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Ashtar: It's Time for Self-Forgiveness and Self-Clearing!!!

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference June 10, 2014

"Greetings, Beloved Family!  We are in such ecstatic Joy, first because you are here with us in close consciousness!  Make no mistake – we are here with you, always!  For so it is that we have passed into a level of consciousness on your part, that we have been invited to be permanently with you in our energy fields and this means that We Are One.  Truthfully, we have always been so.  It is simply that you have not been consciously aware of the Oneness of All Life in all of your lives, and all of your adventures and experiences that you have had on Planet Earth and elsewhere.

"Truth be known, most of you have come from elsewhere besides Planet Earth, but you have spent lifetimes here, working through one or more major, major, shall we say, programs which you yourself called upon yourself - called into yourselves to be a part of your Mission throughout your lives, and that is a part of the Homecoming!  Rising above whatever challenges, blockages, handicaps, disabilities and mental attitudes that are, shall we say, fear-based programming – what you came here to do.  So it’s time to get rid of whatever guilt you might be feeling, it’s time to get rid of whatever anger you might be feeling, it’s time to get over it!  Just get over it!  That sounds easy, does it not?

"Well, the more you find yourselves experiencing some anger, guilt or whatever is fear-based, the more it is coming up in your faces, is it not?  And this is the key!  This is the first step, and the reason it’s coming up more in your faces, so to speak, is because you’ve asked for it to do so, because you know in your Hearts that it’s time to let go!

"And so the easy part is to recognize it.  When you recognize it, it is so easy to say, 'Ho'Oponopono,' to stop and breathe in Love and send that throughout your Being.  Or whatever you might want to do to change the energies that are flowing through your Being. And your Being is so much more than what you might think it might be!  You look in the mirror, you see your physicality.  Some of you can see some of your bodies outside of your physical, in what you call your auras, your colors of your auras.  More and more of you are opening to do that.  Others of you are hearing, perhaps the connection that you have with your spiritual self, your Higher Self, Mother/Father God beyond, and all of the Lighted Realms, as we call them, you might call them the Heavens, the Higher Dimensions of Being.  Part of you is there -you know that - what you call your Higher Selves.  You’re already there - never have not been there!That’s your connection with your Divinity!

"So when you’re not feeling so Divine, you still are!  You always have been and you always will be!  It’s just that you came into the density of the physicality, and here you are.  Now you know the bells have sounded, the chimes have rung, and it is time for you to move up, up and into your Ascension State - your Ascended Status.  And so it is that you’re doing exactly that!  And so it is that you’ve invited us to make ourselves known to you in whatever manner you care to receive - in addition to your physical ears and your physical eyes when you come out at night and see our ships blinking and dancing for you.  It is all a part of this grand process that we are partnering with you in.  We are all engaged in this partnership of YOUR Ascensions!!!

"And there are many, many, many of you who are actually members of the Ashtar Command – we call you the Ground Crew.You have volunteered - with great enthusiasm - to enter into your physical bodies.  Now we know.  Master Tara* spoke of 'us old hippies.'  She was talking about her generation, and,many of you are from that generation - earlier or perhaps just a little later - but you still can remember the flower children.  They had quite an impact upon Planet Earth!

"The principles, the main principles, of course, were about Peace and Love and Freedom.  And those are principles upon which the Golden Age is founded.  We will add to that the Golden Rule, and that’s certainly appropriate for the Golden Age, is it not, which simply states that you are asked to treat others as you yourself would be treated!  And we’re taking that to the very Highest levels and speaking from the Office of the Christ which is, first of all, that YOU deserve to be treated with all Love, Respect and Honor, and it is that all living beings deserve the same!!!

"And so if you catch yourself having an angry moment or a moment of despair, or despondency, or depression, as we have said, it is that it is coming up in your face because you’re calling it forth!  It’s not to stay hidden any more in your energy fields.It’s to come right up so that your consciousness stops and pays attention to it.  So instead of being despairing and 'Oh, I must be falling apart – I’m going backwards, blah, blah, blah,' which is so easy to do in the World, is it not, it is for you to say, 'Oh, thank you!  Divine, marvelous me!  Thank you so much for showing me what it is that I have to do in this moment.It is for me to clear that out!'

"And however you choose to do that is up to you.  Some of you like to go into a deep meditation for minutes, or perhaps even an hour and others of you just simply from your Hearts, if you will say the 'Ho'Oponopono,' or 'I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, and thank you!' - or anything that you choose to say.'I am that I am.  I am Divine Being.  I am only Love and I have only Love to express' – whatever!  We’re just giving you some tips and hints, as our Beloved Mother Sekhmet calls them, so that you will, instead of being despondent or discouraged - so many 'd' words, you know - about something that you have just thought or said, you will just say, 'Oh!Thank you!I recognize this in myself!'And it is easier and easier to do these recognitions, and that is a huge key toward clearing yourself and when we say 'yourself,' we are talking about the totality of you.

"Now, your spiritual part of your Being is in compassionate observance of you, but you can clear this from your past, your present and in so doing, your future, your parallel and dimensional selves on the levels of dimensionality which are not all the way in the Higher Places - part way there, but not all the way - and from all of your bodies.

"You know, your physicality is a marvelous, marvelous creation no matter what kind of condition it’s in.  It is to be grateful, it is to Love yourself as you are in this moment.  When you do that, you raise your vibrations and from there you can create your next moment with your body.

"You can - by doing these simple exercises of self-forgiveness and self-clearing - you can clear a lot out of the past which lives upon your timeline, because your timeline is past, present, future all rolled into one, and if you do not have that perspective you will, when you get fully ascended.  But for now we ask that you take our word for it and when you clear something in your now moment, you can simply clear your past at the same time and thus clear your future!!!

"You can put intention - intentional intent - we call it, to do exactly that.  And while you’re at it, clear it out of your parallel and dimensional selves as well.  And when something starts and comes into your physical body, it is very well to clear your other bodies as well - in other words, the completeness of who you are, your totality!

"We will suggest that you work upon these simple, simple concepts between now and the next time that we have our togetherness, because remember, we’re never apart and we will also mention once more that you can call upon any one or all of us as individual entities or, simply, the whole of the One We All Are - the totality of all of us, yourselves included for specifics that you choose to accomplish!  We are not being specific here because we want to address all of you in this opportunity that we have together.

"Now!We also are advising you that it is absolutely appropriate to be in even more recognition of your Oneness with all living beings, including all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia.  There is really no separation between you and the fly that is buzzing around your room.  It is that you may not see the fly as a particularly useful or valued member of the Kingdom of the Living and the fly might have the same perception of you!  It is not that you need to embrace the fly or tell the fly, 'Oh, I’m so glad you’re here!'  It is for you to be a compassionate observer and say, 'Hello, fly!  Would you like to go back outside which is, after all, your natural place to be?' and open a door or window so that the fly can go out.  Where is the harm in that?  There is no harm but there is a great deal of good, because every time that you perform an act of Compassion for any member of any living kingdom, you are doing the same for yourself and all living beings!!!  Remember the Oneness?  That’s where it comes in.

"If you will take one step further, this is a rather famous quote from my Dear Brother, Yeshua Sananda, 'Inasmuch as ye have done it to the least of my brethren so also ye have done it to Me!'And when He said 'Me,' he meant all living beings, the Universe, Mother/Father God included.  Think about that!

"If you were that fly, would you want someone to step on you, or smash you, or would you like someone to open a door so that you can be released to live your life in Freedom for however long your life cycle is to last?  Think about that!  Again, we do not suggest that you welcome all the flies into your homes.  We simply say, 'Be in Oneness with all of Mother Gaia’s Kingdoms!'There is a reason and a purpose to every single member and we are not going to tell you that every single member of Mother Gaia’s kingdoms will be ascending.  There are decisions yet to be made.

"Mother Gaia’s consciousness is already ascended.  You know that.And yet she is here with us and has so much Love in her Heart for all members of all of her Kingdoms!  And she is here to honor and to thank you, Beloved Family, for the bonding, for the Compassion, for your Love, which you are already extending to her and by extension, to her Kingdom members!Just remember that she is not only in welcoming of your Love, and your honoring of her, and your efforts to help her with her healing - she actually is very desirous of having your full conscious partnership with her in whatever manner you choose to express it!!!

"Do not think of her as being out there, and you’re in here.  You Are All One!We Are All One, and together this Ascension really is happening!!!It will not be turned back.  If you as an individual wish to exercise your free will and not ascend, you do not have to do so, but Planet Earth is in Ascension status, and will not turn back, despite these last minute destructionswhich are going on - they’re just like little children stamping their feet in anger and frustration because they are not getting their way.

"You, Beloved Ones, have been so strong in your Love, and in sharing your Light, and in doing all of the wondrous expressions, thoughts, words and deeds that you do, that there is NO question about the success of Ascension!!!

"And so it is that we are in this together, and we honor you for inviting us to come, and to participate with you, and to intervene to the extent that we are intervening.,And we are working even now on the most grievous of the destructions which have been done to Mother and to all of her Kingdoms, including Humanity!

"And we assure you that we will be doing even more, as more and more people become fully aware in their Hearts and minds that we are here as partners in this Grand Mission of Ascension!And as a part of it - of course, just as I have been advising you to clean up your own expressions - a major part of this Mission of Ascension is to participate in the cleaning up of Mother Gaia.

"And so it is that we are - all of us, each in our own way unto the greatest extent possible!  And so we thank you for being partners with us and we thank you for coming to hear our message and we assure you that you are loved beyond any, any, any expressions in words that we could make!!!So just open your hearts to feel the Love, feel our partnering, and feel the Oneness in All Life!

"And so it is!  Salut!"


Transcription by Marta.
Given through Susan Leland, June 10, 2014. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
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