them on behalf of American Citizens and world citizens like myself to physically come forth now to assist us in cleaning up the Gulf Coast Oil Disaster so we can move forward with our Planetary Ascension. I know you are aware of them. I love you and all the White Knights throughout the world, who are working to free the people and heal our beloved Mother Gaia. I trust you all will continue to do The Right Thing. I want my grandchildren, all children and people in this world to experience heaven on earth. This is our birthright. THE TIME IS NOW For The Announcements !

"Peace, love and blessing to you and your family.
"Selamat Gajun  Selamat Ja

"In Gratitude, Rochleigh Z. W., Amherst, MA"

"Dear Mr. President,

"I know that you are getting a lot of bad press and your actions can seem a little questionable at times. Especially where the choices of the people that you surround yourself with are concerned. However, I don't want to lose faith in you. This World and our Country is and has been controlled for a long,long time by very dark elements. I really want to believe that all of the promises that you made during your campaign to end this style of political tyranny were true. I really hope that behind these questionable actions you are wearing a white hat and will really come out and follow through with turning things around for us. I know that you are aware that this oil spill and the sinking of the oil platform has a lot more to it than meets the eye. But putting that aside for the moment I would like you to join with me and so many others in asking with your heart for help from above for help in cleaning this up and stopping this potentially devastating leak. We have brothers and sisters not so far away that will come and help if given permission and we need you to take a moment and invite them with us. Our Mother - Our Planet needs this help. Please join in and help us really create change that we can believe in.. Please be on the right side of history... Thank You...
"A very concerned citizen.
"Michael J.F."