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From The Bridge 3-08-2013

 Ashtar: Bulletin from The Bridge

 "Greetings, Beloved Ones! We shall be doing more to empower your Golden Age Lifestyles in a most significant way in our next Gathering!* Meanwhile, we are in advisement to you that, if you have not been engaging in the Crystal Exercises with Sekhmet,** or in some other uplifting practices, that you begin. For in truth, the March winds are blowing strong, and there are many who will literally be 'blown over,' and they will be most grateful for the help which you can give to them!
"It is the Sacred mission of the Ashtar Command - both those of us on the ships and you in the ground crew, to assist Planet Earth and all of the Kingdoms upon the path into the Golden Age and the Higher Dimensions. Obviously, the stronger you are, the more help you will be able to give. Thus we ask you to empower yourselves so as to help yourselves first. Then you will be that much more effective in uplifting yourselves and others!
"Our Mission has many components, or areas of concern which we must address. It is first and foremost to support you in initiating the changes which will free the entirety of Planet Earth from the various programs and institutions which have kept it in 3D. We do see that these changes have had many delays and sabotages to their accomplishment. But, because of your commitment to their joyful outcomes, we are now moving at 'warp speed'!!!
"We are infinitely thankful to you, Beloved Ones, for your dedication to both of the fundamental parts of this Mission: First, to lift yourselves up and out of the 3D atmospheric energies at every opportunity, and second, to bring the Higher Dimensional energies into what remains of 3D!!! Yes - you have created your Golden Age Visions and held the Light for them, even when the World around you seemed permeated by darkness and despair! Your radiance has inspired others to wake up and to dare to dream what you have decreed to be upon your timeline, and you have made it possible for us to partner with you to such a degree that we are now empowered to do whatever it takes to bring your dreams into reality!!! It is by proceeding with the grace of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude that you have enabled our partnership, and we are with you at every one of the final steps into the manifestation of the Golden Age Lifestyle for all on Planet Earth! Salut!"
* Tuesday, March 12, 2013, beginning at 6:15pm Pacific Daylight Time.
**Sekhmet's Crystal Exercises are recorded as part of the Ashtar calls and available at the bottom of the page here:
Given through Susan Leland, March 8, 2013. ©Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2013. All Rights Reserved.
© Ashtar on the Road Publications & Ashtar's Legacy 2004-2023.  All rights reserved.