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Tara and Rama A & A Report, 11/27/12

Tara and Rama: Greetings all you Commanders, Eagles, and Angels. Let's just start with the first point. On December third there is a major alignment. Rama: Galactic alignment.

Tara: Yeah, and that could be why you're saying you just plain don't know when the next call is, because between then and the twenty-fifth. Rama: Or twenty-first.

Tara: Excuse me, twenty-first, right; Rama got to have a good talk with Natasha, connected with the King [KOS] here, and she said that we just may have a little Galactic experience, or a big one, and it's got Mercury, Venus, and Saturn aligned with the three pyramids on the Giza Plateau.*

Rama: This also aligns up with the three Stars of Orion, the three pyramids in Cydonia on Mars.


Tara: And this alignment will occur for the first time in two thousand seven hundred and thirty seven years, and it's a real ringer of an alignment. In short, were the pyramids built in the past to reveal the message about this alignment now? Could this alignment reveal the true purpose of the great pyramids? This alignment occurs eighteen days before the twenty-first of December. Six, plus six, plus six, as in 6-6-6, gets eclipse... Six threes are eighteen, and tomorrow's eclipse is talking about eclipsing the six, six, six, too. Could this be coming as a warning, or a sign, of the end of the World as we know it, meaning the illuminati, meaning these characters, thirteen thousand years of this ending?


Rama: As we are moving from 3D into 5D, and what I've been hearing about this, is that this is the time where everything is going to be coming up in this final moment, as you could say, Mother [Sekhmet]'s yawning is spreading across the entire expanse of the Milky Way Galaxy. And what I understand about that is, there is this bubble that is growing, and it's expanding, and it goes across the entire expanse of the dark riff, and it's also been called "the nexus." Tara: Right!


Rama: And when you're enveloped in that frequency it's like being wrapped up in such Joy, that it is just in this moment now, no other moment. And in the last little while, I have been meeting all kinds of folks, that are coming out of the woods and the woodwork, and the stories that have everything to do with this Galactic Alignment, the twenty-first of December, this lunar eclipse in the last little while.


This friend of mine I've known for, let's say, since the eighties, when I lived in Taos, we call him "Crazy Steve," because he; to make a long story short, he got busted for three plants up in Taos. They foreclosed on his home. He spent six months in jail, and then he got out. And let's say this guy's an inter-galactic trader, wizard, fool, and he lives in an urban cave, as he likes to call it, and he's traveled all around the world. He has fourth century coins from Rome that are worth, you know, like maybe four million dollars, and he just holds on to them. He showed me this device in the last five days that is the equivalent of the golden compass, like an alethiometer** that shows coming events. And he introduced me to a friend of his.


And to make a long story short, Crazy Steve has been in New Mexico, I don't know how long, but I met him in the eighties when all this happened. And, he's kind of a wild 'dude, because he lives on the fringe of society in Santa Fe, but yet when he needs money, he can show up out of nowhere, and produce what he needs to pay the rent for his space, and do what he needs to sell a few things. In the course of the time he has traveled the sewer system all the way up to Los Alamos. And six levels below Los Alamos, there's a portal, like a window there, you can look into, and it's six levels below Los Alamos, and you see ET people working alongside humans.


To make a long story even shorter, I met this man, I will call him a god man, yet his name is Nicodemus, and he's a four foot rat and just stepped into the story. We call him Master Nicodemus, because he has studied Lao Tzu, all the sacred texts, and what happened was, him, along with maybe four hundred rats, they were given injections of radiation: plutonium, strontium 90, tritium. It morphed and transmuted their DNA. They began to become intelligent, and let's say they woke up consciously.


Nicodemus told me when he became conscious after three months of these injections, he looked at the sign on his cage, and it said "to open cage lift latch," and he just walked out, and then helped the rest of the animals in there get out. And since then, they have been going around the Planet working with the other Kingdoms to awaken all the other beings that let's say, have been messed with by these thirteen families. And Nicodemus just shared with me, as we approach this Galactic Alignment and everything, we are going to see these magnificent changes. And I pass the Talking Stick!


Tara: Well, I was just 'gonna say that this is where things are speeding up more than ever before, because behind the scenes, starting on Monday, on Stephanie Miller's Show, first thing in the morning, Stephanie Miller said that Barack Obama had stopped supporting Netanyahu, and the same morning, the second most powerful man in Israel, the Secretary of Defense Ehud Barak, said, "I quit politics." Now this isolates Netanyahu. Both his people don't like him, and the United States People, even the Jewish People in the United Sates, they do not relish what Netanyahu is doing. Well, yes, we all know! That he's, well he's in cahoots with the Nazi philosophy, and both he and Hitler, they call themselves the Ashkenazi Jews. That is a cover name.


They're not Jews, they're Khazars, and when you go back in the history of Atlantis, at that time in the same area where the Khazars came from, from the Caucuses Mountain Range, there is a group called the Scythians. And, that's who were the energetics of, you might say, the DNA that came in from the Orion Wars. And that goes back to the time of Ramtha. And Ramtha's Mother was a Lemurian, and at that time the racism was against the Lemurian population versus the Atlantean population. And just short of the hair of a chinny chin chin, he nearly won the war then. And it's a very interesting point in time.


We've had that happen a number of times. Thom Hartmann brought up another, in a different time frame, yet it was at the time of Harry Truman becoming the Vice President, and then took over as President when they basically killed FDR. They gave him the polio in the first place, but in 1944 they wanted him to drop the nuclear bomb, and he refused. And there was another man that almost won the Vice Presidency seat, and this man was, I'm sorry I don't remember his name***


...yet he would have changed the whole historical time-line. We wouldn't have had to go through any of this. He was an organic farmer. He was changing the whole lay of the land back to community living out of this consciousness that he had. And the powers that be from Atlantis, and also into Egypt from thirteen thousand years ago, literally eclipsed that happening. Yet we know that we're all one, so again there is also an element of that which we call the Light, that had some judgments, either on themselves or others. And on the Pleiadians' side of things, it's always been the Light is better than the dark. And Mother always says, "I AM the Light and the dark Mother." So it's about this big word. It's called balance, B-A-L-A-N-C-E.


Tara: And the name of balance in terms of Mother's future self in the World is Lady Master Maat, and the age after this Age of Enlightenment is called the Age of Maat. And, so when we're designing the stepping stones for enlightenment in the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment, the first thing you've 'gotta do is know what you're heading towards. So our goal is to bring about balance, then the Age of Maat, where equality, equanimity, speaking Truth to power, and standing your ground in a good way, is the order of the day.


And we couldn't be in a better place. You know what was on Monday, when Mercury went direct, and we've been sitting here holding our breath? Yet, we can let that go now. December's astrology is just perfect. It goes so deep. It's just like the depths of spiritual awakening can be attained with ease. And Mercury, now direct, and then on the thirteenth of December, the day after our twentieth wedding anniversary, Uranus goes direct. We are clear sailing from that point on, and expect miracles. I pass the Talking Stick.


Tara: Oh, I want to tell you one more thing, one more thing is that Barack Obama, he has a third flank on Netanyahu, and this party called the Likud Party. You know he was talking day and night to Netanyahu when he was attacking Gaza, and evidently they didn't quite come to any square-a-deal, and so what he did is he ordered up our troops, US Troops, and they're in Egypt on the border of Israel, and they are absolutely ready to do anything to stop any kind of World War III ideas that these little characters in the Middle East think they're up to. Pass the Talking Stick!


Tara: One more thing, I forgot one more thing, that is that I just wanted to make sure, I don't know if we mentioned this, because I think it happened the day after or two, that we met the last time. Barack Obama, on the fifteenth of November, signed the United States onto the spaceship program with Dr.Keshe.****


That's the fourth flank. That means that we have this memory stick, and it has all of the Ashtar Command's abilities on there with our help here, to stop all bullets, all nukes, all missiles, anything that's based in war. All right, now I'm done!


Fran: Alright! That's excellent. I'm glad you brought that up. I do have that link**** up on our High-Vibe Changes page, and those are some other pages you might check out. I keep adding to them, and you can send me anything you want to suggest that might be put up there: ashtarwebmaster@msn.com . So with that we will have our Galactic Anthem,***** and then Ashtar will be coming in.


* For a full discussion of this alignment see:
** A device called the Golden Compass in the book by that name which tells the truth when asked questions.
*** Henry A. Wallace (October 7, 1888 - November 18, 1965) was the 33rd Vice President of the United States in Roosevelt's 3rd term (1941-1945). In Roosevelt's 4th term, Harry Truman, as his Vice President, subsequently became President.
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
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