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Tara&Rama Report 2-10-15
Rama: Greetings. 
Tara: Greetings, Everyone! I will just say, every cat in the whole universe that’s connected with reptilians is out of the bag.
Rama: Yes. Okay. What’s been going on in the last few days is that I got a call from Lady Master Nada and Heidi from the Bank of International Settlements. And they basically just said, it is entirely collapsing around us. It’s a whole other story. And it has to do with the fact that the market didn’t go up 193 points today.
Tara: It didn’t?
Rama: Well according to, you know, the DOW, it did. Yet, it is all fake. And what it is about is this money-printing story that has nothing to do with reality. And what they keep telling me and I believe right now, [is that] it is at this moment as the energies are pouring in from the center of the Milky Way galaxy it is raising everything and everybody’s frequency to the highest levels possible. This is including those ones with the wayward tails and the wayward scales. And it’s getting very uncomfortable for them because they’re basically out of time and out of luck. They’re not out of love. And in this moment, what I’m being told is that, you know, it is over. They are in their absolute death throws and they are lashing out at everyone, everything. And today I also spoke with Bob Costas on the Stephanie Miller Show. He is the sports reporter and he laid is out in lavender about Alex Jones and said, Alex Jones is a paid Jesuit shill for the extreme right wing to foster hate towards people of color and Islamic folks. All of this has to do with their overall agenda of creating a race war, and yet it is not possible. I pass the talking stick.
Tara: Oh wait, wait also in another article, Russia has exposed overhead aerial footage of 9/11 which is supposed to prove that 9/11 was an inside job.
Rama: Right.
Tara: And just like the Rothschilds funded both sides against the middle for our Civil War, as well as the War of Independence, from the very beginning this was a corporation of the 13 families. And now they’re having the Bushes be the front runners. But the front running Bushes are named - What’s their last names?
Rama: Scherf.
Tara:  Scherf, S-C-H-E-R-F and sometimes another F. And they had no money at all. They were funded by the Tyson’s and the Royal Dutch families. And they were put here as the front people, while behind the scenes manipulation going on was the 13 families. This is a global operation. All the Boko Haram’s- and what’s that other one in Africa?
Rama: Oh, Al-Shabaab.
Tara: Al Shabats, all the different terrorist organizations. I.S.I.L. is the latest. And by the way, nobody was killed by I.S.I.L.
Rama: Kayla Mueller was not killed.
Tara: Not just her, nobody. None of them. They’re all fake, every single one of them. They’re just another hopefully fear based trick to get the mindset to be geared towards World War 3. And the ultimatum was, you know- the Federal Reserve has been owned by something called the Vanguard Corporation. And it’s been owned by that since Reaganomics, Everybody. And so what they’ve been doing is they’ve been calling it by all different kinds of names, quantitative easing. That’s a lovely name. Ah, LIBOR..
Rama: Lie more.
Tara: Yeah, a function of lying more for setting ways to win more money in a fraudulent way across- Let’s go back on February 6th 2014 when the entire global economy collapsed to zero, and it was publicized on television on B.B.C..
Rama: Bloomberg news had it up there.
Tara: Yeah, it was on B.B.C. T.V. Bloomberg station. Yes.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: And the previous time when there was no real currency at all is back from October 1st to October 31st when Heidi from the Bank of International Settlements with a team of Faction 3 White Knights - in one month - zeroed out the entire Bank of International Settlements. What does that mean? That means that there’s no precious metals across the whole planet that were backing any of the currencies, zero, none. We have been playing ‘Monopoly’ with play money. Only the players have run out of games.
Rama: Right.
Tara: They are no longer capable of pulling the wool over the people. In the meantime, there’s been many, many people that have been moved to other planetary systems and star systems over the last years.
Rama: Right.
Tara: It started way back in early 1990’s to be honest.
Rama: Mhmm.
Tara: And also many, many walk-in’s, where people went to the point of dying and left their bodies and another soul came in and allowed the body to resuscitate. And there were light angels and dark angels that came.
Rama: That’s right.
Tara: The dark angels had an opportunity to come to the light by taking over certain folks, and to actually be given a chance to see if they could do a little more with that life. And this has been going on like I said since the early 1990’s very, very strongly. Also the dispensation was changed at this end time so that we only needed to reach 50% of our awakening for the ascension to be given to those who are willing to go at least to the 50%. Before that you had to at least reach 90%.
Rama: Mhmm.
Tara: Before that you had to do it 100%. And this is why we honor the Ascended Masters that have been here that we know, like a small handful, because they did it the 100% way.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: And that means that they have more responsibility to help others. So, again that is also why in many different lifetimes along the way of Ascended Master lifetimes, millions and millions of folks got to what they call ‘body hop,’ meaning that they actually experienced by literally walking into the experience of a living being that was living the life and actually getting a vibrational hit, you might say, of how that consciousness is geared to a single-pointedness of love and light and peace and joy. And this has been going for civilization after civilization after civilization. This is what we call tapping into the Akashic Records.
Rama: Mhmm.
Tara: And right now, for each Master soul, and there are millions of us here,  there’s 17 more of us with the identical soul. In other words, it’s multiplied in a way to reach  into different cultures in different areas. We’re going to get over this feeling of what we must be or not be and realize that the whole is the whole. As Swami Purna said, this is whole, that is whole. Take away whole from whole - whole still and yet remains whole. So non-violence begins with each soul..
Rama: That’s right.
Tara:..along every experience of every path that we’ve ever had. At the same time, before we finish the hard news - I mean, I’ll just say that Benjamin Fulford did a pretty good job of addressing what’s going on here. So don’t hesitate to read that last one, Zionazi Defeat Is Now Inevitable: The Pentagon to turn a blind eye as Russia, Iran, and Turkey take out Saudi Arabia. Very good show. And the Middle East, Ukraine, and Korea are going to get their boundaries’ redrawn. The Middle East because Britain decided to just draw boundaries in the 20’s after they decided that they were going to take that over as a colony, you know. France got Syria for instance, the United States messed with Iraq. And you know, everybody got their piece of the puzzle. Why?  Because the Middle East is like an oil mecca, and that’s over now. No more stuff like that.
Rama: We don’t need to use another drop of oil.
Tara: No, and the Vatican Bank is in default, everybody. Hip, hip horray.
Rama: Yep.
Tara: That is a very good, very good news. And our government has been funding both sides of the Ukraine operation. And there's an article out there that just says it’s time to face the truth that the Republicans are traitors, every single one of them.  And it’s just nice to see it in black and white.
Rama: And I just want to say, the King of Swords yesterday and Mr. X both just said ‘no nukes’ and they mean it. They’re playing this brinkmanship game that is very dangerous right now in the Ukraine. And at a certain point here Ms. Merkel is going to have to get up there with a very long face and tell the truth about her Father and how this story goes all the way back to these various societies that were contacting the beings from the Pleiadians and Sirians. But they weren’t exactly the good guys at that time.
Tara: No, it was the dark side of the Pleiadians and Sirians.
Rama: Right.
Tara: But the Ashtar Command from the Pleiadies did get intervention orders, you might say, in order to make this right, because we’re part of the Sirian constellation. Yet the Sirians are still having their own dark Sirians who are called the Satanians in the underground bases. The steering committee for the cabal is on the surface.
Rama: Right.
Tara: So everything’s coming all at once, and just remember that the biggest changes ever for 450 billion years are going on right here, and we all volunteered to show up.
We found out just a few days ago about an economy that was set up. It’s already got 1000 banks around the world and it’s all funded, billions of dollars in it. The founder had made 700 trillion dollars on the markets and the Bushes stole it. And I’m just sitting here, what’s wrong with this picture that one person was able to even make that amount of money? This is where we’re going to have to stretch. These guys have had hundreds of thousands of millions of trillions of fake money floating around so that they could create every black ops in the world. The nature of our being is peace.
Rama: Right.
Tara: And that’s it.
Rama: That’s why Saint Germain, let’s just say, he put his hat in the ring and said, Elizabeth Warren I’m going to help you out and Michelle Obama. And you know, that’s between you and me and the lamp post - that’s what I have heard.
Tara: Who’s going to help them out?
Rama: Saint Germain.
Tara: And so what does that mean?
Rama: That means that he’s richer then the Koch brothers.
Tara: There’s nothing that we all didn’t know that was true about that. All that we are saying is, let’s give peace a chance right now.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: I just wanted to explain this one piece and that is that operation is also to be dissolved, that economy that you know, that all happened like that, even though there’s great aspirations for creating healing chambers all around the world. We’re only doing this in unity conscious, N.E.S.A.R.A. Law.  That’s why the Dinars and the Dongs are dissolved too. That’s why everything else that’s been going on - and granted that we all have been doing our best to have something financial in our lives to support us, yet in the ultimate end of this as we move into N.E.S.A.R.A. Law all these moneys that have been put up for all these things all get dissolved. And then Saint Germain is in charge of this destiny because he’s the one that wrote the plans, the divine plans called the United States of Altia America of which he left unfinished. You know, he wrote this New Atlantis thesis as Sir Francis Bacon. It says, ‘I will be back and we will finish this together.’
Rama: He’s back.
Tara: He’s back and so are all of us. And let’s have faith in the divine wisdom of our beings as we move into the next step which is a world peace plan. And I just- will just suggest there is something called the messacenter.org. I will send it to Fran and Susan.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: It’s a road map for peace. Ah, some of the titles are new story creations, non-violent resistance, (which in Hindu or Sanskrit is satya graha - the time of peace), democracy and social justice, vibrant and need-based economy, climate protection, environment, person power in the center, all based on we are one under the sun. Peace and love. I pass the talking stick to all of you. Namaste.
Rama: Namaste.
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