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Ashtar:White Hats Offered
Ashtar conducting an Exercise for the Heart on the February 10, 2009 teleconference:

"So let's just all breathe for a moment, shall we?  We have a little exercise to do, and then I, Ashtar, shall move aside and our honored guest speaker** shall move to the center.

"All righty, breathe! Take wondrous breaths and know that as you breathe out, you yourselves Beloved Ones, with your loving vibrations help to purify and cleanse the very air that surrounds you.  And if there are two or more in the same room or space, breathe Love toward each other - it gets very lovely that way, does it not?  And if you smell flowers, breathe the flowers' Love into your beings and then out again. If you hear grand music, breathe that in and breathe it out - sharing and caring. 

Now, we're going to go on a little journey ,so would everyone please move quickly if you can. You could perhaps fly to your space vehicles, your cars, your shuttlecraft, whatever you choose for yourself.  And if you haven't chosen it, take a moment and just picture it in front of you.  And then would you please take yourselves to be seated in your craft.   Now we are going to do what you on planet Earth call 'caravan' in our vehicles.  And we're using vehicles in order to accomplish in a moment a journey.  Now we are going to stay connected on this journey.

"Now we're going to ask you to set your craft down where you know that there is one or more beings in human costume, but nevertheless not true humans, who are wearing dark hats.  So your ultimate destination, Beloved Ones, is up to you, but where you go, we all go.  It's like one for all and all for one.  We're going everywhere, but we're going to our individual destinations.  Just pick a place, anywhere on planet Earth where you know there exists one or more dark hats who are perhaps in hiding right now, not wanting you to find them.  But you have in your craft a spotlight - a special crystalline one - and all you need to do is turn it on and shine it and you can easily locate one or more of these beings wearing the dark hats. 

"And so bring your craft to this place of landing and we're all there with you and you with us.  And yet we are all in a place where we see one or more wearing these dark hats because your crystalline light has shown them to you quite clearly.  Now you will notice that they cover their eyes, and if they happen to have a hole beside them, try to jump into it and try to close the cover.  But to no avail because they find that much to their dismay, they are almost enchanted by the crystal light.  It is so loving that they cannot move away from it - wonder of wonders -  and you thought these ones could never change. 

"Well just look at them.  well just look at them. Now they have fallen faces to be sure. You can see some of them perhaps even shaking and perhaps their hats are doing kind of a funny little wobbling on their heads, these black hats, these dark, dark hats.  And so as the crystalline light shines on them, you can speak to them, telepathically or otherwise, and you can simply assure them that you come in peace.  And for some strange reason they like the sound of that word 'peace'.  Wonder of wonders - you never thought you would see such a wondrous beginning of transformation but here it is before your eyes. 

"Now you speak to them words of Peace - you tell them the Age of Aquarius has begun and they don't have to play the dark-hat roles anymore.  They can get out of the dark-hat costumes at any time they choose. You are here to assist them if they choose.  You are not here to interfere in any way with what they choose to do.  You are simply here to facilitate and, by the way ,you have a lovely supply of white hats that you brought with you on your ship- they sparkle and gleam and have a crystalline glow, and if they like the crystal light that's shining on them, they might like to try on the white hat because it will feel wondrous and freeing to them, and they just might like that feeling. 

"And so you say to them: 'If you would like to try that white hat and take off your dark hat and set it down in this special place right here, you could try the white hat on, and if you do not enjoy the white hat, then by all means take it off and put your dark hat on and go your way.  But if you like the white hat, you can trade in your dark hat for all time and wear the white hat from now on. And we promise you you will never miss the dark hat.  And now - wonder of wonders - with big eyes wondering what this means - can I do this, what will happen to me, am I going to be as comfortable in the white hat after lifetimes of dark hats?  

"Remember this has been their life's mission and purpose this and many other lifetimes to wear the dark hats, and they've been doing a very good job in that role, and you are asking them to step out of their comfort zone that they have had and step into the joy, and yes, the comfort of the Age of Aquarius.But wonder of wonders - because you're not really sure whether they're going to accept your invitation,  they all come forward and one by one take off their dark hats, set them down on the ground and they leave them and come to you.  And there you are with your wonderful white hats, and as they come up you greet them as brothers and sisters.

"And you happen to have the perfect size for each one right there - you give them a hat to place upon their head - and perhaps you give them a greeting they have never enjoyed before.  They've never received this greeting before,  and so perhaps you would like to do so now and put your hands together and give them a bow and say to them 'Namaste - Indeed'.   And perhaps some of them will be crying with joy at the relief they feel when they put on the white hat, at the freedom, at the beginnings of feeling as though they are like you.  They are one with you, and now they can tell the truth of who they really are to the world, they don't have to do those old programs any more. 

"They don't have to wear those lizard costumes anymore.   They can let that little spark of light - because after all, they were created - they have that little spark - and now they can enjoy wearing the white hats and notice that as they do, that that spark grows.  And they can feel good if they are asked to go upon the stage and tell the things that they have done, because they now know their greatest Joy is in telling the Truth.  And in so doing they finally bid farewell to the program that kept them enslaved, even as they thought they were enslaving you. So thank you, Beloveds.  When the last one has come and the farewells have been given, stand in a circle with your new brothers and sisters of the white hats and allow them to honor you for bringing this great Joy, this welcome into the Age of Aquarius to them.

"They thought they would be on the outside forever and that the only pleasure they could ever find would be in disrupting your Joy.  And now their joy is you in the centre of circle - they are learning to beam love even as you beam them and greet them as brothers and sisters in the light.  And so breathe, and be joyful, and when you are ready, climb into your craft and come back into your own sacred space. 

"And know that it is you, Beloved Ones, who has created this movement toward the Light, this movement toward the crystal grid, this movement to be done forever with the dark hats and the programs they represent.  And it is you, Beloved Ones, who have assisted all of those who were ready to welcome the Love into their beings - the Love that has always been there for them that you have been holding in your own sacred space and now share freely with them as Lightworkers on mission in the Age of Aquarius.

Well done, Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Light!  Well done, Beloved Commanders!  Well done, Beloved Family!  And so it is, Salute!

** http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/jfkwelcomesaquarianage.html

© Susan Leland 2009.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.