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Tara & Rama 23 Apr 2013


Rama: Greetings!  Tara: Greetings all you Commanders, Eagles, and Angels. Oh, gosh! I got to talk to the King of Swords very briefly tonight. Rama: Yeah!


Tara: And just to let you all know, there isn't one single bit of Truth about the [Boston] bombings out there yet. Not one ounce; it's all covered up, and remember we said this before, I guess it's been awhile, but it was a black op, and they were four enhanced Navy Seals, meaning that they're not just human anymore. They've got ET DNA, they've got machine DNA, and they have human DNA, and they have reptilian DNA. And they can, and have been filmed, even in the crowd, walking down the street and literally walking into another dimension, and disappearing from the scene.


And the two boys, I mean, you know, anything between eighteen and thirty is very young. And all of these implications that they have only done something called self-radicalization is, you know, what a lovely term to cover up everything behind the story. And the Truth is that these kids were used as stool pigeons. 'Ya know, they were used to create a major distraction which is normally what they do all the time.


And I just wanted to pull something out. I don't think I said it last time; it's a couple of weeks ago already. Yet there's this story, and it's just a beautiful story that across this nation, the Agarthan Networks have opened up their Light Cities, and the homeless people are going underground. And there was this one particular man, he came from Cuba in his rickety sailboat, because he was a rapper, and he had in his songs in Cuba, he had some very particular words in his songs that the government didn't like, and they wanted to throw him in jail, and throw the keys away.


What he actually did is he took his rickety sailboat, and he made it to Virginia, Norfolk, Virginia, then he hitchhiked to New York City, and then he was able to go under into the Agarthan Network City underneath New York City. There was a series..

Rama: "Beauty and the Beast!"

Tara: It was called "Beauty and the Beast!" Linda Hamilton was in there, and I don't know, who was the Beast?

Rama: Ron Pearlman!


Tara: Ron Pearlman; he played Alceon the great Lion Person of the Agarthan City underneath. This is all real stuff; it's true. And these Agarthan Network Cities, they connect all the way to the Sun in the center of the Earth called the Tara, where the Sparticans live. And there was another cartoon series, it went for at least ten years.

Rama: It was called Sparticus!

Tara: Sparticus, and it was talking about all of these underground cities underneath; the Egyptian cities, the American cities, the South American cities, the Indian cities, the Chinese cities, and they were working together underground to, you know, defend the good and thwart the evil, and enlighten people, actually like an "I Spy" thing in cartoons; what an education. I'm just saying these things may be before a lot of our time, because, 'ya know, there's a lotta younger people on these calls now. I mean, we've got kids under thirty here, lots of 'em.


Anyway, so this man he went underneath the Light City, and he started to come back up. He got a healing, and he lives down there now, and he kept coming back up to the surface to bring more homeless people, and people who are hungry and sick, and bringing them down into the Light City, and they would be getting healed. And these people would come back to the surface, and they'd go to the clinics, and, you know, they'd already been diagnosed with some kind of...

Rama: Terminal illness!

Tara: Terminal illness , cancer, heart disease, kidney disease...

Rama: HIV Aids!

Tara: HIV Aids, and they were testing them, they were retesting them, and they could find no trace of the illness. And so this has been going on for quite a while now, and it's been going on all over the country. 'Ya know we've got people living underground in the water pipes, and all kinds of underground places. We've got hundreds of thousands of homeless people living underground, and they found their ways to the Light Cities, and this has been going on. I'm just saying, something's up in the zoo! These things have been going on to the least of our brothers to help right now.

Rama: Yeah!


Tara: So we've never not been taken care of. We have never not. The Desiderata is true, "I've been carrying you," said Jesus when that one foot print in the sand was his, and that's the point. OK, so we got to watch the movie Sirius, because our friend; a friend of ours paid the nine dollars and ninety nine cents, and you can do that, you can watch it, and the donation goes to further research in order to bring about the changes, and the necessary Truths out into the World. So there's no way that this isn't for a good purpose, and you can go and do that at www dot sirius, s-i-r-i-u-s, dot never ending light dot com

Rama: And it is worth it.

Tara: It is totally worth it. It's two hours, and it is just from the beginning to end; before I talk about that, I just wanted to say one more thing. On "Here and now today," that's WBAI out of New York. Rama go ahead and tell it.


Rama: There was this man who came on who, let's say he was, he didn't want to give his name, but he calls himself the Archangel of the Ancient of Ancient Trees, the Sequoias, the Redwoods, the trees that you drive through up in Yosemite, and stuff.

Tara: Or walk through...

Rama: Or walk through...

Tara: Remember these trees have human souls!

Rama: And these trees have been around since "the man with the plan" [Yeshua] walked on the Planet that long ago.

Tara: Longer than that;

Rama: Longer than that;

Tara: Six thousand plus years old, yes.

Rama: And, he's a billionaire. He made his money during the time Ross Perot made his money in the markets. And he heard the word from the man and said, "Take your money out of the system. Take it all out of the banks, and use it to help heal the Planet." So he listened to the forests, and that's what he did quietly behind the scenes. And he's got a team of volunteers that are scientists, genetic engineers, and they climb 300 feet to the top of these trees, and they pick the uppermost buds of the trees, like a basket, maybe like a corn basket full, a very small amount, then he takes them, and puts them in a special laboratory with Xenon gas, and other exotic gases and...

Tara: And a solution of liquid amino acids and minerals...

Rama: And hormones...

Tara: OK, and they sprout them, and then they start to grow them, and they grow a hundred times faster than the normal time it takes for these trees to grow. And what they're doing now is they're working on reversing the ageing process of the human being, by instead of, you know, the little seedlings of the trees, they're 'gonna transfer that technology to taking some of our DNA, and actually working with the same type of process to reverse our aging process a hundred times faster then we got here.

Rama: That's right!


Tara: That means all the ancestral lineages, and all of the memory codes of going down a road, which created the weakening of the species is 'gonna be completely reversed, and they already have the answer to this. I'm just saying, when Ashtar says, or Sananda says, or Mother Gaia says tonight, or Sekhmet, when they say the best is yet to come.

Rama: They mean it.

Tara: This is just a glimmer. And OK, so then regarding this piece of movie called "Sirius," oh my gosh the stuff that was covered. It started out with Eisenhower and, you know, his original statement was cut short, it was the full statement that he wrote when he wrote his speech was, "Beware of the Biomedical, Military, Industrial, Congressional, Congress. And don't miss any of the words, especially that word congressional, congressional conflicts.

Tara: Oh, and by the way let's put in our circle of support Richie Havens, because he left the Planet...

Rama: Yeah!

Tara: Yesterday at seventy-two, and I don't believe that he died a natural death. They said he died of a heart attack.

Rama: I don't think so.

Tara: We're just saying we don't have a conformation on that, but nevertheless this man did many things to help bring the stories of Freedom, and clearing up the stories that have not been told the Truth. So that's a great being that left the Planet.


OK, so one of the things that was said in here; I'm just 'gonna pick a few things out. He said that there's absolutely nothing to do with being worried about verifying that there are space ships. That's the last thing that they have to worry about. They said the biggest thing that they're worried about is that when you get down to the story, the real story, it's connecting magnetization, electricity, gravity, and propulsion, and linking all of these things together, and proving that we never needed to go into the petro dollar, or oil, or gas, or nuclear plants, never ever, ever, to get our energy, 'cause these connecting links developed the fact that we've always been free energy beings, and we have never been bound by gravity whatever, and that's a big story.


And then he talked about bolts of iron charged with Light of a thousand Suns, and that's talked about by David Wilcock in the film, but it's referring to that statement comes from a film, it's called "The Mahabarata."

Rama: That's right!

Tara: It was subtitled; it's a six hour film, and you should really watch that, that's an amazing Sanskrit film, but it talks about the whole story of flying boats from the Universe. They call them Vimanas. I mean, he covered so much. He has on his CSETI training team people that teach meditation, remote viewing, how to make contact, how to work with videography and take films, and the proper footage, on proper video cameras of the ships, and how to create night vision. Oh, I' m just saying the gifts of everybody is totally up. And then they talk about the Gulf Breeze sightings which were on March 14th 1992. And, I mean in order to work with this, they used Tibetan Bowl tones, to call in the ships, Solfeggio Scale tones, everything we've been learning. It's all in this movie.


And then they had this little six inch ET Being, and they verified, Dr. Gary P. Nolan from Stanford, head of the medical department, research development department there in science. He was one of the senior researchers that they literally took DNA, material DNA from the inside of the rib cage, and from the inside of the brain, and they have all this technology, but they proved that this little being is human.


He's got Human DNA. He's only six inches altogether. He's got a cranium that's from the third eye to the top of his crown is three times larger in relationship to the size of his body, in terms of his cranial cavity than humans, which is what was going on at the time of Akhenaton. They had a beehive shaped head, and he had it sort of like that, it wasn't quite as beehived in the back, but it was that large compared to the rest of the body which had all...

Rama: Crystal Skull!

Tara: The records and wisdom and knowledge of the Crystal Skull, right.

Tara: Crystal Skull, right! And that this little ET, they said they narrowed it down that he lived for about eight years, and he died somewhere within the last hundred years. This is such a huge breakthrough. This is huge, everybody. Oh, and I'll just go to the end here. I know I'm getting long here. I transcribed a few things from the end. Let's see.


Dr. Gary Nolan, he just said that in the process of proving this little being, you know, using the biogenetic coding, and all the technology, that they had to match two million paired combos of RNA-DNA, and they also had to go into what we call junk DNA, or non-recording RNA factors, to actually extract some realities from there.


All of the secrets of who we really are, are in the junk DNA. I mean, that's pretty stupendous when you come down to it, 'cause you know, we don't really, you know, the scientists of the day, and that's another thing he said that, the highest of intelligence at the highest rung of our intelligence agency, they are completely dumbed down. They are not informed. It has to do with higher consciousness. And this is why at the end, Steven Greer, he said, "The future is here, and we the people have to pay it forward. We the People have to pave the way for our leaders, because as the people will lead, the leaders will follow."


That the future is here, the technology is here, and as we come together as a people, and tell all we know as a people, that we are being visited, that this is just the very beginning of the reality of connecting ourselves with the extra-terrestrials, that we are them, and they are us. This can end this macro-economic slavery, because the Sun is here for a new civilization to work together without this type of slavery at all.


Dr. Nolan at the end he said that we are standing at the precipice of a new age. There is power in the many, yet only as we are acting in one beingness. That is when resonance occurs. Whether joining together as a responsible citizenry against the forces that are standing to divide us, or joining consciousness in unity consciousness, aligned with the beings who are prepared to communicate with us. In order to succeed in this endeavor in life, we must come together as one.


And Dr. Nolan continues to break down and analyze the non-matching DNA of the Atacoma Humanoid, and he is continuing his work, working towards publishing the aggregate results of his findings. Follow the research by going to www.siriusdisclosure.com


And Dr. Greer is continuing to lead his CSETI teams and his SIRIUS technology and research initiative, which is an open source think tank for scientists founded in Virginia, and all of the work that they're doing to move it forward, everything that you do, you can pre-order. It won't be available to you until June first, but you can pre-order now. And all this month for $9.99 you can get ahold of the movie, and you can play it for seventy-two hours, and share it. So we're going to try again. We want to see if we can get some blessings, and we're going try it again to get it for another seventy-two hours, and do it for the weekend so we could play it for everybody on our show on Saturday. So, that's our goal.


If somebody wants to help us that's again, it's nine ninety-nine for seventy two hours. And then I don't want you to forget and I just want to thank Cheryl because, you know, she found this piece, but you know it's so fabulous, and I know you must have it up on your website by now, sisters over there. But it's at aetherius.org HERE.   It's the article that talks about the magnetization periods, and there are four periods a year, and this huge massive spacecraft called Satellite Number Three orbits our Planet these four times a year.

And I just want you to know that Magnetic Light travels ten billion times faster than our speed of Light. This is the secret. How did they work with the trees to make them grow a hundred times faster? With this magnetic light, the same thing with reversing the aging process.

Rama: Right!

Tara: We can do this ourselves!

Rama: Yeah!

Tara: By using the spiritual energy that's available from The Satellite Number Three. It magnifies everything we do while we're here together in a group service. It magnifies everything we do right now in our thoughts, words and deeds, by three thousand times. Let's use this energy, this window right now. We've got a triple eclipse period. It's the most powerful time there is. And it's Buddha's birthday on Thursday, which is Thor's day. We learned that from our Mary Margaret sister. And Thor is another name for the Odin God, like Hercules, or...

Rama: Zeus is his Father!  And Hyperborea was a real city!


Tara: Yes!  Hyperborea was a whole big land and it was on the North Pole. And it was before we destroyed the great Crystal of Atlantis, so there were no ice caps, and those ice caps were created when we destroyed the Crystal of Atlantis. So it was seventy two degrees all year round; we lived in the Fifth Dimension in our Light Bodies, etheric physical, and we never needed any clothes. It was always perfect weather, and we have that memory in our consciousness of living in the garden. Let's bring it forward! I pass the Talking Stick! Namaste everybody!


Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh

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