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A&A Report July 10, 2012

A & A Report - Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - July 10, 2012

Rama: Greetings! Tara: Greetings! I just was thinking, this is the A & A Report, Lady Master Avantari, and Lord Ari: And I will pass to my Beloved for the moment.

Rama: What I could say is the events that are rapidly unfolding in our midst like Fran was saying about full disclosure, 'cause that is the biggest, greatest, story that's happening here with the Syrian Commander, and nineteen point five degrees . To this day they're still contesting. Was he born at 19.5 degrees, and it's kind of funny because, what's happening the way the media is going with the stories, and the rest of the World has picked up on this, is that the grand old, I'm just going to say it, pedophile party, is being exposed for who they are, and they're looking like clowns, and it's really sad, but this party of Lincoln has become a bunch of idiotic clowns.

Tara: Wait a minute; clowns are good, don't even do that.

Rama: Yeah, clowns are good, but the way Ed Schultz, Mike Papantonio are talking about this since we talked last two weeks or more, things have escalated even faster with the frequencies, the mass coronal ejections going on in our local Sun System, all of this lining up with Mother Sun at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, and what is coming in, and affecting us is this grand awakening to nine realms, and I'm speaking about this in terms of what is about to be revealed to the people of all the ancient legends and stories from all our various cultures.

And this story about Hyperborea is about to be laid out in Lavender for the people concerning how this encompasses the rest of the world. How this is coming into being right now, is there are various stories coming out, about the various legends that have to do with real fact. And part of this today on a show called Counterspin this morning, I heard, they began talking about these strange artifacts that have recently been found near the Dome of the Rock.

These artifacts change molecular shape and color. And these Jewish Priests have found them. And there's this huge dispute that they were found inside the Dome of the Rock, and there's this huge dispute right now concerning: "Is East Jerusalem where the Dome of the Rock, Palestinian Territory, or is it Israeli Territory?" And this has been going on since Ariel Sharon supposedly had a brain aneurism, and he's been on life support, but that's old, and I would just say that even today there is a dispute about the international borders concerning Palestine, where they want to discount the fact Palestine is...

Tara: West Gaza Strip, they appointed a judicial panel that determined that International Law does not say that that's Palestinian land, and they're making it that it's OK to have all the settlements, and then let's build some more, that that's Jewish land; this is very, very, ugly, and let's look for the silver lining. It's 'gonna bring up the fact that Israel did not declare borders in the first place, and there's a reason for that, because it's overlaid, and the whole thing is Palestinian land, yet, let's push it a little farther.

You know we're talking about now a one state solution, and besides that we're talking about getting to the place where, "Why are we even defining borders in the first place? Aren't we one human race?" Last night on the Tom Hartmann's Big Picture Show, one of the debaters said, "Why don't we just allow even undocumented immigrants to vote? What are we defining our voting thing about." And then Tom Hartmann brought it up today, that in our Constitution there is no affirmative right to vote. There is no affirmative right to vote. This goes back to the Founding Father's time when it was unresolved as to who should vote, because the Declaration of Independence indicated only white anglo men would be in charge, and we hadn't worked out that women's rights were equal at all, much less people of color. And we're really starting to question these things, and it looks a little bit like polarized thing, yet one may break through the polarization, and we go deeper.

We find out that we might be just lifting a lot of these things, because we're evolving to understanding levels, where all of our disputes in polarity are somewhat silly in a certain point. Because, the polar experiment has completed itself, and we're ascending to a unicorn, unity consciousness. And so these questions of borders, and who we are; in Syria Kofi Annan is making a great deal of headway, and he's working behind the scenes with Putin, and the opposition party tomorrow, I mean today they were speaking with Putin, and tomorrow the Syrian Council meets with Putin. And today Kofi Annan was in Iran discussing with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

And yesterday on Stephanie Miller they were saying, "We better re-evaluate who Hillary Clinton is, because she's looking like the fly in almost every ointment right now." And people aren't getting the news like we're hearing on RT TV Russian television, or Aljazeera, or Amy Goodman. And today there was a big breakthrough because Mike Papantonio and Ed from the Ed Show on their radio show this morning. They went deeper, and they went to the Neil Keenan/Lien Claimant as Settlor for Global Accounts $135 Trillian Dollar Court Case, and they said that he took that court case back, he took it off the board, because in Indonesia there are some gold, not some gold, gad-zillions of gold, and there's some even more important things they have found. That there are blueprints for building star ships. And there are other maps to, you might say, other dimensional realms that can be found in the etheric physical inside the Earth, as in the Agarthan Network.

Rama: As well as in our local galaxy, and this is what I speak about called the nine realms.

Tara: OK, and also Ed pushed it a little farther, and said we've always been targeting Iran for building nuclear weapons, and we said this the last time, and this is a big deal. Ed is representing, you might say, a faction two where it's transitioning into faction two, and he said, "I'm going push the envelope up and then tell you, what if you knew that Iran was building star ships?"

Rama: Right, and not nuclear bombs.

Tara: And, they were never ever building nuclear weapons. They built twelve nuclear weapons just to be in storage, to keep it there. On the inner circles everybody knows they have what they need to do the job, it only takes one. But, that hasn't been their interest. They have literally, not only star ships, all kinds of new technologies. And we have to remember, who are these people? These people are the ancient Persians. Don't you think they know about their archival stuff, and what they've been building, and bringing forward? We are about to see a great reversal everybody.

And just the fact that Ed brought all these things up, and he said, "What if I told you that there are star ships planting themselves right beside nuclear plants, and they're sending beams of energy into the plants, and we're discovering that they've neutralized the radiation, and the plants don't work anymore? What if I told you that's going on right now?" I mean this is huge!!!

I'm saying this is the A & A Report from Intergalactic Center of the New Jerusalem, on Earth as it is in Heaven, Santa Fe. I pass the talking stick.

Rama: Thank you.

Tara: Well I could say more. I'm just so excited - it's such - THE news!! I could complete a little more. Kofi Annan is of the Light. He's a great being. And last night on Cheryl Croci's call* we sent Archangelic Energy to help with the message that he's bringing. And tonight on the Rachel Meadow's Show, and also on the Elliot Spitzer Show, they were stating that [Basher] al-Assad is losing his grip in terms of his control, in terms of war games in Syria. And Richard Engle who came on Rachel Meadow last night, and he was doing reporting on CNN before when he was in Libya. But he was in North Syria. This is another breakthrough, because they have not allowed Aljazeera in there, they have not allowed any people of the news to be on the ground. He was on the ground with the opposition Syrian Forces. And they have taken back over thirty of the North Syrian cities. And they have the whole countryside. And there are thousands upon thousands of regular Syrian Army people that have defected. They're not telling the whole story And they're thousands upon thousands They're not telling the whole story, and so he got together, and he got this story. "You know it's still a war game in a certain way, yet they have been selling the Syrian arms to the opposition, so they have more of an equal place. They pretty much have their foot down, and they won't; the Syrian Army is losing ground, and the members of the army are more and more following suit, and defecting.

And one of his really high agents, intelligence agents defected, and he is being debriefed right now by the World Court. Lady Nada is about to step on the scene, along with Patrick Fitzgerald; and yesterday Tom the Ringtail Cat called Rama up, and he said, "We took another two billion out of Carl Rove's account." About three weeks ago they took two billion out the first time. And Carl Rove didn't know it when he was partying hearty in the Hamptons last night, and I'm sure he's whistling a different tune today. And they've been taking a lot of billions of dollars out of all of these big banks. And the tide of the 144,000 critical mass has not only been met, yet it's growing, it's growing, and, yeah, we're still in an upward climb.

We're going into Mercury retrograde, it starts next Sunday, and it doesn't really complete itself until the eighth of August. And the coast isn't really clear until the twelfth of August. Yet what is that about? It's about going, and revaluing things that we have looked into the past about. So this could not be a better time for really going deeper. And Tom Hartmann started something new yesterday, he called it "the bigger picture," instead of the big picture, and what he's saying, is they're getting much more into the depth of, we're not campaigning here, we're not playing partisan politics. We're getting back to our values. And to who are we, and are we not our brother's keeper. So we will be participating I'm sure, and what we do is changing everything. Because this is the level where that which they can get to do at that level comes about. I Love you all. I pass the talking stick.

* Cheryl Croci conducts teleconferences on Sundays and Mondays. The information is on the right-hand column on Tara & Rama's website: http://2013rainbowroundtable.ning.com/

Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference July 10, 2012.
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