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Mother Gaia's Greetings

Earth Day Greetings from Mother Gaia

on Ashtar Teleconference of April 21, 2009


"I greet you, Beloved Ones, and I am full, absolutely full with the love that you have exchanged and given so freely of with me.  I am the one you call Mother Gaia.  I am the Spirit of Planet Earth and I live in all of you,Beloved Ones, and indeed in all living beings, in all of the kingdoms of this beautiful, beautiful planet.  I, like you, have mission work and you know that.  And sometimes it may seem as if that work is a bit overwhelming or difficult, and sometimes to be very honest with you, it has been enhanced, which is a somewhat polite way of saying initiated or attempted to be made more disastrous than it was.  And you know that you and your Love, along with the Love of the Galactic Federation, the Angels and the Ascended Masters, have been powerful enough to mitigate some of these events and occurrences and energies that have been sent from a place of darkness.


"And so I come to this family gathering.  I’ve been here this whole time, indeed, I come every time, because it is so joyful to be in the company of such Love.  And when you hear family spoken of, be assured I count myself as family with you.  How could it be otherwise?  We have been together so many times, in so many places on the planet.  And some of you have been inside, and some of you travel there now in what you call your sleeping times, your journeying.  Every leaf on every tree, every gain of sand,every animal, every plant, every part of Planet Earth is alive with the energy of us.  Not just Mother Gaia and not just you - but us - One - one grand energy of love - One Family.  And so I reach out to you with so much Gratitude and so much Love for who you are and for the missions that you have taken on. 


"I know it has been difficult at times.  I know there are times when I caused your space to be blanketed with snow, and for the winds to blow harsh, and for the freeze to continue.  And you say,  'Will I ever see spring?  Will I ever hear the robins sing?'  And you think,  'What have I done?'  You have done nothing but be the Love that you are.  And when I come to you in what seems to be a harsh kind of way, remember there is always Spring.  Sometimes it is necessary for the ground itself to be covered with that blanket, and sometimes it is necessary for the winds to blow strong.  Winds can cleanse just as much as they can bring things into an atmosphere that would prefer not to have them.  When the wind blows these days you can be sure that it is I, Mother Gaia, in charge.  Oh, I  have some grand help.  I have those who are the wind - grand helpers indeed!  When I blow the winds in these days it is to empower you and it is to cleanse.


"When the oceans seem to be anything but peaceful, when the waves seem to crash upon the shore, you might think of it as a spirited housecleaning.  And yes, there are places where it necessary to actually move the earth.  I am as careful as I can be.  I do no more than what is necessary to cleanse that particular area, to make the adjustments, the alignments and the attunements that are so necessary for my Ascension.   And to put it in the broadest form, we're all in this together.  So sometimes it might be necessary for you to fasten your seatbelts.  But remember that I am always available for you to communicate with.  And how am I able to bring peace to a part of me that might be troubled with pollution or toxins or misalignment?  It is with Love. 


"And so as stewards as you have agreed to be, remember if you will, that the highest and most important part of your stewardship is this Love exchange that we have going on.  You are so wonderful, Beloved Ones.  You are so important here at this time.  Draw your strength up from me.  If you choose to do so, I have plenty of empowerment for you.  Mix it with the golden rays of the sun, keep it well watered and well nourished and nurtured, and you have the recipe for Ascension - Ascension for all of us. 


"We are in this together, Beloved Ones!  And your commitment during your mission or your exercise as Ashtar calls it, has done wondrous miracles, has empowered even more of the cleansings and even more of the gentle adjustments, attunements, alignments.  And so just know that even as we have come together, you have empowered me, Gaia, as part of and one with you to go about my Ascension mission with even more joy, and at the same time, even more gently.  Thank you so much Beloveds.  I am with you - always.  And you are in my heart.  We never ever have to be apart from each other. 


"There will come a day, of course, when your missions will take you elsewhere.  We never really have to part, because we have this great Love  and this connection, heart to heart within all of us.  And so I thank you, again, for this great work that you are doing and I love you beyond any words that I can express.  This is one big family gathering of Love, and it never needs to end.  And indeed that is foretold and realized.  It is divine destiny, and it is because we are a part of each other. 


"And so I say to you Beloveds, commune with me, communicate and connect, and when you are indoors it is delightful if you put a flower in your desk or in your hair or if you have a little animal that you hug or just send greetings, loving greetings, whenever you think of me and I promise you, I answer you every time.


"And so I say farewell to this gathering.  Welcome to the Heart of Mother Gaia.  And so it is.  Namaste."



© Susan Leland 2004-2009.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.


Many thanks to Jan Chapman and Janet Orion for transcription assistance.