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Ashtar: Inner Earth Open


Ashtar addressing the January 19, 2009 teleconference:

"..The energy that these ones who are on the stage for the moment being spotlighted, the energies that they are projecting to their audiences is quite different from where the consciousness of the world has voted to go. And what's important is that more and more are recognizing it.


"You know we don't want to cause any confusion, so let's take a moment. We celebrate the end of duality, and yet here we are saying: 'Well discern whose wearing a dark hat.' Well, we know that you already know that. What is it you say?  'We are preaching to the choir.'


"But here's something that you might want to share with your friends because some of them don't know, and they're just starting to get some feelings about these things and maybe they have a feeling that, 'Well, this or that one doesn't seem to be quite truthful, doesn't seem to be quite honorable. I'm getting a little worried and nervous.'


"And so you, friend, can say,  'Well, let me tell you something, this is nothing to be upset about, all is in divine order. Why don't we have some fun today and let's do something fun and uplifting, because you're letting this kind of drag you into the box of low vibration, and we're here to rise.'


"So let these characters get up on the stage, you know they're just playing roles, and play them to the very hilt, as you say. And give them a round of applause. And if you know people who are starting to be concerned, just assure them that whatever needs to be known is known.


"And that they are playing a role, and that they are programmed to do so, they've rehearsed so well, if you want to say that, and that their time on the stage is brief, and there will be changes made that will be for the good, the benefit, and the upliftment, of all of planet Earth, below, on and above.


"Speaking of which, how about the emergence of our beloved brethren from that part of the Earth that we refer to geographically speaking, or directionally speaking, as below the surface** of planet Earth? And the connections between the cities are being lit up; the tunnel connections, the portal connections, whatever you want to call it, are being activated.


"Now this is big, because what this means is that you cannot only go to one city or group under the Earth, and there are more than one or two you know, but you can go traveling, just as you do on the Earth's surface. And these portals or tunnels, or whatever you want to call them, are there to facilitate.


"Now some of them had a, shall we say, a high level of security. Well, you know that there is a labyrinth of tunnels underneath the planet that were shall we say, until recently, staffed by programees of the dark programs, dark agenda, dark hats, whatever, renegades, runaways; some of them rather fierce you know?


"There are accounts by sane, rational, well-mentally-organized humans, having encounters with some rather fierce creatures who were not friendly and loving at all; dragons, and other sorts, that were part of the guard staff of the underground tunnels which were, shall we say, under the control of those wearing the dark hats and most particularly their military forces.


"They even had some portals there that you would call escape hatches - cancelled! Not only have these underground places, tunnels and bases and so on, been taken over by, guess who - the Light - and if you want to think of them as Light warriors that is perfectly appropriate - they are in charge!


"So all these places and spaces are being lit up too. And this is most joyful and delightful. You see, a lot of those who were staffing or shall we say inhabiting these places had such sensitivity to Light, they were what you might call blind, but they felt much better operating in these areas without what you call lights... Those lights were only turned on if they had - what do you call them? - VIP visitors of the dark hat variety because they needed to see what was going on down there and where they were going.


"So it was a very environmentally friendly way of rounding up whoever needed to be rounded up and transported away from planet Earth to a very special place where they can create whatever kind of civilization they choose to, or in some cases, well you've heard about 'green goo'. Yeah, Mother Sekhmet*** was there with her warriors too, in some cases.


"The White Knights have been quite helpful in clearing these areas and so the lights are turned on, not only the environmentally friendly lights that are there, but also, and isn't turning on a light a grand environmentally friendly way to clean up a space. How about that? Just show the light and they say: 'Oh, I can't stand that, here I am, get me out of here'; perfect indeed.


"So, we have a new kind of security underground everywhere which is more crystalline in nature, if you like. You will find that you will feel quite wondrous and wonderful if you take one of these tours. We like to put it in the terms of having a wondrous adventure, a bit of a vacation, whatever you want to call it.


"You can start getting your plans made if you wish, because these areas - and some of them are the most wondrous cities and groups of beings and entities - and they have got the welcome mat out for all of you. They are absolutely beaming, and some of them have made their presence known particularly in that area that you call the Middle East.."


**referring to inner earth ships coming through the Gulf of Aden stargate as reported by Tara & Rama & Mark.  For recent and ongoing reports go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GRT-news/

***Mother Sekhmet's adventure with Rama in Gaza can be found on the above news list.





© Susan Leland 2009.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.