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In our April 22nd email, we included this information about the "disruptive sounds" during our April 19, 2011 Ashtar teleconference:
"During the introductions at the beginning of the call, we began hearing interfering sounds.  I asked Ashtar & Company to help.  He said that 'good waves' were coming in, and the reception seemed to get better, but the waves continued throughout the call.  Also, many of our Skype users experienced extreme difficulties in even getting on the call.  The next day I asked Ashtar what he meant by 'good waves.'  He said that they were higher dimensional energies of Love, and that the important thing was to feel our connections.  (I think that they forget how much we use our human abilities to speak out loud and to hear, because they use telepathy.) 
"He went on to say that those of us on the call got 'upgrades,' which will extend to those who join in with the recording, even if they missed the live call.  So, if you felt or sensed anything of a shifting, or high vibration, please send us an email - we would love to hear from you!" 
Here are the responses we have received:
The "noise" factor was really interesting..... In the beginning of "interesting" sounds...at one point what I heard sounded like an entirely different language....which also made me laugh....and my response was: "Interesting!  Maybe I am finally opening up to hearing some language of one of my Cosmic Family Beings!...This is fun!!"....of course, that is more of a description of how I felt rather than the exact words I thought.  By the time Ashtar was ending.....maybe 10 min. at the end....his voice was so clear and soothing....I could cry right now with how much his caring just flowed in.  His Love is always there/here.....I just wanted to distinguish a particular quality of his love that I experienced that night.
Also, in answer to your inquiry about my experience of the waves, the call was so very powerful for me.....I was crying throughout the call....esp. with Mother Gaia.....and what felt like what was happening was that I was experiencing  flashes of times/incidents in this life when I harm Mother Gaia and members of her other Kingdoms.....killing snails, spurring my horse, my beloved Duchess, when I use to go over jumps (I did a great deal of owning, apologizing and healing after I read "The Horse-whisper" years ago.)....just a real reality check of owning of my part.....only what I could obviously handle right now and what felt like it was representative of all my lives as a human being.
I had foreshadowing of how powerful the call was going to be...Yesterday morning, I was still rather reeling from the intensity and realized that what was so powerful for me.......and this is esp. poignant for me.....is that the energy of  "Mothers' Day" I am already experiencing.....that I really let in the truth that Mother Gaia is MY MOTHER......what a real mother should be.
And, I can't remember now who said it......as I was crying uncontrollably....thinking it was Mother Gaia......something regarding "if you cry, let them be tears of Joy".......and I realized that I do need to pull out of even owning my part in all the hurtful/horror that have been done and continues to be done our Beloved Mother.  A.S., CA, 4-21-11
"The sound quality and connection were indeed a little challenging, however it was an opportunity to practice ease and grace, and to center and ground ourselves.  Some of the noise was our own inner noise needing to clear out. It provided a contrast to the new energies that we were receiving and you might say a boost to get past any ego resistance that might have been present.  Since the call and deeper connection to Mother Gaia, I have personally experienced positive movement in my own body healing that has been significant.  I am also much more grounded in the new energies."  S.B., VT, 4-22-11
"You can add to my comments, if you wish, that since the Mother Gaia healing I find that my connection is so much stronger and that my presence in certain geographic areas seems to greatly minimize the intensity of storms.  It is as if I have really accepted my role as earth keeper.  And when I find myself getting stiff in my body or holding a little tension, then I connect with Mother Gaia and all is well." S.B., VT 4-28-11 
"Just read your note at the end of Ashtar`s message about the `good waves` that Ashtar sent during the call.  I have to tell you that before the call I wasn`t feeling all that great - wasn't`even sure if I was going to make it.  I mentioned to Ashtar that if he wanted me on that call I had to feel better.   Anyway, got on the call still not feeling that great but as the call progressed I  started feeling better and better and by the end of the call I was feeling very well indeed.  I didn`t, at the time, understand why that good feeling had come over me but now I know!!  THANK YOU ASHTAR!!   Wouldn`t it be great if he could do  that on every call??  I`m chuckling here but who knows, it could happen - will keep the transmission lines open!   Thank you for everything you do and have a great EARTH DAY!"    M.T.  Canada, 4-22-11
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