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Illuminati Illuminated!
Ashtar addressing the June 16, 2009 teleconference-part1:
"Well, Good Evening!  Is everyone happy tonight?  We have much to discuss.  And perhaps we can sum it up; I caused a bit of a joke the Voice was giggling at a moment ago, so we'll try it out here in our Beloved Family's, in the audience of our Beloved Family.  This is in the form of a confirmation: 'The Illuminati are finally getting Illuminated!'  They're getting it.  They didn't think this was going to ever happen. 
"They were somewhat like in the movie, the Star Wars Movies, you know where the representatives of the dark, most specifically the one called Darth Vader himself thought, because he had been won over to the dark from the Light Path that he started out on, he thought that he could win everyone else over to the dark side, and it didn't work out that way.  He himself returned to the Light, to the Love, and he understood finally that the Force of Love was greater than any dark energy, any fear, any kinds of enslavements that he could possibly devise.
"Well, this is a grand representation, is it not, of what has taken place on Planet Earth?  Oh yes, George Lucas knew a lot, and there are others like Spielberg, who have received a great deal of information in the form of inspiration, and they have told stories that are most applicable to Planet Earth.
"Now of course the Illuminati gave themselves that name as a kind of an inside joke, because they really represented the darkest of the dark energies.  They have done so on Planet Earth for eons of time, and they didn't really believe.  We've told you before we've done a lot of visiting, most particularly St. Germain, but I, Ashtar have dropped in a time or two.  They will not be surprised to see my name in worldwide headlines.   Not that I'm looking for fame, but it's just because I AM who I AM, and I represent all of the Galactic Federations.    
"Anyway, the Illuminati didn't think that we could possibly bring in so much Light as to overturn their power.  After all they had all of these creatures, not the kinds that give you the warm fuzzies, but the kind that would just as soon incinerate you.  We have not spoken of these.  We have taken the high road.  We have spoken of Love and the other elements of the foundation: Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude.  Why?  Well, because there were those who are spreading fear, and we had no desire to give any support to the fears that powering of these beings and their presence on Planet Earth other than just in passing, would give.
"You see we have been coming through this particular Voice for what you call five years plus, and we have been building the energies of Love.  It is not that we have been untruthful.  We have simply told you time and again that the energy of Love has the empowerment for you to create your lives however you want them to be, and to bring Peace, Abundance, and all of the things that humans are so much in desire of having, not the least of which is Freedom, Freedom to be, and to express, and to do as you choose, so long as you do not bring harm to any others.
"We talk about the oneness of all of us, and the Illuminati have sat back and said, 'Ha, ha.'  Well guess what, it's your turn.  Beloved Ones!  Beloved Ones!  You have done it!  We could not be here doing these things without you.  These clearings that you have been reading about, and we so honor the Beloved Masters who have participated in this, those who walked the Planet in human body, and who have had their share, more than their share perhaps in the eyes of some, of the trials and tribulations of being in human body, in order to have the fullness of the Compassion, and the Forgiveness, and the Gratitude, which of course unconditional Love provides the atmosphere for.
"And so although we don't usually name names, we shall honor those.  We honor Mark, Tara and Rama, and Beth, Kauwila, [Terrance] and all of those who have participated in some manner in the clearings that you've been reading about,* and if you have not been reading about them catch up quickly.  What is noted now is the lightness of the Planet.  These dark energies, now they know they're gone. And this is the ultimate Freedom for each and every human to stand tall and be free.
"There are marvelous healers and facilitators of healing all over the Planet who have been working on these things for eons. But there were always those strong ones, who much like Darth Vader, had to go to the very end of the drama before they could finally be convinced in some manner or other to leave the Planet, and thus you beloved humans alone.  You will find in here many comments, because you have plateaued. Unless you choose to keep some unhappy dramas and events going in your lives, you don't have to do that anymore.
"Now we have told you through this Voice and others that there was a date, a time at which we would not allow these energies to continue their dark ways.  What we meant when we said there was a date was simply that when the sequence of events had flowed sequentially to coincide with the permissions, with the evolvements, with the attunements and alignments, the gratitudes and  forgivenesses that you Beloved Ones have been offering, consciously and unconsciously.  That was what you might call the drop-dead date for those who wanted to keep you in the dark.
"What has died here is their ability to have any kind of a hold over you.  So walk free, stand tall, sleep well and be encouraged.  You will find in the next few days as a matter of fact that you have more energy than you have been feeling recently.  The air will smell sweeter, the food will taste tastier, it will nourish and nurture you as never before.  You see these energies have been able to permeate everywhere, everywhere in everyone's energy fields.  And everyone has an energy field whether they are human, animal, crystal, plant or whatever.
"So when we say Monsanto is done, we mean it's done, and not only that, but whatever residues they have lying around are done.  Do you see how it works, it's all energy?  So enjoy your lives, Beloved Ones.  Continue with your Q-tipping.  Yes, everyone here has advanced from general scrubbing, down into Q-tipping.  Now that's a biggee, we shall review. 
"We have been suggesting that you cleanse and clear, do dendrite removals** or whatever other energetic and spiritual methods you have.  Nurture and nourish your physicalities.  Put your egos, well not exactly out to pasture, but that's as good as anything.  In other words let your egos know with great Love and affection they've done a fabulous job for you, but it's time for them to take a rest.
"Bring your inner child out to play.  Perhaps your inner child can make the ego crack a smile or two or dance a bit or whatever.  You see you're not destroying your ego or leaving it behind, you're simply allowing it to evolve with you. We have been giving this advice now for some time, along with our discussions about Forgiveness and Gratitude, Compassion and Love, and a little bit here and there to confirm that all of these wondrous things that you're reading about, well, they're true, so long as you know who to read, because there are disinformation jobs out there. 
"But it is going to be more and more difficult for the disinformation specialists to get anyone to believe them, because you see the need for fear is pretty much over. Now there are those who are starting to develop fears they never had as they recognize that the Light is shining upon them.  They have nowhere to hide. They cannot steal your money anymore.  They cannot enslave you.  They cannot force unhappiness, low-vibe situations upon you.  And they're starting to get it.
"How about those thirteen families, do you think that they're starting to understand that their day in the darkness is over, and they can come into the sunshine, or they can go someplace else and mull it over for a few centuries or whatever?  Exposure hurts these ones.  See, it's all very well and good for them to make gestures and speak in symbols, and have their gatherings, and laugh at how powerful they are, but they're starting to find out that they're not powerful, and they're having to accept this as Truth, and it's a very hurting situation for them, to have all of this turned on them.
"And they do not have their backups anymore.  They don't have their dragons. They don't have all of the witch doctor types, and so on and so on, and the evil conjurors and so on.  We aren't going to dwell on that.  They just aren't there to support them anymore.  The Annunaki have pulled out a long time ago with a treaty of Peace, a return to the Light. But there were renegades, and there were these other beings that you're just hearing about now. 
"Isn't it delightful that the first thing you're hearing about them is they're gone? That really was brilliant if we do say ourselves.  Here we are telling you, all you gotta do is Love, 'All you need is Love.'  That was a great one wasn't it, a fabulously, fabulously inspired musical contribution to the World. 'All you need is Love.'  So it really didn't make a lot of sense to fill you with fear about all of these beings who still had a little bit of time left to do their thing, but now it's done.  So there's the great news. 
"Confirmation, the World has turned a page, or shall we say had a page turned, and there were many, many more who were in support of these missions, higher dimensional beings as well as Beloved Family beings.  Every time that you think, or say 'Thank you' to these ones who are on the mission, you are participating, you are supporting and you are contributing to its success.  Every time that you beam your Love Light out to the World, the same thing.  You've been doing that, you've been preparing the way, and thus it was able to be accomplished."
Transcription thanks to Arnold Troeh: www.ashtarontheroad.com/arnoldspage.html

© Susan Leland 2009.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.