Ashtar: Bulletin from The Bridge - June 6, 2013
"Greetings, Beloved Family! As we observe the events unfolding on Planet Earth, we assure you that the heaviest of the tribulations are ending, and a whole new timeline is coming into place for those of you who are committed to your further Ascension progress! This includes all who are not yet consciously aware of this commitment, but who nevertheless are here to participate in this momentous undertaking!
"And so it is with great Joy that we invite you to our next Gathering of our Ashtar Family, which shall be on this coming Tuesday.* After hearing from Masters Tara and Rama,** we shall journey to my ship, The New Jerusalem, where we shall enjoy our meeting as the Company of One We Are. It shall be my honor to discuss this particular aspect of the Golden Age Lifestyle into which you all are entering, and we shall be joined by a special guest speaker, Beloved Kuan Yin!
"Finally, we shall journey together to Sekhmet's crystal ship, there to join together in a close Communion Exercise. This shall be to empower not only our Oneness, but also that of the entirety of the Kingdoms of Planet Earth!!! Thanks and Blessings to you for attending this high vibe Gathering, for it is a most essential part of our Mission to empower this feeling - and absolute knowing -so as to energize the Compassion in every Heart, which is essential to the Golden Age! We shall see you on The Bridge! Namaste and Salut!"
* Our next Ashtar On The Road Teleconference will be on Tuesday, June 11, 2013.
** A&A Reports
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