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Tara & Rama 12 Mar 2013

Tara & Rama: Greetings!

Rama: To start with, I'll just say that the way the "whistle blowers" have been talking the last week, there are events unfolding across this Planet that are equal with the return of the Admiral, of course, Sananda Kumara. And this has everything to do with the fall of this fake church that does not represent the Office of the Christ across this local Universe. And we're witnessing the absolute collapse of this, and what I keep being told is, as this falls away, the next step is the cosmic religion, that we are all Creator Gods, and we're finding out just how real that is.


On the big story here, all the thirteen families know this is the time where the final collapse happens, and even though they're trying to run for their "hidy holes," no matter on the Planet, in the Planet, off the Planet, as it's being put! There are so many countries that are speaking about International War Crimes Tribunals prosecuting the people that did 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, all based on the lies.


And Mike Papantonio, to go to the present, was sitting in for Ed [Schultz] today, and he just tore into this "right wing fringe" that is going on, that that's very dangerous. And I'll just say to the latest news today on Al Sharpton's Show, he had on an Oregon State Senator, who was threatened by these hard core militia people, who were carrying automatic weapons. She wanted to have a town hall meeting; she was literally threatened. She called off the meeting. She got on the Ed Show, talked about this. I mean, this is how far things have gotten. I'm getting real serious here. Ed was great tonight, but Mike Papantonio talked with this lady that I speak about called Heidi [Heitcamp] and...


Tara: She's the lady that in 1993 for six years till 1999, she went and researched all the survivors of the Holocaust victims, and she paid those funds out, fourteen billion each. And that was necessary, because we never ended the war crimes of the Nuremburg Trials, and it's not ended yet, yet they paid at least out what was due to those from World War II. And of course since it's never ended, and again the Vatican is the first thing that has been at cause of over two billion people dying at their hands world-wide in the last hundred years. And make my words clear, it is the Vatican. And that is why no matter what's going on right now, there will be nothing done until they dismantle the Vatican.


And after that all other organized religions will be dismantled, because they are all beholden to that Vatican, no matter what it looks like. And that has to do with the hierarchy we call the Archons. The Vatican is run by the Archonic energy. This is why right now we need the Ashtar Command on the ground and off the ground, to be collaborative, and NESARA is key to that.


Tara: NESARA, you know, they say it's, you know, going back to the original Declaration of Independence. The original Declaration of Independence starts off with the rights of women. And that's what the Vatican violated. The Vatican violated and demoted Mother Sekhmet. That's what they did; they cut her out of the history. The Hebrews did it too. In the Hebrew religion they cut out five hundred and twenty years of the time critical in the history of Mother Sekhmet with Her incarnated in the Earth plane. She was there for three thousand years. The crux of that three thousand year period, and the mid point, was the part they cut out.


They defiled Mother Sekhmet, and that's the Creator of all that is. She is Mother God as that amazing priest that was excommunicated for saying, "I call God Mother." I think we reported on that the last time. And this is the most important thing, and I know that a lot of you have been hearing a lot about things, but every single government on Earth must ask permission from the Pope, the quote, unquote "Black Pope" which was merged with the "White Pope" in Ratzinger. And Ratzinger was voted in on four ballots, and they vote four ballots every single day, every single day. And that means he got voted in in one day. You know that was rigged, that was a hundred percent rigged. Remember that he was put in charge by his overlords.

Rama: The Archons!

Tara: The Archons of Pope John Paul the Second, and he gave Pope John Paul the Second that horrible disease, and then he ordered his death. They killed him. And, not that he was an angel, yet he did something good. In 1997 he met for the longest time in history with the King of Swords, and I'm 'gonna make this clear that's the seventh incarnation of Sananda Kumara, and the initiation for all of us of the Office of the Christ. And there's an update to that story, because Sananda Kumara now has been; the Office of the Christ has merged with the office of the Cosmic Christ, which is the energy of the Mahdi.


And we're approaching the seventh World, the sixth World, and the fifth World merging, and on the twenty eighth of this month we enter the age of the Sixth Sun. We've been in the Fifth World awhile. Actually the touching on of the Fifth World started back in Egypt. That's a long time, and as a matter of fact that's thirteen thousand years ago, where the dark priesthood decided they weren't 'gonna allow that energy to bubble up. And that's what's going on ever since. Thirteen thousand years of suppressing the Divine Feminine on every possible, imaginable level that you can imagine. Why do you suppose the Republicans in this last election pulled out of their hat all these ideas of how to suppress the rights of women in this country.

Rama: Yeah!

Tara: This is what NESARA is. It is the 'new Sara law.' Sara, who's Sara? Lady Di is the reincarnation of the first born daughter, the first born child, being a daughter of Sananda Kumara in the sixth initiation of his influence on the Planet, meaning Yeshu and Magdalene. And they created in the Biblical text that she was the whore of Babylon. This is all what was going on by Vatican expelling by heretical declaration in 325 AD at the Nicean Council, everything that was taught in the Nicean Council about, I mean at the time of the lifetime of Yeshu, called the Gnostic Teachings. The Gnostic teachings were the teachings of the Divine Feminine.

So this is what this is about, and make no mistake, this is what this is about, and we as the ones we have been waiting for are here to bring equality between Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. This is not Divine Feminine over the Masculine, neither way. This is bringing the equality back together again, and the power of creation in the body of a female is what has been defiled, and that has not been limited to the soul of just a certain group.

Everyone has had lifetimes as male and female; everyone. Some have them more and less, nonetheless, the balance is the way that the Law of nature and Nature's God works, and this must be adhered to now. So I don't know what else to say. I think that Rama, what else did you want to say? All of these other things are just like reactions, they are just horror stories.


Rama: Yeah, there's Bradley Manning on Democracy Now. Bradley Manning's testimony was finally heard, and his voice was heard for the first time in three years, where he testified and spoke about what he hasn't been able to speak about. Daniel Ellsberg, one of our brave whistle blowers spoke up, and just said, "You know, I mean, this man is innocent, he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, not to go to life in prison." And there is so much to this.


Mike Papantonio today said in the next little while on the Ring of Fire [Radio show] he's 'gonna bring Dr. Judy Wood on. Dr. Judy Wood is the physicist that talks about where did the towers go? They evaporated with the Hutchinson Effect on 9/11, where they used electromagnetic frequencies along with nukes to take the towers down from the space station. All these things are beginning to come out more and more of this, that has to do with why we're looking at right now where Paul Ryan is offering ridiculous myths that is nonsense. Excuse me, I mean, I don't mean to go there, but the stuff that is being described.


Mike Papantonio brought it up today; the folks that are tied in with some of these extreme, right wing sovereign militia groups that want to take the man and his family out, who sit in the White House. This is all coming from the NRA, and many groups that on the higher levels they know Mother [Sekhmet]'s here, they know we're all here, of all the trillions of different Worlds that have come and said. "Now is the time for Peace, now is the time for Love. Let's get 'er done." I pass the Talking Stick!


Tara: OK, I was just 'gonna say that today at Sandy Hook there was a bicycling group of twenty six of them, and they bicycled four hundred miles from Sandy Hook to Washington, D.C. And on the way they were joined by other bicyclers from the Virginia shooting, and right now Mike and Heidi said, Mike Papantonio, they said the Secret Service, the NSA, the good folks in here that are knowing how to get NESARA done, and the Secret Service, NSA, the CIA, the FBI, they're all looking into all these hard core right wing movements, so called sovereign militia forces.


And I want to go back to what Elizabeth Warren said about that last Saturday to Rama. She said when this is said and done, we will all have a brand new Constitution. The interpretation of the Constitution; Thomas Jefferson said it, "Every single generation as we evolve in consciousness, then we must include that evolution." How many generations have we had since 1776?


And the other thing that happened is that, and you've got to be very careful, and you've got to look at this. Mr. Brennan took his oath on a draft of the Constitution back in 1787. Guess what that does?  It eliminates the entire Bill of Rights! That was a very sneaky thing to do. And everybody remember Barack Obama is inside NESARA Law.

Rama: Nineteen point five degrees. Can't get any better than that.


Tara: And these characters that are being put in here; I'm 'gonna repeat it again. We have been told over and over again, when it's right, and it's right now, Barack Obama is going to clean house - the entire administration, the entirety of our Congress, the entirety of our Judicial Branch of Government, that have not been inside NESARA Law with their principles. They will be eliminated, and that will be done in a proper way. They will be arrested, prosecuted, convicted, and excuse me, but executed.


When all is said and done there will only be sixty-four good members of Congress left. And so everything that he is doing, he is exposing them as he's doing it. And by the way Bernie Sanders is 'gonna get up and filibuster tomorrow. I don't know for how long, but he's 'gonna filibuster to give every reason on Earth and in Heaven, for not cutting into the big three.


And remember Barack Obama's putting this stuff on the table so that that can happen. Remember we have lots of criminals in the Democratic party too. When you've only got sixty four members out of five hundred and thirty five left, that's a big deal. And then who said, about, you know, it's time to arrest our criminals called the NRA and all their lobbyists?

Rama: Oh, that was Heidi this morning.


Tara: Yes, and number one, Mr. LaPierre, I mean, this group single handedly with their humungous lobbyist group have kept gun laws in place, was that on, I can't remember, one of the shows tonight. They went back to 1968, and LBJ got up there in the Congress, and it was on Rachael [Maddow], that's right, and he said, you know he fingered the NRA and the lobbyist group, because he said, "We need guns licensed." He said that in 1968, and he fingered the NRA and their lobbyist group for not getting that done. And so everything that you see coming up that makes your stomach turn, please praise, respect, thank and Love, all these feelings, and keep your head in the clouds, and your feet on the ground. I think that's enough for now. I pass the Talking Stick! Love you everybody so much! Love everyone!


Fran: Thank you Tara and Rama, that's excellent! And you can find more of their information in several places - on their website www.2013RainbowRoundtable.ning.com and also they're on BBS Radio, I think three or four days a week. You can access that on your computer, and also there are archives of the transcripts of their calls. So there's extensive information if you want to do some research, if you haven't already. Also we have their reports transcribed, and they are on our website under Tara and Rama A & A Reports. So, there's lots of places you can find more information. Thank you!

Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh

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