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 Tara & Rama A & A Report
Sekhmet's Family Fun Call, 8/21/12
Tara and Rama: Greetings! Oh my goodness. OK, Rama you're first, you're up first.
Rama: Well, on this wild ride we've got going here, where yes, the high vibes are in order, yet the stories, I will try to keep them positive here, but it is what it is in terms of the big picture, little story, where the Truth is coming out everywhere. And since that broadcast from the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, this has been just going around and around the internet, and we're spreading it as fast as we can, this video that's out now.

And Richard Belzer, who is on that show sometimes, called “Law and Order,” came on the Stephanie Miller Show this morning, and was talking about how he just happened to be surfing the web, and he came across our 2013 Rainbow Round Table website and he watched the video, and he said, “I want to get on the Eliot Spitzer Show and start talking about this because it's coming out now.”

Tara: Tell them it's not really a video, it was a TV show.
Rama: It was a TV show on a Colorado PBS Station, where it's a DVD you can actually buy. But it is an hour..
Tara: You can watch it for free though.
Rama: Yeah, you can watch it for free, but they just 'wanna spread the word about the Truth about 9/11, and it's just interesting, and very serendipitous that this just came out in the last week in terms of all the other pieces of what we're watching here with the big picture, little story about “Black Magic Mittens” and his “Sock Puppet” Paul Ryan. And I will keep it positive, yet everybody is saying that this entire story that's going on right now is a distraction, complete distraction from the real Truth of what's going on across the Planet, where the majority of Planet Earth has said we want Peace, we want Love, we want a healing to these stories now.

And Richard Belzer this morning had a little chat with Stephanie Miller, and he brought up the fact, that he's been looking into the Marilyn Monroe murder, and the link-up between JFK and Bobby Kennedy Sr. And he talked about the scene when Marilyn Monroe was murdered, there were two policemen that showed up at the first scene of the crime. And he said when they first got there; this has never been published yet, it's in his latest book. I forget the title of Richard Belzer's book, [“Dead Wrong”] but he said the first two policemen that came across the crime scene, they said this is a set up, and they said let's get the “Heaven” out of here. And they knew that it was Black Ops that set up the murder of Marilyn Monroe. And he went on to talk about the fact that Marilyn Monroe, Bobby Sr., and Jack were getting ready to announce to the world that the ET presence was here, and that it was time to stop all the wars. This was one of the reasons they killed the clone of Jack, and I'll still say this, Jack will be back.


It has to do with this entire story that goes back to 1963, and he did this video that's out called, it's about a conspiracy of secrecy, and it talks about what Eisenhower brought up when he was giving his last speech, where the Bio-Medical-Military-Congressional-Complex steps in, and this is where we have this story now about Big Brother everywhere.

And Richard Belzer also talked about what's going on right now with this whole fiasco with Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney, and the refusal for him to release his taxes, because it goes into the direct link-up where Mitt Romney's money comes from these wealthy people that participated in South American death squads. With the Iran-Contra scandal and Nicaragua, and brought up the fact that Gerald Ford did not prosecute Richard Nixon when he was leaving, as well as when Ronald Reagan left Bill Clinton did not, or Bush Sr. did not prosecute in terms of the war crimes that happened with the Iran-Contra Scandal.


All these end trails keep being dragged on, and what Richard Belzer was bringing up was the fact that the due diligence in terms of dealing with our war criminals has gotten to the point now, where "we the people" are taking it into our hands across the Planet. And there are many stories going on where enough is enough, and all day today Mike Papantonio, Stephanie Miller, Randi Rhodes, they've all just been laying out the various stories about how this fits in with the larger story, about Mother's children here, as I call it, who came originally from Niburu. In fact, Randi Rhodes today began her show reading from “Right Use of Will,” and talking about Pangaea, and then Lemuria, and then Atlantis, and how things fell from grace when we believed the lies that came from the dark Elohim. And oh my God, there's more. I pass the talking stick.


Tara: Well yeah, I just wanted to emphasize how amazing it is, and I just want to honor my Beloved, because the work he's been doing by talking to all the main media characters has made things move like lightning fire, and without the work that we do here that energy that inspires, that enlightens, that enlivens the conversation, and all the work that we're doing seeding these higher understandings around this Planet, without that, you might say that hundredth monkey principle, Rama's work would be impossible.

Now with it, I mean Rama has been able to touch these people where now they're talking about us, all of us, on the main media. Stephanie Miller is on current TV, and they're having these discussions about Tara and Rama, and all of the team here on Stephanie Miller's Show on current TV. “Honey Bunnies!” We have some more work to do. Roll up your sleeves. Ok, so then Mike Papantonio, he talked about the Hank Williams Jr. scene; and that he's got a crystal meth habit, and he's got an alcohol habit, and he's got problems with the IRS, and all of that, and he said it's time to think outside of the box. He complimented John Perkins, “Confessions of an Economic Hitman,” by taking David Icke and Harry..
Rama: Prince Harry.
Tara: Prince Harry, on an Ayahuasca Journey. And he said, yes David Icke had a near death experience, yet he had a Jaguar Woman come and visit him and pound on his chest and say it's not time for you to go, you've got to make some restitution, and you've got to clean up your act, and you've got to wake up the Light Workers. Because he was working for the Queen before now, and he wasn't telling the whole Truth. And he has now turned over a new leaf. All of this because of us, and I don't want anything to stop us now.


OK, so then Paul Ryan is Opus Dei, and he's been doing blood ritual sacrifice for at least fourteen, fifteen years now for the Vatican, and he's been being prepped that long for this moment, so that's the Vatican again. Yet the Vatican is getting more than a slap on the wrist, they're about ready to be landing in the World Court everybody. How you talk of war crimes, Mike Papantonio said you can't talk about it as if it's a casual conversation, and he said, you know, it's been now four years, and Obama signed an executive order when he first got sworn in, and Gitmo Bay is still open, and he said this, “I know it's not you, Obama, I know this is Hillary Rodham Clinton, and I'm here to call you out.” Time for a break, and he went to a commercial. I'm just saying these folks are doing what we have encouraged them to do, because they know they have back-up, they are getting in the face of the controllers, and saying, “I'm 'gonna tell the Truth. Come and get me. I'm not leaving, just come and get me.”


So another good news. I don't know whether we talked about this, but there is this new Light technology that will reduce one third of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. And these are light tubes where they don't have to make electricity any more. All they do is they use a set of mirrors. It attracts the light into the fiber optic magnetic tubes, and the tubes bring the light right into your home so you have all day, all night, whenever you want sunlight in your home, in your home, without making electricity. I just want you to “grock” what has just happened. That's just one of these fifty thousand technologies that are behind NESARA coming out, and they've already brought that out.


Now, another thing Japan came up with is they figured out how to contain the emissions when you coal mine, you know, being that China's doing massive coal mining and destroyed everything, but they have figured how to contain the emissions and ash, and turn them into what looks, appears like concrete blocks, and infuse bacteria into the concrete blocks and it's a water purifier, and it cleans all the water of all the “crap.” Excuse my language. I'm just saying here's Japan using their minds to think about some solutions for the moment. Then they also came up with this new train, which is surpassing all the other trains. It's just a hair's breadth from anti-gravity everybody, and I'm just so proud of this world and its people. I could talk a lot more, I just want to say that the work that's being done down at the ground level in all these varying stories;


Oh another really wonderful story I just 'gotta say the United States has got a special tuition for undocumented immigrants, workers, and it's $7,157. It's at a university in Colorado, and it's called Metro State, yeah. And, it's $8,000 lower than an out of state tuition for an undocumented immigrant. It's $3,000 higher than an in state student would pay. I just wanted to say that the university itself stuck its neck way out on a limb, and said we're going to do this, and they studied their brains out, all the laws, both state and federal, and felt they were firmly on ground, so even though the politicians came up against them they have a hard buck to push, because they've got the people behind them.


And the NHK News, the dispute over the islands that South Korea calls Dokdo, and the islands the Japanese call Takashima, they're going to put it in the World Court. They're 'gonna go before the World Court. OK, the King of Swords also said in terms of the World Court, and President Correa said it out of Ecuador, he said, “You guys over there in Britain you step one baby toe into our sovereign territory in the sanctuary where we've granted asylum to Julian Assange and every single embassy that you have on every country on Earth is going to be in jeopardy, and not only that, I'm going to land you in the World Court.” So you can see now that the World Court's becoming a focus, and that it's open for business.


And even though Barack Obama hasn't signed off on the ICJ [International Court of Justice] yet, he signed off on the ICC [International Criminal Court], and Neil Keenan who, he had pulled about a month and half ago the 135 trillion dollar Neil Keenan Federal lawsuit in New York against the banksters, he's almost ready with his thousands of trillions of dollars case, which is including all these other gold and precious metals that were found in Indonesia just in the last month and a half, and including maps of how to make Starships, and every kind of technology that we still haven't thought of. I'm just saying there's all kinds of stuff in there, and he's including all of that in his case.


So don't just think this is about money. This is about everything that they've hidden, because remember there's another Executive Order that Barack Obama signed; what did it say? It said we're rolling back every secret that the secret government has ever kept from anybody on Earth, and we're doing it right now, and that's our Galactic presence included. So I've been talking a lot.

Fran: That's the best news yet!
Tara: It is. We are going home everybody, and also there is another article, the United States has been commanded and demanded, to hand over every drone footage of every activity of drones in every country, and otherwise they're going to face the U.N. Inquiry Board, which will take them before the ICC and ICJ, and they'll go to court for that. And, that's all Hillary everybody, every bit of it. And Barack Obama did not kill Osama Bin Laden. Hillary killed the fake one, and Barack Obama's going to have a lot of, I'll just say, a lot of good vibrations coming his way, because this is happening now. And it's still tag, we're it. It's up to us. I pass the talking stick. I Love you all!

Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Sekhmet's Family Fun Teleconference, A & A Report by Tara and Rama, 8/21/12

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