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Ashtar 2-22: Add Your Support

Also see * https://www.ashtarontheroad.com/solidarity_with_wisconsin.html

Ashtar addressing the February 22, 2010 teleconference:

"Well, Good Evening, and Greetings to all of you, Beloved Ones, and Good Morning if you're in that part of the World. We are so delighted that we are here together!And yes, you heard it. I AM wound up, or what did she say, 'wired!' I AM so full of passion and passionate expression, and why, is because we have been waiting for this moment, did you know that?  Well, we didn't tell you. We are very fond of sharing mission work with you, and things to do, and you are beautiful in your responses, and your coming together as One to work through the various ways to accomplish these missions, and then to put yourselves and your beautiful loving energies into their accomplishment.


"But what we have not said in public is that what we have been waiting to see is an outcry, an outpouring from the World itself, to bring about the conditions for bringing forth the NESARA Announcement itself, and this is what is known as 'taking it to the streets.' You've heard that expression before. This is such a visible demonstration to the entire Planet. You have had plenty of visions coming from the other side of the World with Egypt, and it is so appropriate that this ancient land of wisdom should be a leader in this 'taking to the streets' movement. And it is spreading throughout the Middle East.


"And yes, we know, and we honor those who are being attacked for merely raising their voices for Freedom. Now what is needed in Egypt is not quite the same as what is needed in the United States of America, but nevertheless it is the Freedom from the masters who have control. Who do you think has decreed that Africa should be a poor continent, while North America, and the United States and Canada should be relatively wealthy?  Who do you think it is that has slaughtered or decreed, or called for the slaughter of millions, and millions, and millions of people? Genocide has always been a major part of their program, and it continues, and it is blatant now. They've kept it covered up. They got so enamored of their own power and the control that they have that they are no longer bothering to keep it quiet. And it is this blatant, blatant show, that they're putting on. 


"Many of you know who these people are. You see them if you are watching MSNBC, if you are listening to the Thom Hartmann and Amy Goodman kinds of reporters, then you know when America takes to the streets then these ones will know it's over!  Now we are not talking about mobs; we are not talking about being out of control; and we are not talking about having the state troopers and so on, turn upon the people, because those are not the kinds of things that will happen in the United States of America, even though there may be some very unbalanced people in seats of power.  THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN! We will not allow it to happen.  Mass genocide is not going to happen in this country, in the State of Wisconsin or any of the other states, but what is needed to propel NESARA and the other Announcements forward, is for the people to rise up in Peace, Ho'oponopono, an attitude of Gratitude and Forgiveness.


"Stop for a moment and without buying into the lies that are being told on the Foxy Channel, just see the narrow, selfish, ego driven perspective, that that particular governor of Wisconsin has, and then see the minions among the ones who are supporting him in this effort to strip the people of their fundamental rights. Listen to the crazy one from Texas talking about having students on the campuses carrying guns - what a concept. Listen to the one called Boehner, who threatens to shut down the entire government.


"How many people in this audience are of an age where they are receiving their social security checks every month? Raise your hand. A lot of you. And this might feel like punishment, and this might be a cause to say, 'Wait a minute, I'm going to go into fear over this, because I have got to have my social security.'  Well, don't be too afraid of that. In fact don't go into fear about that at all.  Support what is right, and just, and true. Don't listen to the lies. And if they shut the government down for a few days, that will only hasten the NESARA coming, because there must be solutions. You have leaders backing Obama, even though it might not be real public right now, they are backing him, and they are doing everything they can to pave the way.


"Ron Paul wants to shut down the Federal Reserve, which is going to happen anyway. It already has, but not so as anyone knows. The power and control that the ones in charge of the Federal Reserve Bank is being curtailed. Quite frankly, they have quite a few worries about their own bank accounts right now. And then you have all of the ones who are in banks, and in the corporate positions of the CEO's, in the high levels, and it is those ones who are losing their grip.  Now these politicians think that they can still make these changes happen, they can still cause their cause to prevail. But let's look at this for a minute.  So what if the tax cuts extend to the wealthy, if there is no IRS anymore!  How about that?  So what if everyone has so much income and wealth, which is post NESARA, that no one will be starving, no one will be in danger of losing their shelter.  Everyone can be free from those kinds of fears, and that's what NESARA will do.


"The sooner it comes, the sooner everyone can breathe the precious air of Freedom, and take into their own energy fields the wondrous feeling that that gives, and the Peace, and the Joy, and the upliftment! So tell your neighbors, tell your community, this is all coming into balance, but the people must ordain this. This is sacred mission, Beloved Ones, this is sacred. This is fundamental, and this is what we are asking all of you to participate in, in one or more ways. Send those emails out to your own governor if you cannot go in person on this next, this day, this Saturday. Send emails to them. Send them letters. Call them and tell them that you support the wondrous Light Workers, the wondrous Beings in Wisconsin, because truly we are One, and whatever you do within your own state supports Wisconsin.


"We have asked fabulous Fran to get the email addresses* for those wonderful, wonderful, patriotic legislators, who are struggling even now with their walk-out, who are struggling to preserve the many gifts of Freedom which their State of Wisconsin has given to the entire United States of America.  Let them know that you stand with them! Let your voice be heard so that they know.  And by all means email that Governor Walker, if you so desire, and let him know that you stand with the protesters.  Do everything in a positive way, put it in a positive Light, and you might want to send him a lot of Ho'oponopono.  Maybe even he can come to the Light. If you so choose, go ahead and email the Republicans in that group. 


"We are not political here. We care not if a person wears the label of the donkey, or the elephant, or whatever.  These political parties are very short-lived, but let them work to show you who is on the side of the Light, and who is not And make no mistake, there are many donkeys who are still in the dark, and there are many elephants who have come to the Light.  So how do you know?  Do not discern between Republicans and Democrats.  See them all as beings who would benefit, shall we say, from hearing your voices.


"Be creative!  We shall put some suggestions on our website,*  and we shall welcome yours.  If you have Love to send, do so in your prayers, your meditations, and in your everyday thoughts. If you have a wand, use it to empower what you send out, or use your hands. Let them heat up with the heat, the Light of Love, and send it out to all who are involved. And send special greetings to those who are standing in the freezing cold, or who have been injured, or laid down their bodies so that the voice of Freedom might ring loud and clear across the entire Planet and the Universe beyond.


"This is what is needed, Beloved Ones, this Solidarity, this coming together as one.  It is to retain what freedoms there are in each part of the World, and it is to claim full freedoms as a birthright of all, every citizen of the world, every member of Mother Gaia's Kingdoms, and this is why we are telling you to get your own energies involved.  Now this of course is a request.  This is for those of you who volunteer.


"Raise your hands, Beloveds, if you volunteer to find some way to let your voice be heard.  Ah, thank you!  It is most beautiful indeed.  It matters not, even if you don't live in the United States of America - find a way to let your voices to be heard.  Stand in Solidarity with those in the State of Wisconsin, and with those who are beginning even now to assemble in the other states.  Do your own marching wherever you live.  And believe me, if you send an email or send a loving prayer, you are marching, and that is what we are saying when we say take to the streets. Make it public. Send it out on the airwaves in however many ways you are able to do!


"Now we will mention something. We would ask that everyone take a moment in your own place, in your own way, to send a 'Happy Birthday' greeting to the one called George Washington, who is the Father of this country.  And we will ask that you pause for a moment, and allow your vision to take you to a very cold, very snowy, wintry place, called Valley Forge.  Washington led a very ragged, bleeding, army of what was left of those who stood for Freedom.  And from there they obtained that Freedom for the United States of America, and became an inspiration to the World.


"France soon followed with its own revolution, and the principles and ideals that are found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, including that part which is not generally published at this time, but shall be made known.  These were the ones who, even though they were freezing, even though their feet were wrapped in rags and bleeding and frozen from the cold weather, they nevertheless carried within themselves the flame of Freedom, burning so bright that nothing could extinguish that flame.


"Now we have the World with eyes upon those in the countries of the Middle East and elsewhere.  That flame is being fanned into a huge fire.  And now the very people in this country are themselves on fire with their determination, and their Love, and their passion for Freedom.  So we stand with them!  Oh yes, we have special ways we can help them. We are there with them even as we are here with you, and we are lending our energies and assistance in ways which may not be well known, but nevertheless, are very much in harmony with them.


"We are honoring them in their determination, and we are telling them that they are prevailing, and that the Light of this flame that they carry is going World-wide. And it is for this great nation to finally come together in Oneness, in Joy, in Love. Uplift yourselves by opening your hearts to be with them, and you cannot feel any fear.  Whatever inconveniences or disruptions there are, and you all know that there are disruptions, will be very short lived. Believe me when I tell you, the World is on the Freedom Path, and the World shall have full Freedom for all, despite what the liars and the propagandists would have you believe.


"Look through them, Beloved Ones, look right through them, right into them and beyond, and understand that their controllers are dictating to them what to say. And they are aided and abetted by the greatest propaganda machine since Goebbels with Hitler, doing the work for Hitler, and that is Foxy News.  So if you want to write a letter to the FCC and suggest that Foxy News might be more conscientious about telling the Truth, that would be good as well!


"Be creative, open your hearts and listen to the inspirations that you get, and most of all, we ask that you send these messages out. We shall be sending messages, and we invite you to send them on. Even a simple email to ten, or twenty, or a hundred. Ask them to go to the website.*  We are putting Truths there.  We are putting suggestions and resources there, and we shall be adding them as they come in.  That is the most important message that I have for you tonight!!!


"There are many things going on behind the scenes, but it is all coming forward into the Light. If you have been thinking, well why don't the People do some re-calling [of legislators] - that has been addressed in the news.  If you are wondering, 'Well how are these courageous ones who have gone over the border from their state so they cannot be imprisoned in the chamber which would allow this heinous bill to be passed?'  Well that is being addressed. Check out the Daily KOS, and that's KOS as in K-O-S, and that's power, and that is Love.  Most of all, listen to the Truth-tellers, and you will find the Truth-tellers in your own guidance group as well.  Listen to them, Beloveds.


"Be raised up in Joy that this is happening. Reach out and feel the Love and the energies of the One we are and know that this truly is yet the finest hour for Planet Earth and the success is ours, yours, mine, ours, together as One.  Obama and the other leaders of courage are on the path with you.  Stay on it.  The path to Freedom is the path to NESARA, the path to the announcement of our presence, and is ultimately the Path to Ascension, and we're all here One, together! 


"Thank you, Beloved Ones, for allowing me to express the passion that I feel, and the Love that I feel for all of you for being here.  We are front line Lightworkers, all of us together.  We unite with the Lightworkers of the World, with the Truth-tellers, and with all the awakened hearts and minds, and we say, 'Come and join us!'  We're taking it to the streets with Honor, with Love, and with Peace, in full expression of who we are, and in calling forth all of the Love, and the Benefits, and the Joy, that Freedom has for us. And so it is! Salut!"

* https://www.ashtarontheroad.com/solidarity_with_wisconsin.html   

Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh

Given through Susan Leland, February 22, 2011 www.AshtarontheRoad.com © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2011.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted. 

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