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Tara&Rama Report 8-09-16
Tara and Rama: Greetings, Everyone.
Tara: Thank you and we are grateful that you can assist us as well. It’s a struggle at the moment.  And we want to put our brother Cam in this circle of support.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: He made his transition; and his beloved wife Connie, we should encircle her too with great love. He left yesterday morning, the morning of the 8-8 at around 3 o’clock in the morning. I think it was maybe 2:30 something. This time that was chosen is invariably quite awesome and we are getting confirmation that our brother Len is assisting him in his new life (laugh).
Rama: Yes.
Tara: So it is; we are all family, Everyone.
Tara: Okay, Lord Rama got quite a download here from our sister Rana Mu, our Wingmaker from 175 million years into the future living here now
Rama: This is a big story because it goes right into the email scandal of Hillary and the beyond cosmic clearance like Master Sergeant Bob Dean has talked about and it goes into the Secret Space Program and ET Corey and the other stories about the Sphere Alliance, the Blue Avians and the other Galactic Ambassadors that are right here in our midst.
Rama: You know Mr.19.5 degrees, you know, that’s what he does, it all gets exposed yet there is some clean up they have to be doing, and this is about the mass arrests. And the story i was told today goes all the way back to the stories about these 3 women that were contacted during the time of the Thule Society, the early beginnings of the Thule Society as the Draconians, the Pleiadians and the Annunaki played like they were light beings and contacted these beings of the Thule society and through these 3 women they downloaded the blueprints of the ancient Vimanas the the other ET craft. Then the Thule Society along with Heinrick  Himmler and all the other secret Nazi scientists built these craft along with the bell shaped generators that could travel backwards and forwards in time. 
Rama: Rana Mu shared a story with me. There is a Rear Admiral who is ready to bust open forever this entire story, and it takes all the branches of the government, from the armed services on, down because they are all tied in with the secret space programs and what has been going on since the time of Babylon. And Rana Mu also shared with me that the Rear Admiral knows all about the cryogenic chambers that have been found all across the planet with 12 foot tall-14 foot tall sleeping masters in them and all of these beings have purple skin, blue skin, some of them have green skin. My understanding, my comprehension of these beings is they are part of the Elohi. They did not fall, yet they were put in cryogenic chambers 40,000 years ago 20,000 years ago to be resurrected at this time to, let’s say, blow the whistle on the fallen Nephilim - the Annunaki that are here that have made secret pacts with the secret governments, and the ones that are not so clean and clear. Now all these things are coming forward and it’s got to do with the unacknowledged black budge operations that Dr Greer speaks about and that certain members of Congress know about, and yet as they find out about this stuff, they were basically told that if they wanted to come home for dinner tonight that they had better not talk about this. It’s that serious.
Rama: All of these things - the ‘Hairpiece’ talking about ‘be very afraid’ and pushing the fear factor, yet I would just say, like I keep being told, this has been contained. There will be no nuclear wars. Yet in the exposure of this story, it’s the ramifications that get so huge. Mr Putin has to kind of play the game he’s playing, Mr.Obama plays the game he’s playing, President Xi is playing the game he’s playing and it’s about full disclosure and first contact. And you know, how this gets played out I don’t know, but I do know that it is right in this moment right now. The fact that Rana Mu who works in the Energy Department of the country is telling me the Rear Admiral way up there in the ranks is sitting on this and sitting on pins and needles and Obama also knows this Rear Admiral, it is such a joker, an ace up the sleeve, that it take all kinds of things into the realm of
Tara: Meaning the joker a wild card.
Rama: That’s right! It’s already been told by so many different beings across the planet that, rest assured, nuclear war is cancelled but what they are playing with is this very dangerous brinkmanship game with conventional weapons and lying absolutely every single day ad infinitem, about the drones, about Obama, about Trump, about Hillary and it is so convoluted, but it is about the fact that they are being exposed and taken down.
Tara: Obama is the good guy in that bunch.
Rama: That’s right, and he has to walk that razor’s edge and it brings in at this time, these uplifting energies that are coming in from the highest dimensions that are contacting this planet, that are so filled with love that, as Patty Cota Robles has said, ‘Our time is now!’ I pass the talking stick.
Tara: Well, let’s see. We have to kind of fill in a few spots here with that story. Rama was saying that Rana Mu told him that this Rear Admiral told this connecting story between the beings from the Draconian star system, the Andromedan star system and the Pleiadian star systems – star beings from these 3 star systems. They contacted early members of the Vrill Society and they downloaded into these 3 Vrill Society’s women’s brains with the detailed blueprints of how to build early-style Pleadian ships.
Rama: They played like light beings, yet they were not of the office of the Christ.
Tara : Yes that’s an old trick. (laughs) and bell shaped ships to travel backwards and forwards in time and this was an ongoing scenario where they were gaining information, intergalactic information between World War 2 and now and they used this knowledge to advance their secret space program. And ET Corey extricated himself somewhat from the dark ones in that space program so that he could start talking to light workers about it.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: This is how come we know some things here.  This ties in with the ancient Annunaki and other ET races that have been coming here since time immemorial, since, you know, 65 million years ago was when it all started.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: This Rear Admiral, he is ready to come forward to speak about the cryogenic chambers with these 12 support teams, these tall ancient ones. How many are there? 
Rama: There are thousands of these beings scattered all across the planet that are waking up right now.
Tara: So are they going to be acting as advisors?
Rama: Yes, the Wise Councils of Elders.
Tara: Oh, that’s interesting. So there’s no sneaky way of getting in here. They are already here.
Okay, and the 13 families, of course, are a bit uneasy, so you are seeing some very erratic behavior and the information is starting to overflow. There is an article here where they are not only exposing Donald Trump but they are exposing the collaboration of Donald Trump as an Archon and Hilary Clinton as a big neo-liberal too, under cover, and they are using this [cover], just like the ET’s have been using it, acting like they are helping yet also on the other end, the instigators of trouble and attempting to keep us in polarity and opposing each other.
Tara: Love is all there is, folks. The actualization of our freedom fully formed is upon us.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: So it’s really important that we maintain a steady hand. The Vrill Society wanted to take the wisdom of the advanced societies and manipulate and control humanity with it.  And we are here to be saved in the nick of time, you might say, from our own selves, and to know the difference between going against our best interests and assisting humanity to wake up. And Rana Mu said this could break at any time. Obama, the Rear Admiral, he is ready to expose so many numerous black budget operations that these dark ones have been planning for all of us against our own best interests. Along with the Rear Admiral and President Obama, Edward Snowden is very pointedly involved, along with other whistle blowers who are enjoined with the whole project. 
Tara: This is really great, because we are always told that it would have to come from us. There is another article that is pretty strong from Julian Assange which has just come out too. He is pointing to Hillary Clinton and what’s going to be the impetus of her arrest now. "The Reagan Administration officials helped to secure the release of several United States hostages and then take the proceeds from the arms sales to Iran to fund the Contras in Nicaragua. Sound familiar? In Obama’s second term, Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State authorized the shipment of American-made arms to Qatar, a country beholden to the Muslim Brotherhood and friendly to the Libyan rebels, in an effort to topple the Libyan Gaddafi Government and then ship those arms to Syria in order to arm Al Qaida and topple Assad in Syria." So Hillary "Clinton took the lead role in organizing the so called Friends of Syria aka Al Qaida/ISIL to back the CIA-led insurgency for regime change in Syria. Under oath Hillary Clinton denied she knew about the weapons shipments during the public testimony in 2013 after Benghazi terrorists attacks were exposed. In an interview with Democracy Now. Wikileaks’ Julian Assange is now stating that 1700 emails contained in the Clinton cache directly connected Hillary to Libya and to Syria and directly to Al Qaida and to ISIL."
Tara: So we are getting the Councilors coming awake to help us through this. Hillary, you might say, is the leader of the band, and yet there is a half a million.  Did Rana Mu say that there would be some forcefields to get these all rounded up?
Rama: She didn’t go into that, no.
Tara: We’ve been told that before. So love is the key. Let us keep our heads in the clouds and our feet on the ground. This is a lot coming together and we are the ones to help this be anchored. So the not-so-nice plots are being exposed in the midst of the intergalactic federation overlighting it all. Full disclosure is where all of this leads. Big hugs. Namaste. Sat Nam.
We pass this talking stick back to you, Fran and Susan.
Transcribed by Arun. Edited by Fran.
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