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Sekhmet:Year Of Eleven
Sekhmet addressing the December 30, 2008 Ashtar teleconference:
"Well, good evening.  It is I, Sekhmet.  I felt the call and I'm here. Now I know that I have not done much of the meditational leadership here in these gatherings, but it is appropriate because I am very much out here with all. And so I am here to tell you, and I shall gentle down the voice a bit, that all that you have been dreaming of, all that you have hoped for, and all that you have created is true, so long as it follows the high-vibe path, you see. 
"We’re all in this together. We walk beside you. We march beside you. And if you have any fears or doubts about whether you-know-what is going to be announced, you don’t need them. Leave them behind because it is coming very close. Close your eyes for a moment and just imagine that I and my Paschats are standing behind you. And we are NESARA and we breathe upon you and you can feel it. Yes, feel the lights of it. Feel the joy of it and know. Now breathe and breathe and breathe.
"You beloved family may not have the warrior image of the Paschats, but you're all commanders in the Ashtar Command. And no matter how gentle you are – oh, yes, I have a gentle side too - did I mention that? – no matter how gentle you are, you are still on mission.  And there are many ways, and each of us has our own particular function of mission. And so we ask you to just breathe in the joy of this upcoming calendar Year of Eleven. It is most sacred. It is most divine. And it is most powerful. And that, Beloveds, is what we are going to focus upon now in this exercise. So breathe in the Lovelight. Breathe in the Christ light of the Year of Eleven, and allow it to empower you. That’s what the Year of Eleven is about. It's about reclaiming individual empowerment and then joining in the empowerment of the One We All Are. 

"And so what will be happening? There are many of us who seem to be more outside of 3D than in, although I can assure you I am a constant visitor these days. I have so much to do. But there are those who are very much a part of your 3D now and so we come together. And so imagine, if you will, here is a news broadcast bulletin. Just breathe it all in. Engrave it in your hearts if you wish and know it in your mental bodies and feel the Joy of it in your emotional selves. 
"I shall discuss healing. All who choose to heal completely whatever infirmities or imbalances or diseasements are invited to do so. There are so many options and so many choices and each and every one upon the planet and all of the kingdoms will know which of the options to choose. And it shall all be free and made available to everyone and free from any kind of tyranny, any kind of closure or closings of the centers. There will be centers on planet Earth, on the ships, as there already are, and even some will choose to travel to other planets and stars. It's all here in this Year of Eleven.
"And education, not so much degrees of letters and so on, but just simply learning whatever you have passion for and joy for. If you want to freshen up your ship-piloting skills, you can take a quick course. If you want to sharpen up your navigational skills among the galaxies, well, you can take a slightly longer course for that.  Put yourselves in the pilot’s seat or in the navigator’s seat or wherever you choose to be on the ships. It’s all open to you and available to you.  You can take tours. There will be travels available. There will be special travel agents. And you can find your way to them quite easily. 
"Are you enjoying this, Beloved Ones? Indeed.
"Now, as to your homes, ah yes. You can create them to be however you choose to create them. You can start over. You can bless the space you already live in and it will be joyful to you.  You can accomplish balancings.  If you have a leaky faucet, you might just use your own empowerment to fix it. How about that? Hmmm?
"So everyone can follow their passions and will not have to spend quite so many hours in drudgery, if you want to call it that, although there are those who just love to paint rooms, for instance, and they will find that they have a color palette that is even more varied than what you might find in this Year of One. You see, all of these things are coming and more.  
"As you practice your ability to manifest whatever it is that you desire, you will find much that will be reawakened within you and thus you will give less and less of your empowerment to someone else to fix it or get it for you. And so everybody is going to be happy. And there is going to be a great deal of dancing and music and art to enjoy, wondrous gardens, waterfalls, beautiful mountains. One of the services we shall offer is a shuttle to the mountaintops. And there will be tours opening up of the underground world as well. You may not all get there during the Year of Eleven, but you can certainly get your place reserved if you choose. There will be, as we have said, very wondrous travel agents to help you with your journey plans.  

"And there will be workshops everywhere if you want to sharpen up your own healing skills. There will be thousands in attendance at these workshops, millions. There will be courses available to you on the internet and your television set and they will be free from any subliminal or dark or fearful kind of messaging. 
"When you hear the news, just as you’re hearing this news, it’s going to be happy, happy, happy news, because there’s not going to be any more dark dealings and doings and perpetrations because 'It’s over, rover', as they say. That’s a good one, is it not? Indeed. 
"And if you will notice you might be enjoying a bit of laughter right now. Let it just sink in. Breathe it in, Beloveds, because that is the wave of the future. Now, as the consciousness raises, there will be less and less need for what you call policing forces.  But there will be incidents in the Year of Eleven and I and my Paschats are available. And there are many good-hearted ones who will simply walk up to someone who is, for instance, trying to, oh, perhaps steal a vehicle and simply by walking up and saying some words of grace, that one will stop.  Such is going to be the involvement of the consciousness of the planet. And it’s contagious, Beloved Ones. If you’re thinking a loving thought, the one in line behind you is going to get it in a big burst of Love. How about that?
"And this is how it’s going to be. Telepathy will be highly in use by the end of this magnificent Year of Eleven. Telepathic communications will be such that you might even find yourself doing less and less emailing and more and more communicating.  And you can have groups to communicate telepathically with, just like you do with your email groups. And it will be quick and in a twinkling, as they say.  

"And, oh yes, we shall be on the road, with workshops everywhere. And that will be great joy as well. I am speaking for Ashtar and Family of course, but I'll be there. Count on it. I’ll always show up if you want me to. And I may sound a wee bit rough, but I’m all about Love. Everything I do carries the highest vibration of Love, every thought, every word, every deed. And my Paschats have spent eons to do as I do.
"And you, Beloved Ones, are reawakening to the Love you are. In the very beginning, that's all you were and that’s all you expressed in every thought, word and deed. And you’re finding it a bit easier, are you not, as this Year of One comes to a close? And we understand fully that it has come to a close with some difficulties, but that is simply to help you do your cleaning house. So continue with that. If you recognize a thought, word or deed welling up from inside of you, talk to it, put Love on it, and see how it expresses. 
"All is well in your kingdoms, Beloved Ones. All is well in our kingdom. Enjoy! The Year of Eleven is about to commence on your calendar as it has already done in this family gathering. Live it!  It’s the Truth. 
"There is no longer a box for you to inhabit. There is no longer a matrix to ensnare you. You’re free, Beloved Ones.  You’re free! And this is the Joy of the New Year. And so it is happy and joyful and full of grand news and some of that news starts with a great big 'N'. It's already here, beloveds. It’s already here. Just as First Contact has already happened, NESARA is real and it is here. And yes, there remains a news bulletin for the world to hear and it's in the works. It cannot be denied. It’s done. It will come in the news as the preparations are one-hundred percent complete. No dates, but how about 99 and  9/10th?  Does that sound good? 
"Well, alright then. You heard it here and you will hear it out there. Be ready. Tell the world how wondrous it is. Get those emails going out. Let everyone know. Let your government leaders know you’re ready. Some of them are true leaders with heart, with light. Some of them are radiant beings and they are about to turn their lights up full blast. Rejoice, beloved ones, rejoice. Stand with them. Stand with us.  We are one and we are indeed the joy of the Year of Eleven.

"Well done, Beloveds, well done!  And so I tell you again how much we Love you and how much we appreciate your presence here and all that you do to bring the world into its true reality and into the grace of Love expressed. 
"Let us go forth from here marching together, if you will, or flying if you prefer. Let us bring this Joy to the entire planet Earth, below, on and above.  
"And so it is. Namaste."
© Susan Leland 2008.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.
With thanks to transcribers Jan Chapman, Deborah Urquhart, Mary Sherritt and Steve Beckow.