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Greetings From Pan
Pan addressing the April 7, 2009 Ashtar teleconference:
"Greetings beloved dwellers of Earth and Sky! It is I, Pan, come to greet you. I am chosen this evening, because I volunteered and because I have a message for you from all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia. And I AM here to assure you that all is proceeding wondrously well.  
"All that you are is Love. And you are giving so selflessly of your Love, of your energies, of your healing, of your communications and of yourselves, Beloveds, that I am here to tell you that we, the other Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, stand ready to stand with you in this great process called the Ascension.  
"We have much to do. We have mission and purpose. We would suggest that, as we move towards that occasion you call the Solstice, which shall be a grand opening, that you continue your wondrous, loving work, directing your energies to Mother Earth, and all of her Kingdoms including Humans.  
"Take a walk in the woods, by the seashore, or in your own garden, and be very quiet and be prepared, if you will, to receive the loving messages that are there for you. You may need to close your eyes and perhaps squint a little bit, you know, like you're trying to see someone's aura against a wall. But look closely and see if in some manner you don't sense that you're not alone.  
"We are with you Beloved Ones, and just as you have your Guides from the Kingdoms of the Angels, and that which you call the Ascended Masters, and yes, the Galactic Kingdoms as well, be assured that you have Little Ones with you. Well, sometimes not so little. It all depends upon your reference point.  
"We are here to invite you to a ceremony. We are here to invite you to a dance. It is a ball really, a joyful celebration of music and dance which is put on by that part of the Kingdoms that you call the Fairies, and perhaps some others from these Kingdoms will make an appearance. So we ask in the meantime that you might establish some contact with one or more of them. It is very simple to ask. 
"If there are representatives from what you call the Elemental Kingdoms on your Guidance Team, and you might strike up a conversation, or a communication, and it will be most happy.  Where can you find joy?  Where can you access Joy, if you're not feeling it at the moment within yourself, if you want your Joy button to be given a bit of a boost.  Well, you can find it most easily in the Kingdom of the Elementals, so take yourselves there Beloved Ones, take yourselves there.
"In fact it would be ideal to take a bit of a journey now, if you are so inclined. And, we shall, perhaps, awaken in you at least an overview of what is there.  For some of you it will be a delightful reunion. For others it might seem as though it is the first time, but believe me, you have all danced at the Fairy Balls on Planet Earth and other places too. Do you think the Fairies only live on Planet Earth? Do you not know Pegasus and the wondrous Unicorns are creatures not only of the Galaxy, but of the Universe?  
"As a matter of fact, we have volunteers ready to transport you, if that be your will. So we ask that you close your eyes and breathe, and breathe deeply. And just allow a wondrous gossamer web to come into your fields and feel the delight, the twinkling, the radiance of it, and lose yourself in it, as a means of just leaving behind whatever cares and worries you might have brought with you to this gathering, if there are any left at this moment.  
"And as you close your eyes bring yourself into a delightful meadow..Ah its springtime, and the air in the meadow is most joyful! It's alive, and many representatives of Mother Gaia's Kingdoms are there delighted to welcome you!  Now walk into the meadow and walk up to one who stands there to greet you. Look closely at it. It seems to be a silvery white horse. But wait, it is more than that. Why it's the Unicorn. Now you may have heard that Unicorns do not care to be touched by Humans, but be assured that you are not representing yourself as a 3D Human. 
"This Unicorn recognizes you as a long time friend, a dear one, one who has already transcended the confinements of 3D and is living in the Higher Dimensions anyway. So what could be more familiar than that the Unicorn offers his or her back to you, that you may ride through the skies together. So please do climb aboard. All of your Guides have room there as well.  
"And so it is that the Unicorn transports you from that meadow, that meadow, which is a vortex of a kind, still associated with 3D, to one that is on a higher plane. This one is in the highest Dimensions of the Fourth Dimension, the highest levels.  And as you approach, you hear music. Fill yourselves with the Joy of that music. Enchanting, why yes, but you're there by choice, and there is no spell over you, nor will there be one. It is simply your choice to be there, and to be in that form that is so familiar, and so dear.  
"And as you come close you see all kinds of crystal castles and bridges and buildings. And there, there as you come into this grand meadow of Higher Dimensionality there are all of the wondrous dwellers of the Kingdoms to greet you and invite you to join in the dance, and you do. And you join in with your fellow travelers and that music finds its way to your hearts, Beloved Ones, and your Joy is so pure and so connecting with the all who are there.  
"And this is bliss and this is a taste of what you call Heaven and this is a homecoming for you, and a grand welcoming celebration. And you may stay at the celebration as long as you wish. And the hours, and days might pass but it is all nothing in this Kingdom. 
"And when you are ready, when you have danced and danced and danced, when you have hugged and greeted everyone there and enjoyed each other's stories of adventure, and when you feel that the time has come for you to return, take some Fairy Dust with you. It is yours. It is offered to you. You can store it in your beautiful heart, if you choose. And look, here is your precious one, your own Unicorn, back to transport you again, safely, safely back to that meadow from which your adventure started.  
"Keep this adventure forever in your hearts Beloved Ones. It is one you shall enjoy at anytime that you choose. It is one to be repeated as often as you would like. And the Truth of it is, Beloveds, it's real!  It is as real as I Pan, it is as real as Mother Gaia, and all of Her Kingdoms, below, on and above Planet Earth, and it is a part of you and your life or lives, we should say. There are times when it has been more real than at others.  
"But it is you Beloveds, it is a part of you. So let it stay in your hearts now, this special engraved invitation to you to come and join in the festivities and the celebration, to dance to the music and to enjoy the coming home to that part of you which is always there.  
"And so we thank you for joining us in this journey; it is but a preview.** We thank you for your participation. Our hearts are joyful at this time that we have spent. And you will find it is almost no time as you measure it on Planet Earth in 3D, but know also you are not so much dwellers full time in 3D, and that your ability to come on this journey is yet another confirmation to you of the evolvement that you are making in the Ascension Process.  
"So be joyful, we are together, always have been, always shall be. Continue your grand works of healing, of bringing Joy and the Light of Love to Planet Earth.  I, Pan, salute you on behalf of all those I represent, and I stand with Mother Gaia, in awe and appreciation of you. You are truly awesome Ashtar Commanders, Beacons of Love on Mission to and for Planet Earth. And thus it is, and ever shall be.  Namaste!"
© Susan Leland 2004-2009.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.
**a preview of the June 20-21 Solstice Celebration at Bushwillows in California: http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/events2009.html