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Merlin: "You Are
Divine Alchemists!"
Ashtar On The Road  Teleconference 
March 10, 2015

"Greetings, Beloved Alchemists!  Yes, Alchemists!  Alchemists cause change, create change, require change in seemingly impossible circumstances and situations.Turning base metal into gold is simply one example of alchemy.

"There is a much more powerful alchemical transformation in progress upon Planet Earth.  And, of course, I am speaking of the Ascension process itself.  So what is this if not an alchemical transformation?  Energetically, it is about transforming the old energies, the dark energies, the unloving energies, the unkind, hateful, mean and even warlike energies into the Higher Dimensional, Higher Vibrational energies of Love, and all that springs from Love.  Alchemy, after all, heals with energy and energetic transformations – interdimensional transformations.  So the Ascension process is very much an alchemical one!

"Now you know - you have heard in this Gathering* even - indications that these process are occurring.  Changes are everywhere!  Transformations are everywhere!The low vibrational, third dimensional customs, programs, and attitudes -as are manifested in society, in your financial institutions, in your corporations, in your governments, your religions, and so on - are changing.  New leaders are coming into place in all of these areas, indeed, in all areas of life upon Planet Earth!  Old wisdoms are being reunited with. And there are more and more who want to hear about the ancient times.

"For instance, an era with which I am well acquainted is that of Camelot.  And even as the dark ones were plotting and scheming to take over the Planet, there was that code - that code of honor, that code which has survived down through the eons - although it has been dimly lit at times and in various places upon the Planet - darkened, if you will, by those who not only did not live by it, but did not want others to live by it, lest they might rise up and reclaim control over themselves, reclaim their divinities.

"Yes, you are all Divine Beings in human bodies!!!  You have all suffered.  And you have all rejoiced throughout your various lifetimes upon Planet Earth!  And it is your humanity, your very humanness, which is undergoing transformation of the most loving kind!  For as individuals, you are all Lightworkers.  What does that mean?'Bringers of the Light' is what I am saying -putting the Light upon any darkness that you might find, whether it be among yourselves or outside of your own energy fields, but nevertheless, able to be observed by you.

"It is an alchemical process to transform your perspective from that of the third dimension with the 'Oh, well, that’s just how it is,' kind of attitude – 'nothing I can do, I can’t fight the system'  to the Higher, Divine Attitude which is, 'I can make a difference!I am Divine!I am unlimited! I am of Mother/Father God and  I have the same Love energy in me, and yes, I can use that energy to accomplish all of the changes, the transformations, that are required for Planet Earth to move up in its total vibration, to move up into the Golden Age and beyond into Ascension!!!'  It is to say, to express, in every way, your Divinity, your empowerment, and to understand that, yes, you are the very Alchemists of this transformation!

"And now, looking within your own selves, what is happening?You are seeing situations, events, relationships in a new Light, a Higher Vibrational Light that is a Higher Perspective.You are transforming your very selves!  If you have a thought, or a word, or do some kind of an action that is less than loving, you catch yourselves right away, do you not?  That is a part of the transformation which you are undergoing, Beloved Alchemists!  It is not just your bodies which are preparing for Ascension, moving into Higher Vibrations, becoming crystalline - talk about an alchemical process there!  It is the entirety of yourselves, your minds, your feelings, your spiritual aspects, your connections with your Higher Dimensional selves!!!  And in bringing yourselves up Higher in your Vibrations, what are you doing except radiating the energies of Love to all upon Planet Earth?Here again, you are participants in the alchemical transformations of the entirety of Planet Earth and the Universe beyond!

"So do not underestimate your empowerments.  You are every bit the Alchemists as much as I, Merlin!  And truth be known, many of you in other lifetimes have been recognized as such.Magicians, creators of miracles, is what I call you.  Yes, there is a certain magical energy in transformations - particularly, just when you thought they could not be done!  But it is alchemical magic, these miracles!  And they are occurring because you are literally ordaining them.You have done so long ago and far away, as you measure time, and NOW is the moment!!!

"So shine forth!  Continue to provide the LovePower for the transformations, and know that we stand together.  And that those of us who come from the Realms of Light are totally, completely in Oneness with you!  It is a synergistic blend of our energies of Love, and all that comes from Love, which is the catalyst for these transformations.  And it will continue uninterrupted as you move yourselves up and out of 3D permanently, and to the High Levels of the Fourth Dimension and the Fifth Dimension and beyond!  You have set it in motion and it will not stop, but rather it has a life, or an empowerment, if you will, that you have given to it which is infinite, ongoing and eternal!!!

"So congratulations to you, Beloved Ones!  You are the Alchemists who are making it all come true.  You are the creators of the greatest miracles ever, ever, ever upon Planet Earth - below, on and above - and we honor you!!!  And we thank you and we bless you for your perseverance, your dedication and your success! And so it is.  Namaste!"

*3-10-15 Messages from Ashtar and Tara & Rama
Transcription by Marta.
Given through Susan Leland, March 10, 2015. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
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