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St.Germain's Freedom Exercise
St.Germain addressing the March 24, 2009 Ashtar teleconference:


"Greetings everyone in this most wondrous Family!  I AM St. Germain, and I come to be with you this special, special gathering of beloved Family members. You all carry so much of the Violet Ray in your fields. Even though I know you are Ashtar Command members, you are also very much a member of the St. Germain Family, and it is with that in mind that we are going to be accessing just exactly that in your glorious fields of Light, in your energies. And we are going to combine our energies tonight, to assist to shall we say, utilize that which is coming anyway, these wondrous energies of change, evolvement, enlightenment and enhancement and the awakening, shall we say, of your DNA, and the transformation to your crystalline bodies, and we're going to focus upon that, and then of course we're going to share it.


"And because I AM in charge of the NESARA coming to, of course, be announced in America and then beyond to the entire world. Actually the announcements will occur at the same time, it is simply that the effects will roll out over what you call a period of time. We are going to ask that in the same way we create this for the Americas and for the countries that are associated with the Americas, such as the wondrous country of Australia and Great Britain, Western Europe and so on. And then it will roll out from there to countries who have not had quite as much experience with the concepts of Freedom, Liberty, Justice for all; countries that are still, what you might call, at least in part, third world, but who nevertheless have all the beloved beings there, loved equally and infinitely as are you.


"And it is that they will take their place and know that they are equal as a result of what we do here this evening, because this is for Planet Earth and this is a continuing of the wake-up to Freedom that we have already been so effective in creating together as Family.


"And so I would ask that we join together, heart to heart, hand to hand, if you wish, and let us first just breathe together, breathe deeply the energies of Freedom, breathe deeply the sweet and powerful energies of Lady Liberty and Lady Nesara. They stand beside me shining out to the world. So breath it in, because it is for you, Beloveds, that they are here. Breathe it in; breathe it in.


"And if you wish to focus upon something, you might wish to focus upon a screen in front of you. It’s a big screen and as you look at it you see that it lights up. And there upon the screen are documents of Freedom. There is the Magna Carta, there is the Declaration of Independence, and there are Constitutions of the United States of America and of other countries, Documents of Freedom, guaranteeing certain liberties, Freedom from tyranny, Freedom from unfair taxation, Freedom from lack of representation and so on.


"See these documents, just allow them to parade across this screen. As you stand there, allow the energies of these documents to come into your own fields and recognize them. You may feel a cooling breeze, a rush, that is the Air of Freedom you know, the independence and the difference that it makes when you feel that. If you've been feeling at all oppressed, perhaps not so much you and this Family, but others, and so take it in, take it all in. It is most important that you do so, so that you have plenty of it, infinite quantities of the Air of Freedom, the Joy of living your life exactly as you choose to do it, without anyone telling you, 'You cannot do this, or go there.'


"At the same time, the great documents, books in some cases, short sentences in others and everything in between, the great documents of humanity, of caring, of Compassion, of sharing, of respect and honoring your neighbor, your relative, or the stranger who greets you as you honor yourself, that Divine Spark within all. Recognize that, and see the documents flowing past on this screen that tell of this, that describe it, that bring it forth to life in such a moving way, and see all of this.


"And then see all of the arts of Joy. Hear the wondrous music of Joy, the Angel choirs and inspirations that have come into the dimensions of Planet Earth. And see all of the beauty there, the flowers blooming in the sunshine, happily dancing in the wind, growing in the beautiful, beautiful, nurturing, and nourishing, soil, and watered by the crystal springs - pure, pure. All is Love, all is Joy. Such Joy, let it well up in you. You have the Freedom to enjoy all that passes in front of you upon this screen.


"Take it all in, Beloved Ones, take it all in and savor it, treasure it, and let it become a part of you. Open your hearts, direct it there if you choose. Open your wisdom eyes, direct it there if you choose. Open your minds and, again, send it there and let it permeate your energy fields completely. And if there be a block anywhere to the spreading of this Joy, of this Freedom, then take your Violet Flame which is there with you and allow the Violet Flame to wrap this block, whatever it might be, within its loving embrace and totally transform, transmute it to Love, which of course will welcome all that you are sending.


"So do this process for a moment or two. Scan your own beautiful fields, your past, your present, your future, your parallel and dimensional selves and all of your beloved bodies. Scan through, Beloved Ones, and just allow the Violet Flame to go anywhere there might be a block or a place where this Joy, this Freedom, this Love might not be in infinite quantities.


"And as you do this, notice that you might be feeling lighter. You might be seeing some colors that you haven't seen before, colors known to you, perhaps some colors not known to you before. You're lifting up, Beloved Ones, you're lifting up, you are lifting up so that you can greet and hug Lady Nesara, Lady Liberty, all of your Guides and the Masters and the Angels, and they're coming to you; and it’s a grand hug, a grand joyful reunion.


"Oh yes, we've been together before. And so it is a reunion and an energy-sharing that is unparalleled. Enjoy it, Beloved Ones, and be one with it and with us and with each other. And as we do this, the energy is heightened even more. And the Oneness is felt completely and with all understanding and the wisdom comes flowing forth, and this is Love in its grandest form and in its completeness. And all of this we have called forth together and we have brought in together, such that we are now ready to do the next part of this exercise.


"So maintain and allow even more of this Love, this Freedom, this Joy to come into your fields. Make room for more, and as you do so, send the Violet Flame out. Send it out over your country. Send it out to all of the countries who have documents such as the ones that we have seen and who have some knowledge of them. Send it there first, and allow the Violet Flame to go forth to remove the blocks, the blocks to Joy, the blocks to Freedom, that have been built up by those who would control it all.


"Send the Freedom on the wings, on the tail of the Violet Flame, so that as the Violet Flame clears the way, the Freedom, the Joy, the reunions, the recognition of Lady Nesara and Lady Liberty, the recognition of the Divinity of all beings and the Oneness of all, and the Freedom for all. It is a reawakening. Send the documents. Send them out now with the blocks cleared and then go beyond to all of the places, all of the corners, all of the locations of Planet Earth, to the countries that may not have these documents, or where documents were made, or perhaps they were not even put into any kind of writing, but were just handed down from family to family.


"But that was so long ago, and there are now layers and layers of oppression choking all of the beings there, the Humans and all of the Kingdoms. Send the Violet Flame to clear all of that now, and as it is cleared, then send the wondrous feelings of Love and Joy and Freedom. Send the documents to share with them, so that there is grand worldwide understanding of Freedom, Liberty, the Freedom to be who one wants to be, and where one wants to be, and to live a lifestyle of Love and Joy and Compassion and caring and sharing, and to have the Love that all so richly deserve and yet some have been so without.


"And so now that the way is cleared, let it flow. Bring it in through yourselves, Beautiful Ones, and send it out in an endless, endless stream, and keep it going. Keep it going and set the intent that this will continue. Let it ride these wondrous energies that are coming even now to Planet Earth, these wondrous crystalline energies. Set it in crystal and let it go. And let these energies travel all over Planet Earth, below, on and above as message to those who are already below and above and in enjoyment of these freedoms, that now, now, Planet Earth is ready to step up and join, and join, in this grand renaissance of Love and take her place among the higher dimensions of being. Send it out. This is the vision created in this now moment. This is the Truth for the next moment in Planet Earth’s reality. Keep it going Beloved Ones, just let it flow.


"And let it be the Truth known to all on the wings and tail of the Violet Flame itself, and let all who pass by Planet Earth see now all of the violet, all of the beautiful violet energies surrounding and wrapping Planet Earth and see the energies of Love and Joy and Freedom, more and more, more and more, until there is absolutely nothing but these energies to be seen. And now see everyone on the Planet, all of the Kingdoms hugging in Joy, joining hands and dancing and singing and celebrating. This, this is the Freedom, this is the Love, this is the Joy. This is how Planet Earth and its civilizations of the humans began.


"Long, long ago when the star-seeds and masters came to create what you know as humanity upon Planet Earth, to co-create this grand, grand playground, so that the humans could enjoy the reawakening to who they really are. And now the time for this awakening to be complete is indeed the reality of Planet Earth, and it is through the restoration and the reawakening to Freedom and to Love and to caring and sharing and Compassion, and that, Beloved Ones, is how it is done.


"And so we thank all of you for your participation in this grand exercise. It is felt around the world and it is a grand contribution to the next moments as we have created them just now. Thank you, Beloved Ones, for being with us in this moment, as in the past, in what you call the beautiful Golden Age which is NOW.  And so it is!  Namaste!"


© Susan Leland 2004-2009.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.