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Sekhmet Confirms Success
Sekhmet addressing the June 17, 2009 Ashtar teleconference:
"Well you know I just couldn't let this evening close together without a word. Yes!  It's all been, happened, occurred and been finalized as stated.*  There you have it.  Thank you for being the backup to these courageous ones who have done great missions.  It was a partnership, and it had to be so.  Now you know these ones are way more than humans, as are you, but there had to be representation in these missions by those who are at least partially in human bodies.  They go beyond you know. 
"So we just wanted to say that their courage has been shown throughout the Universe and is honored, and we honor each and everyone of you for being the support team, because without you none of us would engage these missions.  'No Dates,' but for the mission the dates have come. 
"Everything is flowing very well.  Everything is continuing to flow 'purrfectly.' Everything is in a state of readiness almost to the nano-second.  Got it?  We shall honor the tradition of 'No Dates,' but be advised that the way is a lot clearer than it was a few days ago as you measure time, so that ought to be a cause for great celebration.
"We may show up at a few parties.  We shall be delighted.  We can multiple-locate you know.  And even though we have much to do, the stage is getting set up you know and we shall be there, but we still can party.  So, if you would like to, we'll be there.  Just reach out and shake a furry paw if you'd like to, or have a little hug.  With you Beloved Ones our claws are never out.  We do Love pats and we purr a lot and we converse as you heard earlier. 
"So enjoy, you deserve it, you've earned it, you're radiant and you stand tall in the Universe. The courage of the heart is who you are and what you represent, so keep that in mind and know that whatever lies ahead on your path we'll clear the way for you, if you'd like us to.  We'll back you up if you'd like that, and we'll walk beside you 'hand in paw.'  We are honored to be with you in this sacred mission, and we shall move ahead and the sun shall shine on all evermore, as they say.  And so it is!  Namaste!"
* See reports of the exploits of Beth, Mark, Tara & Rama at www.GRT-Intel.com
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